vol. 13 núm. 2 (2017)


Recent Items

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
  • Differences between rural and urban adolescents in dating violence

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Rey Anacona, César Armando; Martínez Gómez, Jorge Arturo; Londoño Arredondo, Nora Helena

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-07-01

    We examined the differences in dating violence in adolescents in a rural and urban area of the municipality of Tunja (Colombia), through a descriptive-comparative cross-sectional design, in which 119 women and 113 men participated, aged 13 to 19 years of two public schools, one urban (n=152) and one rural (n=80). For this, a checklist of partner abuse experiences was used. The results indicate that approximately half performed at least one behavior of this type, both in the urban and rural areas, although the frequency of maltreatment behaviors was significantly higher among those in the urban area, in general, and in the types of psychological, emotional and physical abuse. These results indicate that these behaviors may be more frequent among adolescents in urban areas, although more research and attention is required to focus on rural areas.
  • Validation of the barrat impulsivity scale (bis-11) in bogotana population

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Aguilar Bustamante, Sandra Carolina; Valencia Casallas, Olga Lucía; Villalba, Javier

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-07-01

    The present work was carried out in order to validate the Barratt Impulsivity Scale (bis-11) in the population of Bogota, and thus provide empirical evidence to unify the interpretation and analysis criteria. Participated 313 people: 98 deprived of freedom temporarily in the Unit of Immediate Reaction (URI); 86 diagnosed with disorders related to impulsivity and 126 university students. The cultural adaptation of the test was made through linguistic revision, expert judgment and piloting. Subsequently, the instrument was validated. The results showed a reliability of the total scale of α 0.7 and for motor subscales α 0.6, attentional α 0.5 and unplanned α 0.4; the exploratory factor analysis identified 2 factors that explain 29.77% of the total variance. The evidence allows to conclude a psychometric quality moderate, for which it is recommended not to use this version for diagnosis and perform the translation of the last update of the original scale.
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practices of families of teenagers with cognitive disabilities in sexuality and affectivity

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Polanco Valenzuela, Mauricio; Martín Ayala, Juan Luis

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-07-01

    This article starts from the reflection that there is violation of the rights of people with disabilities, not knowing that sexuality and affectivity are also fundamental in their lives and make up the exercise of Sexual and Reproductive Rights; however, significant progress has been achieved for its recognition as rights holders and generated multiple norms that claim for ownership and guarantee of them; nevertheless, advanced studies in Colombia and in the world, evidence the persistence of barriers based on lack of awareness, discrimination and false beliefs about these aspects of people with disabilities. The interest of the study was to investigate through a survey by the knowledge, attitudes and practices of parents and caregivers of teenagers with cognitive disabilities of a specialized educational institution of Bogotá so that the results contribute to strengthen the abilities of the families and the institutions with pedagogical actions that promote the guarantee of rights and the improvement of the quality of life of this population.
  • Developmental relationships between visuospatial working memory and cognitive planning in healthy people with normal intelligence aged between 10 and 30 years
    The article presents the results of a correlational empirical research on the developmental relationships between visuospatial working memory and cognitive planning in a group of 100 healthy people with normal intelligence with ages between 10 and 30 years. The Corsi block test, from the Wechsler Memory Scale III, and the Tower of London were applied. Correlation analyzes for the full range (10-30) demonstrated the existence of a statistically significant correlation (0.43, p-value < 0.001). In the three age statistically significant correlations (p value < 0.008) were also found: 0.44 for the range 10-15; 0.28 for the range 16-20; and 0.32 for 21-30 range. No increase in executive functioning associated with age was found, although the theory and empirical evidence prove it. Possible explanations for the results are described and discussed.
  • Executive functions, personality traits and impulse-control in convicted of violent-carnal access

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Pulido-Barbosa, Álvaro; Ballén-Villamarín, Marisol; Quiroga-Baquero, Luis Alberto

