vol. 11 núm. 2 (2015)
Recent Items
- Leadership practices and its relationship with the culture in a group of latin american countries
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Espinosa M., Juan Carlos; Contreras T., Francoise; Barbosa R., David
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
The aim of this study was to analyze, by using the MLQ5X, the leadership profiles of 167 managers from four Latin American countries (Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia), to see if there are different patterns of leadership despite cultural similarities. Likewise, these profiles were compared with results obtained by other authors from different regions. Finally, these results were compared with another Colombian sample. Significant differences in leadership were found, both in culturally different countries and in Latin American countries, despite their cultural similarities. Finally, the sample of managers in this study differs significantly from the other Colombian sample, in some variables of the MLQ. These findings are discussed. - Conciliating work-family: analysis from the perspective of gender
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Jiménez Figueroa, Andrés; Gómez Urrutia, Verónica
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
The concept of work-family balance and its impact on the management of organizations, especially on gender equality, is examined from a conceptual point of view, given the current stage of psychosocial changes, including the incorporation of women into the labor market and the labor situation of workers in general. We emphasize the need to identify organizational factors driving change and leading obstacles, particularly considering an organizational culture that incorporates the concern to integrate work and family life at all levels. We conclude with the need to articulate public policy, promote personal strategies and implement organizational changes to respond effectively to the challenges and promote change. - Citizenship and youth: a brief review
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Silva-Nova, Surani; Cristancho, Laura; Parra, Carolina; Quevedo, Nury; Rodríguez, Adonai
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
The present article is the product of a research project entitled Citizenship and social representations of politics in young people participating in social, political, economic and cultural organizations in Villavicencio. It is developed in the context of a literature review that accounts for the central category of youth citizenship, in order to identify and contrast the positions that have different authors in an attempt to get the inclusion of several actors and practices with regard to citizenship and forms of youth participation in expressions, consistent with the significant contribution of these actors with society. It also allows us to characterize the peculiarities of youth public participation, how they take such a commitment with the society to which they belong, the difficulties they face in exercising their role, the issues that mobilize their efforts and their way of conceiving the system. - A proposal for neuropsychological evaluation in cases where there is an alteration in musical perception
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Peralta, Juan Carlos; Peralta, Nancy; Montenegro, Zulay Andrea
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
There are different conditions which are not considered as relevant because they are not totally disabling. Yet when a patient regards a symptom or a specific condition as important, it should be taken seriously, because it may be an essential part of that person. Music is considered as one of the biggest reinforcers for humans, as well as a great tool for neuropsychological stimulation. But little has been investigated in relation to this issue. It is recommended to integrate the musical area as part of the neuropsychological evaluation and intervention. This article aims to build a proposed neuropsychological assessment for cases where there is an alteration in the perception of music. Through a single case study, and from a standard neuropsychological assessment protocol, along with specific additional evidence about music, it ends with a proposal that includes differential diagnoses such as depression, musical anhedonia and amusia. As a contribution states that it is a proposal that, in addition to novelty, it should be taken into account due to the relevance that involves the musical component; and the fact that assess the patient holistically, not only on their overall cognitive state but also emotional and always taking into account what the patient needs. - Effect of active teaching strategies in the attitudes towards chemistry and their interaction with cognitive style
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Hurtado Osorio, Gladys Elena
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
