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- 20 years of Diversitas: contributing to the consolidation of the discipline
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Aguilar Bustamante, María Constanza; Aguilar Bustamante, María Constanza
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2024-04-08
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-09-11
Celebrating 20 years of Diversitas: Perspectives in Psychology is a significant milestone for this biannual scientific journal, which has been published since 2005. Over these two decades, Diversitas has demonstrated a remarkable capacity for adaptation in the face of multiple challenges, including changes in the measurement systems of Colombia's National System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SNCTI), international evaluations, institutional governance, and digital platforms. When an academic community decides to commit to a serial publication, it assumes a strategic commitment to the production of knowledge. This commitment involves the responsibility of regularly giving visibility to its products: research, conceptual developments, reviews, interviews, essays, and more. The production and communication of knowledge is a complex activity that requires careful planning of medium- and long-term activities: searching for information, organizing it, formulating and solving problems, designing procedures, selecting and analyzing information to draw conclusions, and generating discussions that propose new ideas. The mission of the journal is embodied in the tradition of the Faculty of Psychology and the Universidad Santo Tomás. Diversitas has aimed to be, and has succeeded in being, a platform for reflection and discussion, committed to the plural expression and paradigmatic diversity of our discipline, seeking to embed itself in the national and international context. - 40 years of the Faculty of Psychology and 15 years of Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología. Quality in training, research and communication for Colombia and Latin America
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Aguilar Bustamante, María Constanza
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2019-01-01
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
This year, the Faculty of Psychology at Saint Thomas University will be four decades old. Four decades training psychologists at many different levels and specialties. Throughout this time, the Faculty has undergone transformations and has been distinguished with high quality certifications in Colombia.The assessments that led to those distinctions cover pertinence, flexibility, integrality, interdisciplinariety, transversality and internationalisation. Hence, it is clear that those principles have led the activities of the Faculty through its institutional educational model and a continuous process of self assessment.This educational model and its associated training process has been guided by a Thomasian humanist perspective, with a pluri-paradigmatic scope. The undergraduate degree has incorporated APA’s standards and therefore has training in research, psychobiological bases of behaviour, development, cognition, sociocultural contexts, individual differences and the many applications of Psychology.Our training model is integral and humanistic, emphasises shared responsibility, a pluriparadigmatic and multi-professional view, and a marked understanding of families within an inter- and transciplinary framework led by significant learning and problem-based pedagogy.It is under that perspective that our Psychology degree has advanced and that our postgraduate programmes have developed: our master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, which has pioneered clinical training with a systemic core; our master’s degree in Legal Psychology, along with a specialisation programme; and a doctoral programme.Evidently, this road travelled by the Faculty and Diversitas shows consistency and pertinence, but above all, it points to new directions and routes towards excellence.Diversitas has been a part of this history of education, production of knowledge, and along the way has become a channel characterised by prestige and visibility, operating institutionally, nationally and regionally. After 15 years, we have shown consistent growth in editorial quality, content quality, visibility and communication. We have a strategic plan and an improvement schedule that we hope will ensure sustained quality in the long term. From Diversitas by the world. - Abused children: legal framework and forensic psychology
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Hernández M., Gerardo A.; Tapias S., Ángela C.