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-07-01

    Executive-functions, personality traits and impulsivity were evaluated in 29 men convicted of violent- carnal access in the Modelo Jail (Bogota-Colombia), through a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Neuropsychological Battery for Executive Functions and Frontal Lobes (BANFE), the Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS 11) and the Personality Exploratory Questionnaire (CEPER III), in order to identify relationships between their scores. The results show that 41,4 % of the participants showed diagnostic scores in at least one factor of impulsivity or executive functions.At least one personality trait was observed in 79,3 % of the participants; obsessive-compulsive, passive-aggressive and dependent traits were those with highest frequency. Some correlations were identified between impulsivity factors, personality traits and executive functions. These findings are discussed in terms of the relationship between the constructs evaluated, sexual assault and their implications on the treatment of prisioners.
  • Perceived social support in the elderly with pain
    Currently, the prevalence of pain in the elderly constitutes a public health problem, since these disorders tend to worse over time, limiting the daily activities of the individual and generating a psychological, social, family and work impact. Objective: Describing the functional dependence level and the perceived social support in the elderly with pain. Methodology: transversal descriptive research with non-probability convenience sampling, with a sample of 200 older adults from bucaramanga. the instrument of perceived social support, the Barthel test and the McGill questionnaire were applied. The results indicate higher prevalence of 69% women, married, with ages between 65 and 75 years, belonging to social strata 3, with a level of education without the elementary school complete. that participants describe their pain as abrupt 58.5%, 71.5% cruelly, 61.0% Most have high levels of social and 86.5% is totally independent.
  • Argentine version of the Happiness Scale from Lima

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Auné, Sofía Esmeralda; Abal, Facundo Juan Pablo; Attorresi, Horacio Félix

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-07-01

    This article presents an adaptation of the Happiness Scale from Lima, designed by Alarcón, for Argentine adults. The scale was applied to 1004 individuals (65% women) with a mean age of 31. An exploratory factor analysis was carried out on the basis of a polychoric correlation matrix using the method of non-weighted least squares and promax rotation. Two subscales were kept out of the four included in the original version, and one of them, Positive Sense of Life, was itself divided into two dimensions. The adapted version was made up of 12 items divided into three subscales explaining 69% of variance: External Perspective of Sense of Life, Internal Perspective of Sense of Life and Life Satisfaction. Evidence was obtained of convergent validity, and internal consistency of the subscales was at least acceptable according to DeVellis criteria.
  • Social cognition in partner violence: a neurocriminological perspective

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Salas-Picón, Wilson Miguel; Cáceres Duran, Ibeth Rocío

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-07-01

    Evaluation and interpretation of real or imagined stimuli done by humans is one of the predictors that will determine the behavioral repertoire, be it adaptive or maladaptive, with legal effect to be executed in the partner relationship. Therefore, this study assessed the performance on social cognition tasks in a group of men with a history of intimate partner violence. Participants were given emotion recognition and empathy tests. Results indicate that male abusers have difficulties with social cognition, possibly due to an intentional bias in recognizing the behaviors of others, which results in the attribution of a negative intentionality to their behavior. These results provide an empirical basis for legal psychology in the bimodal understanding of partner violence and thus guides intervention toward the needs of the individual.
  • Family resilience: understanding, fields of application, contributions and challenges

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Diversitas

    Autores: Jaramillo-Moreno, Ricardo A.

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-07-01

    We conducted a literature review to establish the state of the art and conceptualisation of family resilience between 2010 and 2016. Even if still incipient, there is an increase in both empirical and theoretical-reflective research, which involves a higher relevance in terms of research and intervention. Predominant research areas were: health, applied neuroscience and rehabilitation, social, community and organizational; followed by clinical psychology and prevention, military psychology, and education. Further research is definitely needed to continue expanding the literature and including areas such as environmental psychology, politics, mobility, organizations and work is also important.
  • How adolescents from Buenos Aires city perceive their future? An approach from its actors
    The way adolescents perceive their future is very important for a positive development. This work aims to identify and understand how a group of adolescent students form Autonomous City of Buenos Aires perceive their future. An exploratory-descriptive study with qualitative methodology and crosssectional design was conducted. We worked with a purposive sample of 24 adolescents (M = 16.10, SD = 1.10) of both sexes (female = 54.20%). Individual interviews and focus groups were conducted. Thematic content analysis of data collected was performed. Two main themes were found regarding adolescents’ perception of their future. The first concerns the view adolescents have about their future. Its components are: evaluation, content and degree of image clarity of the future. The second concerns the way adolescents build their future. Its components are: dealing with the future, environments where adolescents build their future, family influence, and evaluation of the project. An emerging finding is that adolescents differ in their descriptions made of themselves, of their closest peers or from other adolescents in general.