núm. 70 (en-di) (2006): lingüística y literatura


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  • The romantic hero in Poniatowska

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Isaza, Marena Ortiz

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    In this article both the statement as well as the axiologies proposed in the aesthetic project of the work: the skin of heaven, written by Elena Poniatowska will be analyzed. The core
  • Material arranged: between the pyramid and the axolotl

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Marín, Paula Andrea Colorado

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    In this article it is showed an approach to the novel Materia Dispuesta, by the Mexican writer Juan Villoro. This analytical approach pretends to elucidate the connection between the literary piece and the environment in which it is created, likewise the historical moment represented in the novel’s anecdote (the earthquake happened in Mexico City in 1985). The above-mentioned has the objective of establishing the author’s aesthetic proposal in this piece and its relationship with the vision that Materia Dispuesta builds on the processes of Modernity and Post modernity in Latin America. For that purpose, it will appeal to the literary and sociological investigations by Mijail Baltin, Zigmunt Baugman, Carlos Monsivais and Octavio Paz between others
  • Others own senses words: The muisca sense of the blanket, the captain and the moon in the late sixteenth century

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Collazos, Ana María Díaz

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    The colonial society during the ends of 16th century in the region of Cundinamarca and Boyaca (today’s provinces of the republic of Colombia) used certain Indian culture institutions in order to establish its domain. Therefore, certain senses from the muisca language and culture were added to the senses of some words in the Spanish language. The word manta, for example, is inspired in the Spanish sense of bedspread, and changes into appointing the dressing clothes of the Indians with the value that the traditional socio-cultural thinking placed on. The word capitan experiences a similar change: while it meant a war chief in standard Spanish, it changes into appointing an Indian local authority, so that it is integrated into the politic and religious system in the regional culture. This makes different related words from the Spanish language experience a similar change as they designate elements from that system. Similarly, some typical features of the comprehension of the time among Indians highlight the lunar aspect of the months, as for them to be named with the words una luna (one moon), dos lunas (two months), tres lunas (three months), etcetera
  • Between the bonfire and wisdom. religious writers of the Hispanic world

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Osorio, Betty

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    The feminine literature if we understand by it writing of women, it has been characterized to be hidden in many occasions alter the emporium of men. Clear example of this is writers George Sand and George Eliot who by their alias, hide their feminine being to participate of the literary World of the time. With Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Madre del Castillo we have, in the Hispanic world two clear examples of sharp consciences and with an outstanding intelligence that had to hide alter the fears of the inquisition. Their confessors will be the fundamental key that silences their thought vivacity and the manifestation of it in their writing. The nun Jerónima used, to safeguard her autonomy a little, some keys that ratify her perspicacity and intelligence; on the other hand, the Madre del Castillo, was silenced easily by the confessor. In this way, the present article seeks to sketch the problem the inquisition and the intelligence; “between the blaze and the wisdom”.
  • Exhibit the vocabulary used by the Gay Community of Bogotá

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Gagné, Étienne; Rodríguez, Alejandro

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    This document presents a sample of the lexical units used by the young gay men community that frequents the bars and discotheques located in the district of Chapinero (Bogota). The lexicographic practice is one of the tools that allows the observation and study of small urban communities and facilitate the understanding of the interaction in large cities. This work is part of a project developed for the Master in Spanish Linguistics offered by the Instituto Caro y Cuervo.
  • Dialectal vocabulary of Cartagena, Barranquilla and Monteria (DVCBM)

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Martínez, Claudina Peralta

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    This article is a first approach for creating a dialectal vocabulary from the Colombian Caribbean Coast. The cities of Barranquilla, Cartagena, and Monteria were visited in order to obtain a representative corpus through the use of surveys and conversations recorder informally to explain the great variety of vocabulary in this region. It was taken into account that the verbal context should allow the detection of meaning of the world and its application in it as well as the semantic aspects and the grammatical properties. Next, the part that corresponds to the particularities of the use by the people in this region of the country was developed by giving examples to allow the contextualization of each recording or lemma. In this work there are fifty –two recordings and one-hundred and seven meanings.
  • Usual Glossary of Cundinamarca (UGC): A lexicographical experience

