vol. 12 núm. 2 (2016)


Recent Items

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Socio-emotional development of children of same-sex parents: achievements and future lines of research

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Muñoz-Martínez, Amanda M.

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    The influence of parents’s sexual orientation in children development has brought special attention in recent years. Research that has explored the effect of family structure in children socio-emotional development have not identified significant differences between offspring of heterosexual- and lesbian-parent whereas interpersonal and social factors have shown a close relation with respect to children social performance. Although outcomes in this field are promising, they remain not conclusive. The majority of the studies have been conducted using crosssectional designs, samples from non-representative population, measurements focused on psychological difficulties, so forth. General conclusions about socio- emotional development of children of same sex parents are presented, as well as methodological recommendations for future research in this area.
  • Effects of prenatal cocaine administration on emotional behavior in mice
    In order to study the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure (0, 25 or 50 mg/kg/day), on the emotional behavior of young and adult mice of both sexes, 27 CD1 pregnant female mice were assigned to one of three experimental conditions: a control group was given saline solution, a first experimental group that was given 25 mg/kg/day of cocaine and another experimental group with 50 mg/kg/day of cocaine, all between gestational days 8-21. Emotional behavior was evaluated in the offspring (both males and females) of the females at five and seven weeks of age, via the hole board followed by the plus maze with different rates of exploratory activity. Data were analyzed with MANOVAS and ANOVAS with and α of 0.05. Prenatal Cocaine Exposure (PCE) altered dose-related emotional behavior; subjects with PCE of 50 mg/kg/day exhibited more anxiety and fear, in contrast to the 25 mg/kg/day group that explored more and showed greater high-risk behaviors, which are features of impulsivity and hyperactivity. The effects found were maintained over time, so it is concluded that PCE permanently and significantly perturbed emotion.
  • Discursive orders about recurrence of teenager offenders

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Sánchez Agudelo, Paula Vanessa

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    This papers presents the results of research carried out between 2013 and 2014 on the discursive orders around second offenses of juvenile offenders in the city of Manizales. Theoretically, the research is based on certain approaches by Michel Foucault on the discursive order, a notion that refers to the set of historically determined anonymous rules that are imposed on subjects who speak and define their speech at a specific time and space. Epistemologically, this study was based on a constructionist perspective that addresses social phenomena as relational situations supported by speeches; never individual, but collective. The use of discourse analysis in this qualitative study resulted in the following emerging categories: discourses about family, about the system of criminal responsibility for teenagers, and about juvenile offenders. A common denominator was dominant discourses of deficit based on a “lack of” and that do not enhance generative aspects in people and situations.
  • Mobilizing identities and reconfiguration patterns of partner violence and intervention teams

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Galeano Amaya, Adriana; Jaimes Rueda, Fredy; Palacio Medina, Laura

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    This article aims to present the results of a research-intervention project called “Dialogical Practices that mobilize identity narratives and ecologically reconfigure patterns of partner violence”. This research project is grounded in a complex constructionist, constructivist, systemic perspective, with the goal of understanding the ecological construction of violence patterns in couples and the mobilization of identity discourses from the emergence of generative narratives in actions of change that ecologically reconfigure that pattern, both in couples and in intervention teams. To conduct the study, psychotherapeutic and counselling interventions were performed with two couples and their interdisciplinary Family Commission teams. They attended the Psychological Support Services IPS at the Santo Tomas University. In order to conduct this intervention-research process, we used a second order reflective contextual and phenomenological research methodology, which acknowledges that the protagonists’ versions are recognized and legitimized as part of the constructions they made from their life stories. As a result, we present new understandings and forms of intervention against violence, which is not only observed in the couple, but addressed in the different macro-contexts it interacts with. Alternative, transdisciplinary and solidary conceptions of violence are thus generated, that allow for a mobilization and transformation of violent patterns in a ludic of love that, in turn, creates new opportunities for relationships within the couples, towards rekindling the relationship and transforming intervention macro-contexts.
  • Influence of religion in decision making about sexuality in practicing catholic students
    This qualitative phenomenological research aimed to understand the influence of religion in decision making about sexuality in practicing Catholic students. The selected sample consisted of eight men and women, four men who had already started their sexual life and four that had not. In-depth interviews were analyzed using Atlas.ti. Motivations for not starting having sex were associated with love for God and not converting their relations into a sexual act, while those who had started their sexual life had motivations associated with exploration and spiritual maturity. Participants who had not started their sex lives were against artificial contraception and perceived them as elements that promoted only sexual satisfaction. Religion seemed to influence the motivations of students to start having sex.
  • Gender stereotypes of college students in northern Mexico
    The purpose of this study was to analyze the beliefs about social gender assessments in a college student population, in order to know the changes that these beliefs undergo. A sample of 1.921 students of both sexes of two public universities in northern Mexico, located in the cities of Hermosillo, Sonora and Saltillo, Coahuila, completed a scale of gender stereotyped beliefs. Five dimensions were explored: Femininity / masculinity, maternity / paternity roles, sexuality, skills and abilities, and expressions of emotion / aggression. The results indicate greater attachment to traditional positions in men and in Engineering students. In general, all students irrespective of semester have the same gender biases. It is recommended that the gender perspective be transversalised in higher education institutions through awareness and training programs.
  • Understanding psychosocial perspectives in Colombia

