vol. 3 núm. 1 (2017)


Recent Items

Now showing 1 - 14 of 14
  • San Andrés submarine cable: towards where public investment goes in infrastructure

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Martínez Coral, Patricia

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    This article aims to verify the conceptual and theoretical references of public investment in infrastructure, emphasizing the particularities that concern the field of telecommunications, through the case study corresponding to the structuring and implementation of the submarine cable Project, that interconnects the Island of San Andrés with the Colombian mainland, contracted by the Information Technology and Communications Fund. After recreating each of the stages of the project, the problem that confronts the opportunities for improvement of public intervention is illustrated. The article concludes that, based on the case study, public investment in telecommunications infrastructure is on an unsustainable path, due to the absence of strategic complements aimed at strengthening technological adoption.
  • Importance of the agricultural products of the horticultural group in the feeding of vulnerable populations

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Restrepo de Peña, Blanca Rosa; Sierra Borrás, José Elvis; Súarez Suárez, Nubia Esperanza

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-28

    A productive project was proposed in urban agriculture to cover food needs and to improve family income. The descriptive and interpretative study was carried out through the Participatory Action research, with a random sample of 62 families, and a structured survey to characterize socially and economically the families located in the neighborhood Loma Linda in the Commune IV, Altos de Cazucá in The municipality of Soacha. The information was obtained in a participatory manner, through interactive workshops, dialogue and observation. The results identify a population of extreme poverty, with an average income of $ 252,000 (pesos colombianos) per family, prevalence of the adult over 60 years or more in 49.9%, primary education 70% and illiteracy 30%. The horticultural components, basic of feeding of the population, were analyzed, susceptible to obtain through with urban agriculture. The analysis showed a 50% supply of these products that can be produced in the community using their own resources in a rudimentary but efficient way. A training program was developed that contemplated two approaches, the community, achieving the motivation and interest with values of coexistence and cooperative work. Training in urban agriculture focused on systems and procedures of urban production. Strengthened the vulnerable population began horticultural crops, with innovation creativity and community empowerment using the spaces of the houses, to grow in different forms and recyclable containers, products were obtained from family consumption. At the same time they began cooperative cultivation to obtain surpluses marketable in community lots.
  • Management skills, vision of graduate Tomasino-Vuad

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Pachón, Martha Cecilia; Hidalgo Reyes, Carlos Felipe; Giraldo Caro, Astrid Juliana

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    From the investigation named Relation between the labor market and the gone away ones from the Program of Administration of Companies of the Vuad in Villavicencio’s cities, Medellin and Bucaramanga, which was carried out in the year 2016, giving continuity to the similar work developed in 2015 in the city of Bogota, where the general results coincide with some aspects, for example, that the businessmen of the different cities I object of study (Bucaramanga, Medellin and Villavicencio), think that inside the profile of the administrator of companies the managerial skills must stand out, those, which allow to the professional to have the aptitude to work under pressure, proposing alternatives of solution to possible problems, possessing(relying on) the aptitude to lead equipments. In this order of ideas, the investigation developed during the year 2016, it tried to know closely, on having interviewed and to apply instruments of compilation of information, the perception that there have both the businessmen and the gone graduated ones from the program of administration of companies of the Vuad, opposite to the profile with which the students are trained in his academic process, which seeks to strengthen the knowledge acquired by means of the approximation to the managerial reality, element that is valued positively on the part of the gone graduated ones and the businessmen with which the opportunity to socialize was had The topic of the managerial skills takes force after having been employed at the development of the investigation, for the offer of the present article, thanks to the results where there is rescued on the part of businessmen and graduated, that the future administrator of companies must strengthen his skills of leadership, negotiation, managerial and managerial vision, with the intention of being competitive inside the organizations where they work or in his own company.
  • The battle between consumerism and environment. Everyone’s responsibility

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Prada Ospina, Ricardo; Ocampo, Pablo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    Every time we are confronted with consuming multiple products and services, regardless of the damage that has clearly not having the fundamental maxims that must be taken into account to avoid creating more pollution to the planet. One theory that has gained momentum is the Sustainability Supply Chain Management, SSCO, which configured with processes management chain green supply, contribute to reducing the environmental impact and improve service-level agreement of organizations.
  • Why implement a PMO whitin an organization and what are its characteristics?