This article shows and analyzes the effects on attitudes towards learning chemistry with the application of three didactic teaching strategies (problem-based learning —PBL—, guided discovery learning —ADG— and teaching for understanding —EPC—) in three groups of high school students, differentiated by their cognitive style field dependence-independence. In order to study the attitudes, the IAQ tool was used for determining attitudes in three dimensions: emotional, attitudinal and cognitive. The results showed among others a significant correlation between attitudes on cognitive and cognitive style dimension DIC. - Difficulty components of deductive reasoning tasks by applying Fischer’s LLTM model
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Galibert, María Silvia; Abal, Facundo; Auné, Sofía; Lozzia, Gabriela Susana; Aguerri, María Ester
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
Syllogistic reasoning is an important part of deductive reasoning. In cognitive psychology, the analysis of error sources in solving syllogisms produced explanations such as the atmosphere effect, figure bias and wrong conversion. The Fischer Linear Logistic Test Model (LLTM) was fitted on a set of syllogisms in order to identify their difficulty components and estimate their effects. Forty six items were administered with a link design to three groups of 1074 university students. The task consisted in choosing, for each pair of premises, one conclusion scheme and complete it with the suitable terms, if a valid conclusion existed; otherwise, examinees had to select the option of no valid conclusion. The Rasch model was fitted to a subset of 20 syllogisms on which Fischer’s LLTM was applied. Four components were identified that increase syllogistic difficulty: atmosphere effect, figure bias (when they follow the opposite direction of the conclusion or when there is no valid conclusion), figure II and figure III. Two components were found that make the task easier: reversibility of conclusion (universal negative and particular affirmative modes) and lack of valid conclusion. Linear correlation between the estimates of difficulty parameters obtained with Rasch and LLTM models was .96. - Using a brain control interface to record brain activity involved in attention during driving under the influence of alcohol
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Camelo, Sandra; Rojas, Daniel; Mejía, Andrés; Castro, Rafael
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
The ingestion of alcohol has been linked to characteristic changes in EEG activity, and these changes depend on several factors. Previous research has been conducted with a variety of experimental designed, but most have focused on reporting the effect of alcohol consumption in subjects with a history of alcohol abuse, and a few have reported the effects of lower doses of alcohol. This project recorded brain activity related to attention in a driving situation with an emotiv EPOC brain control interface (BCI) device after ingestion of 0,300 g of alcohol (0,02 % bac) or none in a preexperiemental pre-test and post-test design with 30 college students aged 18-45. Results suggest that lower doses of alcohol change wave dynamics, reducing the amplitude of fast alpha (9-13Hz) and beta (14-30Hz) waves in frontal lobe zones involved in sustained attention in driving. - Perceived stress in university administration and service staff
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Díaz-Corchuelo, Angelines; Cordón-Pozo, Eulogio; Rubio-Herrera, Ramona
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
The aim of the study was to analyze the level of stress perceived by the administration and service staff (pas) of the University of Granada (ugr) in a scientific and technical campus. We obtained a sample of 194 women and 156 men. The perceived stress levels in subjects who participated in the study were evaluated by Perceived Stress Scale (pss). Statistical analyzes compared the level of perceived stress with different sociodemographic factors such as age, marital status, number of children, time worked at the university, type of contract, dependents persons performing physical activity or consumption of any kind of toxic substances, such as alcohol or snuff. Each of these factors was analyzed taking into account the gender perspective. The results show statistically significant differences in the level of perceived stress in some of the factors that we have analyzed. - Psychological intervention model for informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Cerquera Córdoba, Ara Mercedes; Pabón Poches, Daysy Katherine
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
The aim of this study is to design a model of psychological resilience intervention with cognitive behavioral approach for informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer-type dementia. It takes into account the depression, burden, resilience, social support and coping strategies variables, regarded as influential in the literature on the role of the caregiver. The design takes into account the methodology of Mori (2008) and for the evaluation of both the model structure and process, the quality service evaluation proposal of Donabedian (2005). It is concluded that the design of intervention programs for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients appears as a necessary alternative to counteract the effects of care. This model provides necessary information to facilitate replication in other contexts providing the required elements for implementation. - Editorial