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-06-21
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
The following documentary, pedagogical paper, is addressed to professionals who work with abused children. It introduces the reader to the current legal framework and presents the institutions in charge of protecting and attending abused children, besides the psychological forensic assessment instruments. The contribution of the Legal Psychology to proof psychological damage is presented. Finally, it is proposed to appeal to less punitive alternative mechanisms, specifically to the mechanisms of the restorative justice. - El acceso abierto y los cambios en las políticas de democratización de acceso al conocimiento
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Aguilar Bustamante, María Constanza
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-01-01
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
En los últimos días hemos visto intensos debates sobre el acceso abierto debido a declaraciones, en muchas ocasiones sin fundamento, por esta razón es necesario que destaquemos la traducción al español del libro de Suber (2015) editado por la UAEM que ha sido la entidad casa y soporte del sistema Redalyc que hoy cuenta con más de mil revistas en acceso abierto de Iberoamérica. Banerjee, Babini y López en el primer capítulo del libro destacan que lo que está en juego ante las múltiples discusiones del acceso abierto es la democratización del acceso al conocimiento en Iberoamérica y como este es la “mejor opción para un desarrollo democrático, participativo e incluyente para la actualización del conocimiento”; en primer lugar porque elimina los costes para los usuarios y rompe la perversa dinámica que generan las publicaciones de pago en las que un investigador realiza una proyecto con fondos de su institución o su país y luego no puede acceder al conocimiento publicado pues no puede pagar por la publicación donde este conocimiento fue financiado de origen y, por tanto, la tasa de retorno de acceso al conocimiento no se da fácilmente pues las comunidades de origen no pueden acceder a este conocimiento y tampoco permite enriquecer a sus comunidades, con lo que suele incrementar la brecha de conocimiento, la inequidad y las asimetrías entre las comunidades de investigadores y profesionales.Es claro hoy más que nunca que la inequidad y la fragilidad de nuestras democracias depende de un conjunto de variables asociadas a la información, el conocimiento y la educación. Es evidente que sociedades sin educación no pueden fortalecer las democracias y todos los estudios muestran como sin esta no es posible disminuir la violencia y la corrupción; por esta razón debemos contribuir a democratizar el acceso al conocimiento por medio del apoyo a las iniciativas regionales de acceso abierto como Redalyc y Scielo.Por otro lado, debemos dejar en claro que estos dos sistemas de información tienen políticas de evaluación de las revistas a sus repositorios y entre las que evalúa es que estas presenten declaraciones de evaluación de pares como requisito para el ingreso a las mismas. Esto es, no se puede confundir acceso abierto con mala calidad, los sistemas mencionados han sido impulsores del mejoramiento continuo de las revistas.Por último, el acceso abierto no implica el desprecio de las métricas de medición de las revistas esta actitud reflejada en algunas declaraciones hechas recientemente no traen sino confusión y reflejan un profundo desconocimiento de las dinámicas de medición de la comunicación y la circulación de conocimiento las cuales promueven que la tasa de retorno mínima de los esfuerzos económicos de nuestras instituciones por poner en acceso abierto el conocimiento terminen siendo invisibles e incentiven prácticas de no uso del conocimiento expresado en descargas, colaboraciones y citaciones. En este punto toda Iberoamérica tiene mucho camino por recorrer y estas declaraciones que rechazan las mediciones solo contribuyen a invisibilizarnos y a sepultar el conocimiento que producimos en la región y los esfuerzos de acceso abierto. - Acculturative Orientations and Ethnic-racial Prejudice Toward Haitian Immigrants in Southern BrazilACCULTURATIVE ORIENTATIONS AND ETHNIC-RACIAL PREJUDICE TOWARD HAITIAN IMMIGRANTS IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Weber, João Luís Almeida; Gil, Pedro Henrique Conte; Brunnet, Alice Einloft; Koller, Silvia Helena; Pizzinato, Adolfo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-01-15
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
This study aimed to identify acculturative orientations of a Brazilian host community from a small countryside city toward Haitian immigrants and investigate which factors, related to racial prejudice, quality of life, and sociodemographic characteristics, were associated to the adopted acculturative orientations. 88 host community members were interviewed and the results indicated that the most adopted acculturative orientation are individualism and integration. Higher quality of life and lesser racial prejudice is related to the acculturative orientations of individualism and integration, whereas lower perceived quality of life and greater racial prejudice is related to the acculturative orientation segregation and exclusionism. The results show the importance of a migratory policy that follows the integrative model, informing the population about the theme and focusing on actions that can tackle racial prejudice, which is the leading sphere related to acculturative orientations that exclude Haitian immigrants from society. - Actitudes protectoras relacionadas con la seguridad vial en conductores de Villavicencio (Colombia)
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Castro Molinares, Suly Patricia; Ruiz Pérez, José Ignacio
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-10-26
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
