vol. 7 núm. 1 (2021)


Recent Items

Now showing 1 - 11 of 11
  • State of art in the construction of a knowledge management and transmission model

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Camacho Vásquez, Gonzalo; Gómez Torres, Nancy

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-01-01

    This article presents a state of art in the design of a knowledge management and transmission (KMT) model for the Faculty of Education Sciences at the Universidad del Tolima (FCE-UT), through the analysis of backgrounds and a methodological approach that explains the incorporation of research methods in the design; as well as, notions that are considered relevant after the study and appropriation of the theory. Research through design is defined as the main guideline in the construction of the model, through the use of its stages of analysis, forecasting and synthesis, to which other methodologies that allow the achievement of the research purpose are incorporated. The discernment of the writing process allows to glimpse at possibilities in the approach of a knowledge management and transmission model with respect to the curriculum, and the delimitation of the variables under study, through a twist of the initial question.
  • Descriptive analysis on the effect of human hair on the plants
    Human hair, although considered a non-hazardous and sanitary waste, has a fundamental composition for soil enrichment and plant nutrition. Therefore, the main objectives of this article are to explain, develop and define from quantitative variables, the effect of human hair on plants based on a previously generated report. Furthermore, a solution is proposed to avoid the waste of this resource, converting it into organic fertilizer and taking advantage of the waste generated in different beauty salons, with the purpose of avoiding damage to the environment when incinerating this material and promoting the replacement of different fertilizers or industrial chemical fertilizers, most of which have repercussions and damage to an ecosystem.
  • Andragogy and information and communication technologies (ICTs)

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Latorre Barragán, Carlos Fernando

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-01-01

    This article is the result of a review of books, journals and various documents related to adult learning and aims to present an overview of the main contributions of andragogy to teaching and its principles and characteristics. It also desires to point out those structural and didactic aspects that differentiate it from pedagogy. Likewise, the paper intends to show how information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a valuable resource for the andragogical educational process, since through their means and tools learning environments can be developed that are adjusted to psychosocial needs, conditions and cognitive styles of the adult learner.
  • Comparison of guadua angustifolia kunth exposed to atmospheric agents, protected and unprotected, by visual inspection and microscopy

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Patiño León, Liliana Rocío; Martínez Forero, Manuel Fernando; Barreto, Walter Mauricio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-01-01

    This experimental study analyzes the deterioration of guadua when in direct exposure to atmospheric agents (solar radiation, rain, wind, and changes in ambient temperature) to evaluate the behavior of protection treatments, through a comparative analysis of protected and unprotected elements exposed under identical conditions. A structure was developed in guadua angustifolia kunth in which different angles were included in the elements and on some of these a protective film of lasur was applied with several previous preparations on the surface. The test was exposed to the elements for 11 months, during which the deterioration of the structure was monitored by visual inspection and photographic documentation on a periodic basis. Subsequently, samples of the exposed elements were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Photodegradation was identified as a primary lesion, evident in the elements with and without protection, with greater impact on the horizontal elements, which receive more solar radiation. Derived from photodegradation, other secondary lesions were found such as the presence of fissures and cracks, which compromise the surface of the material and allow the appearance of biotic agents in the guadua. Surfaces not directly exposed to solar radiation did not show significant effects, so it was concluded that the main aspect against which the guadua should be protected is direct solar radiation and that the protection procedures applied do not offer actual good performance against the test conditions, suggesting the need to seek efficient alternatives for this condition.
  • Incorporation of an educational software as a pedagogical strategy for the teaching of computational logic

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Quintero Monsalve, Edwin; Silva Monsalve, Alexandra María

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-01-01

    The difficulties in the design and construction of computational algorithms in students and their effect on poor academic performance originated the research project that led to this article. The objective of this research project was the implementation of a pedagogical strategy supported by the educational software App Inventor for the improvement of computational logic in the implementation of algorithms with the Technician in Systems Analysis and Development students in Tulua, Valle del Cauca. Methodologically, a descriptive quantitative research was developed. Firstly, an initial diagnostic test was applied in order to collect data and perform an analysis; afterwards, work sessions were designed with the support of the software App Inventor, and then, a final test was applied. The results identified a satisfactory contribution to the teaching-learning process of the students, which allowed them to build their own knowledge and achieve significant learning. On the other hand, the performance of the students in the classes showed their interest in learning and critical attitude towards the resolution of the different activities proposed.
  • Childhood problems: guidelines for approaching them from the point of view of good treatment and the use of technology

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Santana Gaitán, Luisa Carlota; Castiblanco Martínez, Marisol

