2023: monográfico entornos vica


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  • Gestión del conocimiento para el proceso de innovación en las organizaciones

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Prada Vargas, Carolina; Lima, Wilma Edith; Vanegas Alfonso, Olga Lucia

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-03-31

    Every hundred years throughout history there has been a strong transformation, in a matter of years society is reorganized, its worldview, its basic values, its social and political structures, its production structures, there is a new world, our era is a period of transformation and innovation. At this present time the transformation is not limited to Western or Eastern society or history. There is only world history and civilization. In this context, knowledge is the main resource for individuals and for the economy that make up an organization or company, whose main purpose is the integration of specialized knowledge in a common good, which facilitates innovation processes as a strategic factor allowing excellence, valuation and international recognition of an organization. That is why innovation processes in organizations become relevant for having their own and different characteristics such as information, data and knowledge, as well as their transformation, technological surveillance and technology itself, foresight, competitive intelligence and the same impulse of creativity in the conception of ideas and intellectual property that at any time of the innovation management process will be influenced by these aspects, contributing to new business models in organizations. Although innovation processes are changeable and unpredictable, they can be systematized and organized through an innovation management system based on the application of the continuous improvement methodology. Innovation processes interrelated with the vertiginous advances of knowledge have modified the narrow framework of microeconomics, with innovative business models connected to a Knowledge Based Economy, through networks supported by powerful technologies that influence the dynamic capabilities that allow organizations to connect and identify the types of customers or users to configure the supply chain that adds value and allows monetization in a common good. For this reason it is increasingly significant the existence of organizations that recognize the importance of knowledge management and innovation management as a key factor that allows the agile and modern creation of successful business models that generate value, are profitable, transcend over time and leave a deep mark in a globalized market, even in environments characterized by uncertainty, volatility, ambiguity and complexity.
  • Comparative analysis of vegetation cover year 2015 with the agricultural frontier year 2018 in the Teusacá river sub-basin, Cundinamarca

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Garay Rey, Karen Maritza; Cárdenas Castro, Estrella

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-05-11

    The aim was to compare the vegetation cover 2015 year with the agricultural frontier presented in the last national agricultural census in the Teusacá River sub-basin. Through a multitemporal analysis, the dynamics of agricultural areas, forests and urbanized areas in the Teusacá River sub-basin were determined. It was found that the area of forest and natural herbaceous vegetation was 14,143.29 hectares in 2015, occupying 39% in the study area. A 1% increase in forest area was observed with respect to the 1997 record; mainly detected on the villages: La Diana, Aposentos, Meusa and La Violeta in the Sopó municipality, Salitre and Santa Isabel in the Guasca municipality and San Cayetano, Frailejonal and El Volcán in La Calera municipality. Also, there was an increase in the vegetation cover in the southeast sector of the Mercenario and San Gabriel villages of the La Calera municipality and in the Salitre village between Guasca and Sopo. However, the quality of the Teusacá River water resource is being affected mainly in the Sopo sector by uncontrolled industrial and domestic dumping. It is suggested to carry out educational campaigns so that the inhabitants understand the importance of conserving, reforesting, keeping the water in good conditions so that the sub-basin maintains a sustainable ecological balance that guarantees the environmental services that it offers. Key words: Drainage area; vegetation maps; ecological balance; environmental conservation
  • Consecuencias de la deserción escolar de niños y jóvenes víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia: Línea temática: Solidaridad, participación y ciudadanía

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Sosa Chinome, Jorge Andrés; Rolando Vargas, Germán

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-05-11

    ● Abstract: The unschooling of children and young victims of the armed conflict in Colombia has become a social and economic problem for a country that has been facing a war that has been going on for more than fifty years throughout the entire national territory. This research aims to analyze the social and economic consequences of the lack of schooling of children and young people who are victims of the armed conflict in Colombia in the medium and long term, who are faced with contempt and discrimination for being ex-combatants, or for being displaced and worse still for being in the process of unschooling. The methodology is qualitative and the type of research is Participatory Action Investigation (PAI). The idea is to present a case study, as a research tool or method, where two interviews are conducted with victims of the armed conflict in Colombia who have been displaced or recruited by irregular groups. As results and conclusions, it is expected to analyze the social and economic consequences of the out-of-schooling of children and young victims of the armed conflict in Colombia in the medium and long term, where it is important that government institutions serve these communities with priority and commitment so as to provide psychological support, complementary educational training and, of course, job opportunities are provided so that they can have a successful and objective process of social reincorporation.
  • Diagnóstico de salud ocupacional en la empresa de curtiembres Cueros JCG

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Lozano Rodríguez, Carlos Gerardo; Rubio Cárdenas, Carlos Andrés

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-05-11

    Skins are considered a by-product of the meat industry, where 59% of the companies in Colombia are microenterprises and do not have the processes and technology necessary to treat the animal and to take advantage to leather (López and Hueza, 2018). Also, according to the Clean Production Guide for the Tanneries Sector of Bogotá (2015), this activity is characterized by excessive water consumption; disproportionate use of chemicals per/ ton of processed leather, with the tanning process being the most polluting. The current conditions of the production process in the company Cueros JCG cause a negative environmental impact that affects the community near the company, low productivity levels, and a high risk of penalties for non-compliance with environmental regulations. In this sense, the intention for this research is to understand the current conditions of the company and design a proposal to improve the retanned process that considers the incorporation of clean technologies, easily accessible and that in turn improves the hygienic conditions in the jobs in this company. This work observed that 75% of the risks identified affect health and life, 17.1% of hazards are contact and inhalation with chemicals such as paints, solvents, and anticorrosives, and 8.6% are related to unsuitable conditions of order and hygiene.
  • Producción de materiales ecológicos reciclados con escombros de construcción

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Magaña Herrera, Pedro Pablo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-05-11

    The object of this research is the use through recycling of solid waste from construction activity, to be used in the production of prefabricated elements such as masonry blocks, bricks, pavers, tiles, mortar. For the production of these ecological materials, it is necessary to develop a methodology that involves the production of recycled aggregate, the characterization (laboratory tests) of these aggregates, the design of the mixtures to be used (technical quantification of the amount of materials to be used) In this case, the method used in the research is that of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), as it is the best known and most used in the engineering environment. In the development of this research, the traditional method of trial and error is used, which consists of preparing test mixtures by means of test tubes, which comply with the characteristics of the standards and the materials to be used, to later evaluate their mechanical properties by means of the test of the compressive strength of these specimens.