The aim of this paper was to know the protective road safety attitudes level in drivers from a Colombian city. According to this, a 18 item scale was used, measuring driving risk and safety behaviors, and emotions. Sample was non-randomized, with 1018 car, bus, motorcycle, taxi, van or trucks drivers. Results showed a high internal reliability of scale, and a factor structure with four dimensions. Also, male, people with low educational level or in union, and taxi and van/trucks drivers showed highest levels ofdriving risk attitudes and speeding. Anger level was higher for divorced people. - Adaptation and Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the BAS-3 Socialization Battery to Adolescents Sample from Tucumán (Argentina)
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Lacunza, Ana Betina; Caballero, Silvina Valeria; Contini, Evangelina Norma
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2013-01-01
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
This article describes the adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of the BAS-3 Adolescent Socialization Battery in adolescents from Tucumán (Argentina). A total of 381 adolescents, between the ages of 10 and 15 that attend state and public schools, were evaluated with the BAS-3. The participants were administered the test with their parents’ consent. A two-factor solution explaining the 53.13 % of the variance was found. The statistical relations observed account for the presence of primary, secondary and third factors of socialization. The study provides data of Argentinean adolescents in relation to the psychometric properties of the test indicating its sensibility to the evaluation of social behavior self-perception.Keywords: socialization, self-perception, socialization battery, adolescents, psychometric properties. - Addressing of Dissability in Psychology Faculties of Private Universities in Bogotá During the Years 1998-2009
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Castelblanco Niño, Mónica Lucía
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-06-21
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
The goal of this research was to assess the state of the art of disability in undergraduate theses submitted as a requisite for the degree of Psychologist in private universities in Bogotá. Documentary research involving the review of RAEs from databases was used; the selected period was from 1998 until 2009. Documents addressing disability, physical disability, cognitive disability, sensory disability, and social inclusion were preferred. Those documents addressing disability from a rehabilitatory standpoint (dementia, head trauma, etc.), those in which social inclusion was not related to disability (displacement, for example), and those in which Psychology, in particular disability itself did not play a preponderant role were not taken into account. The obtained results suggest much less interest in Faculties of Psychology than in Faculties of Health Sciences regarding the production of undergraduate research works addressing disability. The latter faculties increased their researches after the approval of the Public Policies for Bogotá in 2004. Bigger interest towards disability in private confessional universities was also found. One of the conclusions of this research is that it is imperative to make curricular changes in undergraduate programs in Psychology in order to give future psychologists the ability to properly deal with subjects such as disability, psychology and public policies to coherently fulfill state policies at both the local and national levels. - ADOLESCENCE AND SOCIALIZATION: CONSTRUCTIONS FROM RAP: CONSTRUÇÕES A PARTIR DO RAP
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Gonçalves da Silva, Cláudia Yaísa; Fernandes da Motta, Ivonise; Gonçalves da Silva, Cláudia Yaísa
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-01-15
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
This paper seeks to identify the expression of socialization in rap lyrics, reflecting its possible results and influence for adolescents from peripheral communities. It is a qualitative and documentary research that analyzed musical excerpts from São Paulo rap, based on the theoretical framework of the English psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott. It was found that rappers tend to assume the role of identification models for this population, who share experiences that support a relationship of brotherhood, belonging and that contribute to the organization of personal identity. It was concluded that the musical genre of rap can act as a facilitator of the socialization experience of adolescents from peripheral communities, also contributing to the emotional development of this population. - Advances in the Study of the Continuity of Neuroticism and its Maladaptive Variant: Application of the Item Response Theory
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Sanchez Gonzalez, Juan Franco; Attorresi, Horacio Félix; Abal, Facundo Juan Pablo; Attorresi, Horacio Félix; Abal, Facundo Juan Pablo; Attorresi, Horacio Félix; Abal, Facundo Juan Pablo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-08-06
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
Neuroticism (N), despite being a normal personality trait, is linked to various psychopathologies. The continuity between N and its maladaptive variant, Negative Affectivity (NA), was studied by applying a model of the Item Response Theory (IRT) to two scales that measure these constructs. A total of 619 participants from the general population (64.3% women) answered a protocol that included 20 items of N from the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP-NEO) and 23 items of NA from the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). First, progressive refinement of the N and NA items was carried out based on psychometric criteria from the Graded Response Model. Then, the 22 items retained were calibrated together, although 6 items were eliminated for showing local dependence and adjustment problems. Evidence of the postulated continuity between N and NA was provided. However, a marked overlap was found in the location of the items from both scales in the trait continuum formed by N and AN. - Analysis of Coping with Love Breakups from Consumer Psychology