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Valencia, José Aldemar Álvarez; Guzmán, Angélica Patricia Hoyos

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    The current dynamics of modern and postmodern societies generate a constant creation and flow of lexical units whose origin is every time more difficult to identify. This paper aims at reporting a research experience in the field of lexicography that was carried out in the region of Cundinamarca. Through audio-recording of informal oral interactions, interviews and questionnaires, it was intended to elaborate a glossary of dialectal nature. The conclusions show that due to the mobility of the people of Bogotá towards the different towns of Cundinamarca and vice versa, it is still problematical to determine a specific vocabulary.
  • Frege and logicist project, a revolution in the philosophy foundation

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Fonseca, Miguel

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    This writing proposes to show the logicism (the project that reduces arithmetic to logic) as the central and starting point of the Frege’s philosophy. It implies a new perspective to analyze his last semantic works and the sense of the concepts sinn und bedeutung (sense and reference) as he basis of the philosophy of language.
  • The social determinism of the individual in Chronicle of a Death Foretold

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Flórez, Oscar

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    The author of Crónica de una muerte anunciada has intentionally chosen one event important enough to take the reader beyond the anecdotes to discover a topic that embraces a social reality more complex than the “misfortune”, a narrative element which is very important in the plot from which the writer develops the work. It is suggested in the work the thesis that being the owner of his/her free will and to make use of the freedom given by it like Ángela Vicario did and to a lesser extent Bayardo San Roman is the only way not to be subject to those implicit social rules determined by a tradition which, many times, is absurd, illogical, and irrational like recovering the lost honor by killing the attacker, the plot in Crónica de una muerte anunciada
  • The aesthetics of despair: un bel morir of Alvaro Mutis and criticism of modernity

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Mayorga, Witton Becerra

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    This article intends to recount the aesthetic program developed by Alvaro Mutis in the third novel of the Saga de Maqroll el Gaviero: Un Bel Morir. This work is vitally important to understand, in Bourdieu’s words, the position assumed by the author. Specifically the shape-giving to the novel will be presented in a general way for relating to Joseph Conrad’s novel entitled Victoria. In this novel, the basic elements of the verbal creation are related to despair as a constituent axiology of the work. That is why a criticism against the modernity emerges to the level of an aesthetic program. This criticism could be defined from the novel itself as an artistic creation, and the axiology as a Mutis’ assumption of a position in the Colombian novel field. The theoretical field is the socio-critics due to the concepts stated
  • Señor que no conoce la luna: : Evelio skeptical bet Rosero Diago

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Lozano, Juana Alejandra López; Causado, Alexander León López

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    In Señor que no conoce la luna, Colombian writer Evelio Rosero Diago set up two confronted worlds in a relationship of power: dominators (dressed society) and dominated (naked community). The hero -a lucid naked- faced with degradation of the world where he lives, decides to take shelter inside a wardrobe. From this space, he assumes an attitude of skepticism opposite to the surrounding reality: a modern world where the Illustrated Project’s failure is noticed, being impossible the construction of a happy, free and autonomous individual. In an attempt to elucidate the axiological attitude assumed by Rosero Diago in Señor que no conoce la luna, in the present article an analysis of the meaning production present in the novel is carry out. For that, the notion of the axiological attitude assumed and the literary materialization of this, fundamental concepts inside the Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological proposal, related with the genesis of the novel
  • Vision of utopia from historical imagination

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Ávila, Nini Johanna Sánchez

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01

    In 1996 it appears the novel Donde ladrón no llega, written by the Paraguayan novelist Luis Hernáez; this work proposes a new reading of the experience built in the Jesuit Reductions of Paraguay. It is precisely this assessment -through a recreation of history- which motivates the literary structure, due to the fact that it represents a reconstruction process, a critical view over an utopian project carried out in America. Such a proposal is evaluated from the voices of those who – even being direct protagonists of the social event- didn’t have an outstanding voice in the delimitation of this experience. Thus, it must be tackled the kind of vision of the history given by the author and how this one is being developed around a specific conception of the proposal of Utopia for Latin America.
  • Editorial

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Análisis

    Autores: Mayorga, Witton Becerra

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2006-06-01