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Sierra, Diego Antonio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    This article seeks to clarify the different characteristics of a PMO (Project Management Office), in order that entrepreneurs understand the importance of project management within a business organization, highlighting important authors who have talked about the topic as Hill (2014) author who defines in his book the types of PMO. Taking into account the premise that directing projects involves directing a series of processes, with which it must be completed in time, cost and scope without losing context the quality that should be applied in all processes. In Colombia the PMO are recent, but it tends to confuse its activities; besides clarifying that this type of office has a relevant cost for the company, but also help generate cash flows for the maintenance of the organization.
  • Rethinking the model “Sustainable Development”. From competitiveness to cooperation

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Torres Rojas, José Eduardo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    The current development model, based on the idea of economic growth with the sole purpose of boosting the creation of “jobs”, and encouraging consumption, forgetting the boundaries of production limits and the fact that it is impossible to Infinite growth in a planet with limited resources, must be rethought in order to adjust it to an undeniable reality. Thus, a paradigm shift and work guides are proposed, based on previous knowledge and awareness of the sum of problems created by the current system of production and consumption. A clear gap of scale that has led us to create a technosphere that does not fit the biosphere, coupled with a manifest inefficiency in what is produced and an extreme faith in technology as a solution to environmental, social and economic problems, unaware of it The main R + D + I department that represents nature, which provides us with solutions to the vast majority of challenges. Challenges that thanks to anthropocentrism, we think to solve with our own designs. This makes a priority focus change, with a systemic and holistic eco vision, based on a resumption of ethics and values, where it is clarified that not necessarily growth should be associated with economic growth, much less think that the revaluation of the model Leads to a loss of quality of life.
  • Innovation, an approach to its concept, reach, elements and capacities that generate it

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Romero, David; Pinzón, Flor Alba

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    Innovation is understood as a way to introduce something to a product, process, marketing method or organizational among others, “new or significantly improved” the market, so it is important for Developing Countries (PED) determining the scope, different levels of innovation in a given context, and that to achieve this there must be a set of capabilities (absorption and innovation) and resources, in order to identify areas that should be prioritized strengthening technological capacity.
  • Relationship between fiscal incentives and the behavior of the merchant marine sector of the Mercosur part states during the years 2008 – 2013

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Reyes García, José Alberto

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    The following research article illustrates the correlation of tax incentives granted to the Merchant Marine Mercosur States Parties. The purpose of this article is an analysis based on the relationship between tax incentives and the development of the merchant marine in the Mercosur member countries during the period 2008 -. 2013 also takes place under the documentary mode and critical analysis, because the data collection technique that was used for the study, was related to the review of documentary sources such as books, magazines, reports, newspapers, conventions, agreements, electronic media, among others. This research paper was conducted with the main base to generate income as a result of the analysis and discussion in the proceedings of strategies for the implementation of tax incentives among the States Parties of Mercosur in order to serve as a source of information to interested persons and related the area of the research in maritime business.
  • Legacy of the geographic comission in a country of regions

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Ricardo Calzadilla, Patricia Ilse

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    For some of the citizens, the perspective that understands the regions as political-administrative entities represents a future which makes possible to solve the most urgent national problems. The management of the geographical places, as well as its human resources, has been and will still be a national public politics concern. This heritance has a solid foundation on the theories of federalism unheld from the beginning of the Republic, which crowning moment was marked by the XIX mid-century reforms. These political changes were varied and got practical transformations which had been wished by the liberalism defenders for so long. To make the desirable changes happen, it was necessary to get a better knowledge of the national territory and, thus, make the most accurate political decisions. For this reason, from 1950 the Chorographic Commission begings its activity and, with it, the country exploration in order to make more evident the way in which the national regions were composed. Such efforts represent a significant moment in Colombia’s history, from the federalism perspective, which seeked to legitimise diversity as a national dinstinctive feature.
  • Editorial

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Pérez Romero, Claudia Patricia

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    El mundo cambiará... ¡suena muy trascen­dental! Pero así es. Y está ocurriendo a gran velocidad… La forma en que vivimos se está trasforman­do y este proceso ha sido denominado por los economistas la cuarta revolución industrial ¿es este un cambio de paradigma? “La cuarta revolución industrial, no se define por un conjunto de tecnologías emergentes en sí mismas, sino por la transición hacia nue­vos sistemas que están construidos sobre la infraestructura de la revolución digital”, dice Schwab, director ejecutivo del Foro Económi­co Mundial -WEF. El avance vertiginoso de las trasformaciones actuales no tiene precedentes, los sistemas que combinan hardware, software, nanotec­nología, tecnología digital de las comunicacio­nes y ahora algo más importante, se unen las tecnologías del aprendizaje y el conocimiento - TAC y las tecnologías del empoderamiento y la participación - TEP para generar o transferir nuevo conocimiento a través de ambientes de aprendizaje mediados por la tecnología. Esto implica una total automatización: sistemas ci­berfísicos que conjugan hardware y software, capaces de tomar decisiones e interactuar con los humanos por medio del internet de las co­sas y el cloud computing. Esta es la denomi­nada cuarta revolución industrial o revolución 4.0.
  • Improving reading comprehension through direct learning strategies