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Aguilar Bustamante, María Constanza
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
Diversitas una revista que influye en las Américas y en Iberoamérica: Altmetrics una respuesta a los indicadores tradicionales de medición de impacto.En los últimos años han surgido múltiples formas de medir el impacto de las publicaciones científicas y uno de ellos ha sido Altmetrics que es un conjunto de indicadores de citación, de uso alternativos a los tradicionales y que corresponden a impactos que pueden ser más fuertes en términos de la incidencia de los contenidos en comunidades como profesionales, estudiantes y comunidades no expertas de conocimiento y, en este sentido, cada día cobran más relevancia que los indicadores de citación. Como sabemos solo existen dos empresas que pueden generar dichos indicadores, y con las limitaciones que conocemos y que deberían producir en los actores decisores de las políticas de ciencia y tecnología nacional, estas otras formas de medición de los productos locales, está creando una revolución de indicadores que lleva a diálogos, discusiones y formas de visibilizar contenidos que están transformado la dinámica de los procesos editoriales y científicos de las revistas y es por esta razón que presentar los datos de los últimos 10 años de nuestra revista DIVERSITAS resulta relevante.De acuerdo a los datos de Redalyc –indicadores cienciométricos- en su nuevo sistema de información Diversitas ha publicado en el período 2005 y 2014, en 10 años, 214 artículos de los cuales el 63 % es publicación de origen nacional y el 34 % de carácter internacional y de este 63 % de la publicación nacional, el 19.5 % es institucional y si lo vemos en el tiempo esto hace que seamos una revista moviéndose en una perspectiva de las revistas científicas que se publican en iberoamerica dejando de ser endogámicas y moviéndose a la exogamia institucional y de país. Sin embargo, nuestra revista ha sido una revista nacional que se ha movido a lo internacional y que las dinámicas de incentivos seguramente han pesado en este proceso.Los autores, además de Colombia, que más han publicado en su orden son de Brasil, México, España, Chile y Estados Unidos; y en menor número, autores de países como Argentina, Dinamarca, China, Costa Rica, Perú, Paraguay, Suiza y Venezuela.Nuestra revista ha publicado en orden de frecuencia a Universidades Nacionales como la Javeriana, la Católica, la Nacional y la Sabana en Colombia.El 71 % de la publicación ha sido en coautoría y esta tendencia se ha sostenido con algunas fluctuaciones. Esta publicación, además, ha sido en coautoría nacional e institucional más que internacional, esto quiere decir que debemos movernos a buscar colaboración nacional e internacional.Un dato de Altmetrics muy relevante es la cantidad de descargas y la procedencia de las mismas, este dato corresponde a los usuarios individuales por IP y en este sentido podemos ver que nuestra revista supera la media de consultas de las revistas Redalyc y la media de revistas de psicología y que el país que más descarga nuestros artículos es México, seguido de Estados Unidos, España y Canadá como principales usuarios.Nuestro impacto es muy importante en las Américas y España y estar por encima del promedio de las descargas de Iberoamérica debe darnos un horizonte.En definitiva debemos revisar las múltiples métricas para evidenciar nuestro impacto y más que escoger entre sistemas de medición, debemos buscar el objetivo central de la comunicación académica, esto es hacerla visible. Este ha sido el objeto de discusión en los últimos eventos de revistas de forma permanente y, finalmente, se constituye en un referente de confianza y calidad.Maria Constanza Aguilar BustamanteEditora - Suicide risk factors measured with two questionnaires, and associated factors among students of the universidad nacional de Colombia of Manizales
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Diversitas
Autores: Castaño Castrillón, José Jaime; Cañón, Sandra Constanza; Betancur Betancur, Marcela; Castellanos Sánchez, Paula Lorena; Guerrero González, Johanna; Gallego Rivas, Alejandra; Llanos Calderón, Catalina
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-07-01
Objective: to determine suicide risk and other related factors according to two surveys conducted at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia of Manizales (Caldas, Manizales). Materials and Methods: cross-sectional design with 255 students of 3 programs of the Universidad Nacional. Results: prevalence of suicide tendency according to Plutchik: 6,7 %; according to Beck: 19,7 %. Good family functioning: 39,8 %; absent depression: 55,7 %. A significant correlation was found between suicide risk factor (Plutchnik) and gender, metal musical, exercise, depression, and family functioning. According to Beck, these factors are metal musical gender, depression and family functioning. Conclusions: The prevalence of suicide risk in this population is below the average when compared to other research.