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Henao Ceballos, Paola; Munoz, Yaromir
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-10-26
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
The aim of this study was to explore the way in which the loneliness generated by love breakups is faced through activities of consumption of goods or services, its main focus is on the motivations of individuals to cope with the situation in a non-clinical way. The method of the study is qualitative, for which ten in-depth interviews were carried out with seven women and three men, who experienced loneliness associated with recent love breakups (in the last year). The findings show that they resort a variety of practices of consumption focused on: food, music, sports and leisure activities (going to the movies, traveling), which provide ways to spend time and keep the mind active, have social interaction for fun, and reconnect with friends and family, in a way that allowed them to improve their relationship with themselves in this phase of their lives. It is concluded that the mediation of consumer activities and the rediscovery of social ties are important sources to recover from de love breakdown. The study has limitations in terms of the number of participants, but a saturation point was achieved in the information obtained - Analysis of Happiness During Free Time: The Role of Prosocial and Material Behaviors
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Picazo, Carmen; López , María; Gamboa , Juan Pablo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2020-07-01
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
Research on happiness has been present in the literature, since finding the keys to what makes people happy is a maxim and does not go out of style. Different investigations suggest that sharing, spending time with others, and having material goods contribute to happiness. Thus, this investigation analyzed the influence of the prosocial and material behaviors on happiness during people’s free time. A total sample of 108 people was under study. Results show that being with others, being generous, helping, sharing, and, in short, developing prosocial behaviors, bring greater happiness than performing actions aimed at obtaining, maintaining, and have material goods. In conclusion, people are happier during their free time when they carry out prosocial behaviors than by the mere fact of having or owning assets, and the happiness experienced could last more over time as it depends on conduct, motivation, and will. Finally, this work has some limitations such as the sample size and its cross‑sectional design. Future research should increase the sample size, as well as incorporate longitudinal designs to analyze changes over time and the influence of both behaviors in other contexts. - ANALYSIS OF METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS OF LABOR ENGAGEMENT IN COLOMBIAN ORGANIZATIONS IN COLOMBIAN ORGANIZATIONS
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Hernandez Rincón, Sandra Patricia; Serrano Rodríguez, Claudia Johanna; Cruz Serrano, Diego Leonardo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-01-15
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
This article provides an overview of the concept of labor engagement on studies conducted in Colombia in the last 10 years. A systematic review study of the literature of publications was conducted within the framework of positive organizational psychology. To demonstrate the findings, an analysis of the main characteristics of components, factors, and applications that various researchers have studied about the construct, and it was found that companies that promote employee engagement achieve better results in terms of productivity and performance, which establishes the need to investigate in greater detail the relationship between work engagement and other organizational factors. - Analysis of restorative justice attending cases of Intrafamiliar Violence in the Integral Centre for Victims of Domestic Violence (CAVIF) - Fiscalía General de la Nación, Colombia
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Rodríguez Cely, Leonardo Alberto; Padilla Villarraga, Andrea; Rodriguez, Luz Stella; Díaz Colorado, Fernando
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-06-21
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
The actual investigation makes an emphasis about restorative justice, its oriented to catch the attention for those cases of inner familiar violence, cases that are being taking care of the integral centre attention for victims of domestic violence (CAVIF). Existence of the following analysis appears on the basis of conceptual work and methodological exercise, all applied from a process of collecting, systematizing and analyzing information based on a design of exploratory investigation. Study had an intentional sample, 20 female users and 18 professionals from (CAVIF) proceeded with a series of profound interviews designed based on categories previously defined. This way it's described all kind of context needs, institutional, professional and own users and functionaries of the system in order to comprehend the necessary conditions, proposing general alignments for the formulation of a restorative justice on accordance of actual by law in Colombia. Results of the study are permitting point to the necessity of carry on different process of capacitating the restorative justice functionaries, responsible for allowing the necessary steps to the domestic violence conflicts in the (CAVIF). As a last it is a criteria proposed in order to carry on a justice restorative program. - An analysis of the concept of abstraction and its use about behavioral relations
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Villamil B, Carlos Wilcen; Quiroga-Baquero, Luis A.