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-11-05

    This reflection article proposes some pedagogical and didactic orientations for the approach to childhood's problems, based on the review and analysis of the social problems presented by this group in the city of Bogota and the recognition of the educational value of technologies as pedagogical mediation for the participation and empowerment of children. In order to make this analysis, the starting point was to try to understand the problems as a category that needs to be approached from its complexity, and childhood, from a holistic vision that recognizes children as individuals who have a voice and who can, from their own actions, become agents of prevention of the multiple problems that afflict them. Therefore, it is proposed, from the use and appropriation of technologies, to highlight the role of childhood in the construction of empowerment and participation processes, reflecting on the alternatives of intervention to solve the problems that these actors experience in their daily lives.  
  • Identification of ethical and bioethical conflicts related to pesticides in Colombia

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Molano Quintero, Yessica Marcela; García Villalobos, Astrid Carolina

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-01-01

    In Colombia, farmers have used chemical pesticides that have caused damage to the soil and to their own health. This has produced risks and conflicts of ethical origin regarding the use of such products, since farmers are often unaware of their harmful effects, while manufacturers are aware of them (Espluga Trenc, 2001). In this scenario, this article deals with the identification of conflicts from an ethical perspective, by means of ethical principles, such as the cardinal principles of Ricardo Maliandi; the principle of justice of Beauchamp and Childress, as a way of deepening the universality principle; the principle of autonomy of Beauchamp and Childress, which deepens the principle of individualization; the precautionary principle, which explains the principle of conservation; and the principle of responsibility, which in turn is materialized in the realization principle. By means of the connections between the cardinal points and their own specifications, the conflicts generated by the use of pesticides in the country can be identified and addressed in order to reduce the damage to the soil and the health of the farmers who work it.
  • La brecha digital y sus determinantes, de Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo (2006)

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Ortega Villamizar, Yurany

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-01-01

    La presente reseña describe y analiza algunos puntos de vista sobre dos elementos de reflexión asociados al debate sobre las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: la brecha digital y su relación con la educación. Estos dos elementos hacen parte de los estudiados en el libro Brecha digital y sus determinantes de 2016, de Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo, publicado por la Universidad Autónoma de México. El eje central de la obra es la conexión de este problema, la brecha digital, con los procesos alternativos educacionales que permiten, paulatinamente, construir concepciones acerca del abismo tecnológico bajo el denominador, justamente, de brecha digital, desde una perspectiva de los determinantes culturales.
  • Soñando con un mundo mejor construido desde la educación

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Rodríguez Ruiz, Jorge Ferdinando

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-01-01

    Agradezco la oportunidad que me otorgan de presentar esta edición de la revista CITAS, razón por la cual inicio otorgando un reconocimiento a las personas que históricamente han puesto los cimientos de este proyecto y han seguido en su cuidado para que se mantenga vigente en perspectiva de su crecimiento e impacto en la sociedad. Es también una oportunidad para vincularme desde el nuevo servicio al que he sido convocado desde la Comunidad de frailes, como Decano de la División de nuestra Universidad Abierta y a Distancia. En tal perspectiva, confío en que pueda vincularme de manera efectiva a la multiplicidad de proyectos de nuestras facultades, pero particularmente en aquellos que buscan aproximar el conocimiento a las regiones más lejanas y para quienes el conocimiento es una herramienta transformadora y que contribuye a dignificar a las personas y realidades en las que realizan su proyecto de vida particular.
  • Strategies for data analysis of the impacts of knowledge on technological management capabilities

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Ríos Martínez, Leidy Liliana; Sáenz Blanco, Fabiola; Cordero Sáenz, Néstor Orlando

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-11-05

    This article informs about a study whose purpose was to establish data analysis strategies of the impacts of knowledge on technological management capabilities, according to the technological management model proposed by Saenz et al. (2017). A survey was applied in which 152 accredited calibration service providers in Bogotá participated, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. A sample size of 110 entities with their respective profiles was obtained. One of the instruments used to develop the study was the application of data analysis strategies to adequately identify the variables that have relation and effect on the impacts of knowledge on technological management capabilities. The results show how the analysis criteria were defined and show how the correlational analysis of the variables for the "human dimension" and "organizational dimension" were developed, in relation to the capacity to manage the knowledge of the model. Therefore, it is concluded that the data analysis strategies of the impacts of knowledge on technological management capabilities have a positive influence on the development of the input analysis of the variables of the technological management model, in order to be able to make the subsequent simulation and evaluation in dynamic environments.
  • Suggestions for writing analysis of results, conclusions and recommendations in theses and graduation projects
    Based on the experience of authors as advisers to graduation and research projects, students or researchers often found difficulties to write the results, conclusions and recommendations in all types of research papers, which are important aspects when writing a final report. In view of the foregoing, this article was prepared, which objective is within the framework of quantitative research.  The paper makes suggestions for writing results, conclusions and recommendations of the graduation or research project, in order to contribute to the formative process of researchers and students and to improve the writing of sections where all the components of any research are comprehensively reflected. Now, with respect to the results, these are considered as the central concept of the final document. From these, the conclusions and findings are presented, and the problem posed and the objectives are answered. Finally, the recommendations show the topics that are usually linked to the conclusions, which sometimes are confused or are written without identifying the differences.