núm. 76 (en-ju) (2010): investigación en humanidades


Recent Items

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  • Policy in conflict: the transition or consolidation

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Jiménez, William Ortíz

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    The following essay is, basically, expose theories which have given source to political transitions or the passage of the dictatorship to democracy. The question is, in general terms, how and why a system dictatorial evolves towards a democratic system...Are they necessary certain cultural, social, economic and political conditions in order that the evolution to produce the evolution towards democracy? In other words, is it possible to identify specific forms that allow us to predict the possibility of a transition to democracy? In this same vein, we must consider that transitions are possible only when there have been some definite steps: liberalization, democratization and consolidation, steps, of course vital to understand the corollary of political transitions. This is the framework that moves in this essay: show the positions and analysis presented by experts in the field and try to elucidate the characteristics of a possible consolidation, in terms of political scientists, will be the end of the democratization.
  • Conscience (awareness) and universo. From modern physics to the logic of human behavior in society through the theory of structuration.

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Villegas, Víctor Alfonso Agudelo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    This article attempts to take a general look at some modern theoretical developments related to the epistemology of sciences. Quantum mechanics (modern Physics) and the contemporary sociological Theory developed by Anthony Giddens (Structuration) are placed here as a unit of analysis in order to discuss their possible merging points at the time of tackling the object of study (subject matter?) , and, in those terms, consider the epistemological tools of the so-called ‘hard’ sciences to evaluate human behavior in society. So, it is mainly to discuss issues that have so far been considered one of the tabu in modern science to know, the distinction increasingly blurred regarding their fundamental principles of the theory of knowledge.
  • All subject is subject of technique. Technology and subjectivity in the ancient greek filosofy

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Ahumada, Germán Carvajal

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    This essay contains an analysis on the ancient Greek concept of technology, through which it is demonstrated that the ancient concept, in opposed direction to the modern one, arises rooted into teaching and interpersonal recognition. The contemporary notion, as linked to mechanism, is prone to delete the subject, but the ancient Greek notion is unthinkable without the process of subjecting the individual to society.
  • Geography of the reason: from the places of knowledge production

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Rodríguez, Magaly Vega

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    Based on the analysis of Doreen Masey and those of Santiago Castro-Gómez, we will show a reflection on the geographies of the reason that will attempt to show the importance of thinking about the places from which knowledge is expressed and what they have in localized systems of statements, operating, training and transformation of discourses. To do this we divide the presentation into four parts. First, we will make a brief presentation of Foucault's questioning of the production of discourse. Second, we will take the contributions by Masey about a geography of knowledge production, then we will present the thesis by Castro-Gómez on "The hubris of the zero point" and the location of knowledge, and finally we will aim to reflect the contributions of our authors on the need to think about the places of enunciation of knowledge as a basis for the assertion of the epistemic variety.
  • Reflections on the new redefinitions around the body from a gender perspective

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Moreno, Nubia Amparo Rubio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    Starting from the premise that existence is in first instance in the body, the objective of the article focuses on analyzing the topic from different perspectives of the body. Taking into account that man is at stake in the realm of the physical is rooted in a set of symbolic systems, which take place in the culture to which we belong. These symbols convey values and redefine the social action of the individual and the society in which it is immersed. From this new perspective, appears the category "body" as a reason for a socialcultural thought, under the parameters of the transition to modernity, in which transdisciplinary and complexity become the "collateral" for the body to acquire a new meaning, which can be seen with new eyes, sex generic processes that are experienced in the contemporary world.
  • Reflexivity on teaching learning research processes in social sciences

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Marín, Jefferson Jaramillo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    This essay discusses the “reflexivity” in the teaching learning research processes framework in social sciences. The importance of this practice is pointed out in the social contemporary theory and its connection with the social researcher’s profession and practice. Starting from a self-reflective exercise, which emerges from the university teaching profession in a Sociology Program, some implications and challenges of social research are specifically posed.
  • The tool box as a methodology option

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Amaya, Tomás Sánchez

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    This article is an outline on the archeology, as a methodological tool, which provides resources to address inquiries about: topics, problems, speeches and objects that lie outside of the big stories of the great lines of thought, of which traditional history has studied. In view of putting into operation such a tool the research group Docimófilos has designed an inquiry looking through several stages, to make a characterization of the educational evaluation forms in Santo Tomás University in Bogotá, presencial mode. "This description historical (archaeological) is not designed to unravel the first origin and final end, the evolutionary development, tradition and authority of the proposed object (of the assessment, their discourses and practices), as determined by the historical conditions of which are a shared knowledge of certain social practices.
  • Scientism, analogy and humanities

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Guerrero, Salvador Jara

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    We present a criticism of scientistic positions, especially in the social sciences and humanities, emphasizing the value of epistemology as a critical tool and prudential positions. It describes the successes of physics in the Scientific Revolution in order to contextualize and properly assess the development of natural sciences, but especially the scientific method, the conditions under which it generally applies and its limitations, even in the study of natural phenomena, in which it is now recognized as very complex, but never equal to that of social phenomena or to study in the humanities.
  • Theoretical and methodological difficulties of intercultural proposal

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Guldberg, Horacio Cerutti

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-06

    I can hardly do justice in these few lines to the already extensive work done in recent years by Raúl Fornet-Betancourt. It would be useless even trying to do it. Instead, I want to concentrate on some of his most significant contributions to highlight the most interesting things and express with rigorously and fraternally, perhaps some fruitful suggestions in view of future work. Everything as an enthusiast way to join the deserved tribute for his first sixty years of life was organized by other dear friends, including Sidekum Antonio, who has been kind for inviting me to participate. So I thought it is appropriate to break down the exhibition in three sections of unequal length: history, criticism and objections