vol. 2 núm. 1 (2016)


Recent Items

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  • Refocusing on supplier selection based on green supply chain management in Colombian textile company

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Ocampo, Pablo C.; Prada O., Ricardo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    The logistics strategy must be the hand of a corporate strategic plan, which is vital for the development of business competitiveness (Velasquez, 2003). But beyond logistics, today is talking about the supply chain, the proper management of supply chain which involves permanent challenges for businesses due to globalization, which involves the construction of synergies between different business units and businesses, taking into account that logistics is working to put the inventory within the supply chain and supply chain is the collaboration between companies that have an objective and strategic positioning common (Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper, 2007). It is increasingly clear that if supply chains do not become more sustainable than they have been in the past, the world’s resources and the environment cannot sustain this level of growth (Chopra & Meindl, 2013, p. 501). This article aims to review the selection process and evaluation of suppliers in a textile company in Bogotá, with which it is intended to contribute to the improvement of the current process, through a proposal for inclusion of environmental criteria based on research by different authors specializing in management green supply chain.
  • Documentary research on Information and Communication Technologies in basic education
    This article aims to review some research on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Basic Education, taking into account different articles published in well-known journals which are included during the last ten years in the Iberoamerican Data Bases. The main themes arise from socio-cultural changes and the emerging impact that ICT have unleashed in today’s society or knowledge society, they involve new challenges within the education system that lead to teaching practices meet the needs of the context, globalization and technological development. A methodological perspective of documentary research with a qualitative approach was used in this project and it was based on the reading, analysis, reflection and interpretation of relevant data found in the epistemological field of pedagogy scientific articles, it has allowed to demonstrate positive results regarding to implementation ICT in education that enable significant progress in order to implement an alternative, inclusive and a global school. To reach this purpose it is essential to establish standards or curriculum guidelines about pedagogical, didactic and cognitive constructs, to guide and support teachers to improve the use of these tools in the educational process, taking into account their potential for learning that allow students to face a new role where they can be more active and autonomous as well as to implement public policies such as equal access, training and updating of teaching strategies to solve problems about this aspect.
  • State of the Art of Computer Engineering as an academic and professional discipline program

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Contreras Castro, Mario Dustano

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    As a starting point the research project State of the Art of Computer Engineering as the academic program and professional discipline development of epistemology is established or is theoretical, conceptual, epistemological, as well as foundations, ontology of its objects (objects of study , training objects, objects of knowledge), social demands, study domains and domain materials that allow you to develop professional, occupational, professional domain, training objectives, training areas, problematic nucleus, academic spaces and curriculum profiles. In this article the results of research gnoseológicos arises: -Construction of Objects Program *Essence Program *Object Program Study *Study objects for Training *Knowledge Objects *Training Objects *Domain Material Objects (Program) - Social Demands - Writing Profiles; Professional and Occupational - Domain Disciplining - Educational Program Objectives - Nuclei Problemicos - Shafts Training - As an object of study is set in an Academic Area.
  • Marketing in SMEs

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Pachón, Martha Cecilia

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    This article rescues some of the contributions made by authors who, thanks to studies and research, have concluded the importance of business management within SMEs. In this regard, SMEs located in Bogota, Colombia, are not unrelated to the subject, since they require elements that allow them to publicize their products and services , generating added value and strengthen the relationship with their customers; why use Marketing is stronger in organizations , being a necessary condition for organizations to be more competitive , regardless of the size of these tool.
  • The role of the technology from the perspective of Hanna Arendt

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Díaz Sánchez, Edisson

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    This article of reflection are looking for a delimitation of the term technology, its conceptual demarcation and its relationship with the world employment and production, from the statements made by theoretical policy German of Jewish origin Hannah Arendt in her book the Human Condition, in particular in chapter IV: “The work”, which raises the supremacy of the homo laborans about homo faber, from a criticism of the anthropocentric utilitarianism of Kant and Protagoras is reflected in actions and proceedings of the homo faber of the contemporary world, to conclude on the importance of the interdisciplinary relationship between science - technical - technology within the processes of development of contemporary societies and the use of technology as a means, not as an end of power survival and quality of life.
  • Data science: an emerging discipline

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Galpin, Ixent

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    The role of data scientist has been described as the “sexiest job of the 21st Century”. While possibly there is a degree of hype associated with such a claim, there are factors at play such as the unprecedented growth in the amount of data being generated. This paper characterises the already established disciplines which underpin data science, viz., data engineering, statistics, and data mining. Following a characterisation of the previous fields, data science is found to be most closely related to data mining. However, in contrast to data mining, data science promises to operate over datasets that exhibit significant challenges in terms of the four Vs: Volume, Variety, Velocity and Veracity. This paper notes that the current emphasis, both in industry and academia, is on the first three Vs, which pose mainly scientific or technological challenges, rather than Veracity, which is a truly scientific (and arguably a more complex) challenge. Data Science can be seen to have a more ambitious objective than what traditionally data mining has: as a science, data science aims to lead to the creation of new theories and knowledge. This paper notes that, ironically, the veracity dimension, which is arguably the closest one relating to this objective, is being neglected. Despite the current media frenzy about data science, the paper concludes that more time is needed to see whether it will emerge as discipline in its own right.
  • Markowitz portfolio management model using genetic algorithms