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Aya Angarita, Sandra Liliana; Laverde Gallego, Diana

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    This article, derived from the study “Psychosocial Perspectives in Colombia” presents a research process whose main objective was to understand the psychosocial perspective in Colombia by examining experiences (addressed situations, participating actors and definitions of psychosocial), theoretical landmarks (epistemological, disciplinary and methodological), challenges and opportunities for such experiences in the Colombian context. This was a qualitative design with a hermeneutic perspective, which implemented semi-structured interviews in eight organizations and using network mapping (reviewing data derived from reports of “psychosocial” available on web pages). The main results establish that psychosocial experiences, which aim to create wellness and self-organization in affected populations, are framed in crisis and vulnerability contexts, and especially in scenarios of political violence. Although the theoretical frameworks are not clearly identified, these are reflected in the forms of interventional action; the importance of recognizing transdisciplinariety to generate holistic understandings of social phenomena. Some achievements of the perspective include the mobilization of relational dynamics both within the organization and within the community, and amongst the challenges we found confronting speeches and monitoring of psychosocial action. The main conclusion is that the psychosocial perspective in Colombia is part of intervention process that tries to transform crisis situations.
  • Mediation role of the Colombian national police in the pos-conflict scenario: a satd study of the discourse of experts

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Ramírez Salgado, Giovana Marcela; Céspedes Prieto, Nubia Edith

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    The results of this research are based on a theoretical review of recent national and international studies of the actions of security forces in post-conflict scenarios; in this study we also conducted a series of interviews with academics and experts in the Colombian political, economic and cultural fields. The product of these interviews was analysed using SATD (Statistical Analysis of Textual Data) with the SPAD software. With a quantitative and descriptive look, the use of this strategy helped generate knowledge about the “new roles” that must be assumed by the National Police of Colombia for the period after the Peace Accords, as a strategy for reconciliation of conflicting sectors and different social groups. Emerging dynamics of transformation or political, economic and socio-cultural changes are then made visible, that the national police must assimilate and implement in context.
  • Mobilized citizenship: motives, emotions and context

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Vilas, Xiana; Alzate, Mónica; Sabucedo, José Manuel

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    Recently, many mobilisations have emerged all around the world and their impact on social change has been noteworthy. In this paper we shall review the evolution of the latest models of collective action in order to better understand current challenges in the field of political protest. Scholars have suggested that identity, grievances, efficacy, and anger are the relevant motives for prompting action. Nonetheless, there is still some room for improvement. In addition to previous variables, there is enough argumentation to include others which have been overlooked by the hegemony of instrumental logic; we are talking about moral obligation and positive emotions. There is a deontological logic in collective protest that can explain why individuals do not simply participate to obtain some kind of benefit; they may also feel morally obligated to do so. Moreover, positive emotions, such as hope, pride or optimism, can reinforce motivation. Another important aspect is the role of context. The specific characteristics of the political and the mobilising context may differently activate some motives or others. All these new contributions question the hegemony of the instrumental logic and demand an update of the theoretical approaches. The authors discuss the implications for theory and future research on collective action.