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Martínez Granada, Liliana; Acosta Rubiano, Deyssi

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    This article shows the results of a research project concerning to the implementation of some workshops in which direct learning strategies (highlighting, take notes, grouping, associating, semantic mapping and summarizing strategies) were explained and implemented to students of a public urban high school in Ibague, during the first semester of 2014 to enhance the English reading comprehension. The population of this study was made up of students from 9th grade; one of the groups was the experimental and the other the control group. Data were collected through a diagnostic test, a series of six workshops with students according to the strategies that were selected and the progress test. Results of this research study showed that once the learning strategies were implemented, the most commonly used by the participants was the highlighting, takes notes and associating strategies. This was due to that these strategies not only helped them to understand better what they read, they felt comfortable and willing to participate, but also they changed their attitude towards the reading English process.
  • Conditions of tourist demand in an eco tourist route in the corridor Coveñas – Tolú in the department of Sucre

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Ruiz Carta, Erika Patricia; Vergara Narváez, Andrés

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    This article aims to describe the conditions of tourism demand in creating ecotourism routes in municipalities: Covenas and Tolu. The type of study is descriptive. In the research process a stratified sample of 232 tourists and 37 accommodation establishments was taken; plus a group of professionals was used to assess natural areas according to the methodology of Mincit 2010 and the application of direct tourists surveys to gather information. From the study it was determined that the demand for the territories is national with 54% coming from inside the country, turn that 70% of tourist destinations are active tourism: sun and beach. However about 30% are willing to practice nature tourism. Also only 2 areas were considered to practice “ecotourism” by the conditions of preservation and accessibility to them. It is concluded that the implementation of strategies aimed at improving demand conditions is necessary, taking advantage of the potential of the natural resources and diversifying the range of services that help improve the level of destinations.
  • Approach to the characterization of the practice advisory teachers and the performance of the training teachers

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: Martínez Granada, Liliana; Meza Quintero, Gladys

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    It is imperative at this time of the educational process to recognize the 21st century as the century of the megatrends of Pedagogy, in this field the pedagogical practice becomes a fundamental element for the development of the professional life of future bachelors. This article aims to socialize the results of the research that was carried out with the purpose of establishing the characterization of the teachers who string along with the teaching practice as advisors in the different educational institutions of the municipality of Ibagué. It is important to clarify that they have an agreement with the School of Education, of the University of Tolima. It was significant to know their opinions about the fundamental factors of the development of the teaching practice to evaluate their effectiveness, impact and rethink some aspects that allow improving the exercise of it. The research was quantitative-qualitative, the information was collected through surveys in order to characterize the advisory teachers and through focus groups the advisor teachers were heard and information was collected to evaluate the teaching practice. Knowing the advances, achievements, shortcomings, and limitations allowed with a safe basis to elaborate the plan of Improvement of the exercise of the Teaching Practice in the University and to reorient its process.
  • Meta-analysis of the association between the VAL66MET variants of BDNF, 2/3/4 of APOE and the schizophrenia

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: CITAS

    Autores: García Riveros, William; Tibana, Nidya

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2017-10-30

    Schizophrenia is a mental disorder based on multiple factors, so the etiology is still under discussion; many candidates have been identified as genetic risk factors to the phenotype, including the postulates in the meta-analysis. APOE gene codes for a protein involved in the transport of lipids being the variable candidate e4 important risk factor for schizophrenia and polymorphism VAL66MET BDNF involved in intercellular secretion alterations in the neurotrophin, postulated in association with the disorder. A systematic review was conducted through various databases, compiling 25 case-control studies related to the association of some of the variables to schizophrenia, under strict eligibility criteria, among them meta-analytic association was determined using the random effects model, for inferring the impact of the risk allele and the genotype at schizophrenia. It was obtained a slight association of the e4 variant in Caucasians. On the other hand neither the Met genotype carrier, neither allele Met have showed a significant association to phenotype, these results contrast the many contradictory studies published in recent years, thus generating overall result of the influence of genotype variants.