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Arévalo González, Santiago

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    In 1952, with his article, Harry Markowitz, he greatly simplified the problem to choice the correct investing in a stock market. In this work, the reader is introduced in the Markowitz’s proposal and it is proposed a genetic algorithm for computing a portfolio that reduce risk and maximize return between two assets.  In the last part, the genetic algorithm is applied in two real case studies with monthly records obtained between 2009 and 2013.
  • Instructional Design for Writing Scientific Papers through a Computer System as Test Pilot
    This article is focused in show the research results of project “Instructional Design in the Classroom” conducted by the research group Integrated Management System for Science and Technology (SIGCIENTY). The question raised in this research is to know what are the strategies for building a Learning Unit Instructional (IAU) to strengthen the process of writing scientific papers aimed at students in the course of Ecological Production System Species lower in the virtual campus of the UNAD? Its main objective was reflected in construction a unit Instructional Learning (UAI) that enhance the process of making scientific articles by recreational and playful workshops in the virtual course belongs to the “Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias, Agrícolas y del Medio Ambiente (ECAPMA)” in (UNAD). The methodology used was mixed type (quantitative / qualitative) with a descriptive study through a closed survey of students in the course and steps model of Instructional Design Carey & Carey, like the application of an interview not structured to the tutor and some teachers who support the course. Resulting in the construction and design of the Learning Unit Instructional guided through a computer system as a simulator linked to the virtual course of study participants on the campus of the University through a process of interoperability with an appropriate WebService for this purpose called (AulaRed).
  • Flexible manufacturing systems for academic environments as a response to the technological development of SMEs in Colombia

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Ortega Cabrera, Jhon Brian

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    Taking as epicenter the Laboratory of CNC (Control Numeric Computerized) and Robotics of the University District Francisco José of Caldas – Faculty Technological, it developed the best alternative for the education in manufacture highly industrialized low environments real of work through of the diagnosis of the main components technological of a FMS (System Flexible of Manufacturing), the selection of the main stations of work of a factory and the relation of this environment of work with the man inside of a area determined, with the purpose of prepare professionals that give solutions to the questions, variabilities and challenges that are presented in the processes productive of the industries emerging from a focus investigatory, innovative, competitive, friendly and profitable for all the actors of the chain of production and of consumption.
  • The blog as didactic strategy in the area of philosophy. Systematization of an experience at Cerinza Educational Institution

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Angarita Araque, Yolanda

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    The following article is the result of research done on the impact of the use of the blog as a teaching strategy in the area of philosophy. It is important to note the achievements made by working the edublog as support in the process of teaching and learning that comes from the experience gained in the observation of teaching; taking into account the constant systematization and practice of innovative technological resources that were emerging as time went on. The school environment has been an enabling environment for the use of these new technologies in space because he was responding to the expectations that this process originated; where it was also recognized that from the proper use of ICTs (Information and Communication) can route the integral formation of the person.
  • Corporate sustainability and responsibility to the environment: a constant challenge

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Guaqueta, Adriana; Medina, Liliana; Sierra, Diego

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    This article describes the meaning of sustainability and the boom that has taken, from the environmental degradation that has been taking the planet and how companies are pursuing their projects and products environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. In addition is the theme of the green as economy so companies interact in fraternity with the environment.
  • Sustainable solution alternatives for endangered forest species in the Chocó region used in construction

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Hinestroza Serna, Antonio Manuel

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    Overview Chocó is located in the Northwest of Colombia, has a large expanse of rainforest tropical humidity, is the rainiest region of the planet, is the only Department with coasts on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, bordered by Panama. In these conditions, it has a great biodiversity, but in recent years the unfortunate actions of human beings have progressively affected renewable natural resources and especially the forest species. Deforestation, legal and illegal mining activity, the lack of effective controls by environmental entities, among others, have affected natural populations of forest species useful for housing construction nearly to extinction, as Truntago (Vitex columbiensis), milk part of agencies (entities), institutes of research and by the same State who have identified the problems that generates excessive extraction of these species, and that has resulted in shortages of some species, made that has been apparent in recent years. To achieve an effective development of research was carried out a literature review of documents and books related to the research. Visited sawmills, cabinet making, interviewed connoisseurs of these forest species and analyzed existing wood construction. As a result of the research alternative solutions to the problems, were identified in order to take or control the situation as wood substitute, ecotourism among others.
  • Editorial

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Polanía Ramírez, O.P., Fray Tiberio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-07-01

    In the document "Guidelines for the Design and Curriculum Update USTA-Colombia", from the Santo Tomás University, the nature of academic spaces is discussed, both in the theoretical and practical fields. The practical spaces are aimed at both the teacher and the student developing procedural, experimental, research, verification or recognition of natural phenomena, reflection on doing (praxis) and the empirical verification of laws and scientific phenomena following pre-structured protocols. To demonstrate these practices, the space of academic journals becomes an ideal means of dissemination.