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2019-11-25
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
The use of the concept of abstraction has been disseminated within the conditioning theory, predominantly permeated by operational categories, which has allowed it to be considered equivalent to the concepts of categorization and concept formation. Consequently, the taxonomies of levels of abstraction are formulated based on morphological criteria. In the present paper, the characteristics of these uses are described, some shortcomings are identified around their definition based on operational and morphological categories, and an alternative definition of abstract behavior and a taxonomy of complexity levels from a perspective interbehavioral is proposed. - Analysis of the phenomenon of children and adolescents in work situation in the city of Villavicencio
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Balaguera Rojas, Gabriel; Balaguera Rojas, Mónica del Pilar
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2019-01-01
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
The phenomenon of children and adolescents in work situations in Colombia is a focus of attention of governmental and no governmental institutions, so this is an important issue to generate strategies that mitigate its proliferation since Fundamental Rights are affected, this situation is the subject of research in the city of Villavicencio in the Department of Meta; so through the verbalizations of two interest groups that for the case were the children and adolescents who were actually developing activities of a labor nature and on the other hand, the members of the Committee for the Eradication of Child Labor CETI; therefore, as results of the investigation, it is observed that there are similarities and differences in the verbalizations regarding the phenomenon and how it is presented. - Anchors of Meaning, Helpers of Dialogue: The Use of Images in Production of Relations and Meaning
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Hee Pedersen, Chistina
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2013-01-01
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
What is it that images can do that cannot be done by words alone? This article illustrates and discusses how visual expressions act as helpers of dialogue – anchors of meaning. The main argument is that the inclusion of pictorial material is a useful way to develop poststructuralist thinking technologies to further expand our understandings of the complexities of communication in individual as well as collective sense-making. The primary aim of the article is to present the method –the image exercise 1– so as to inspire other researchers to explore its potential wit in their own research contexts. It will also be argued that the method presented has the potential of establishing bonding, political awareness and meaningful collective knowledge production among all participants involved in a research process.Keywords: relational methodologies, knowledge production, post structuralism, gender. - Anxiety & State and Sociodemographic Variables in Youth Colombian Footballers During Competition
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Aguirre-Loaiza, Héctor Haney; Ramos Bermúdez, Santiago
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-07-01
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
In order to assess the anxiety state in relation to sociodemographical variables during competitions, players competing in the semifinals of the National Youth Football Championships (n = 93) held in Manizales in August 2009 were evaluated. The test used was Spielberger et ál.'s STAI (IDARE) (1970). The average age of participants was 17,4±2,0 years. The results of STAI were related to sociodemographic variables and athletic performance such as playing position, chronological age and sport, socio-economic strata, education and place of birth. It was found that the defenses, in the team of Valle del Cauca, the higher socioeconomic players (5-6) and the youngest athletes experienced higher levels of anxiety, while according to education, place of origin (capital vs. province) and chronological age differences were not significant. - Anxiety And Depressive Symptoms in A General Population Sample: The Mediating Effect Of Repetitive Negative Thoughts, Thought Suppression, Positive Reappraisal, And Distress Resilience
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: González, Manuel; González, Mario; Rovella, Anna; González, Manuel; González, Mario; Rovella, Anna
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2024-04-08
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-09-11
In this research we present the mediating effect of four intrapersonal coping strategies: repetitive negative thoughts (RNT), thought suppression (TS), positive reappraisal (PR) and distress endurance (DE) on the relationship between negative affect (NA) and positive affect (PA) with anxiety and depressive symptoms. The sample is 536 people from the general population with a mean age of 29.9 (Dt=12.6)) years and with 59.5% women. The mediation results ascertain the following models: 1.1) a direct and inverse mediation model where RNT are a bidirectional mediator between NA and anxiety and depressive symptoms; 2.1) an inverse model, the direct one was not statistically significant, where anxiety and depressive symptoms via TS amplify RNT, not the other way around; 2.2) depressive symptoms via PR dampen RNT; 3. 1) in the direct model DE is a partial mediator between PA and anxiety and depressive symptoms; 3.2) TS is a mediator between NA and depressive symptoms; 4.1) according to inverse model, PR is a partial mediator between anxiety and depressive symptoms with PA, so that the former amplifies PA; 4.2) TS is a mediator between depressive symptoms and NA, so that the former amplifies the latter. - Application of cognitive interview and judicial interview to a witness-victim of robbery offense
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Manrique Perez, Déborah Johanna
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-21
Fecha de cosecha en Ciencia Nacional: 2024-08-12
Testimony still is one of the main means to test. Traditionally it has been obtained with the standard judicial interview, taking the risk to formulate close and biased questions, interrupting and following an inappropriate sequence questions, amongst other things. This investigative work studies an alternative method to get testimony, proposed by authors like Geiselman and Fisher (1994) called cognitive interview; this method groups four general techniques of memory, plus some complementary strategies for the specific details of the recalls. Case-study was made comparing attained information with the application of the standard judicial interview and the cognitive interview to witness - victim of a fire arm robbery. A result confirms the hypothesis that guides this investigation: cognitive interview reports an increase in the information related to people, objects and events. Key words: testimony, standar judicial interview, cognitive interview, witness -victim, fire arm robbery.