núm. 2 (2011)


Recent Items

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • The Contemporary Marriage Crisis and the Unhappiness of Love

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: López Vergara, Fernando Aquiles

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    This article is a deep reflection which allows us to wonder throughout a literary and mythological approach about some paradigms such as love, passion and marriage; even since its incompatibility. It questions about how legitimate a speech which tries to domesticate the gift of joy in social-cultural contexts may be, and its failure, expressed by symptoms, it is also to recognize subjective structures' power like extremely determinant elements when studying how complex sexual and loving lives may come out in individuals according to the marriage institution.
  • Development: Contributions and Approaches from Psychology

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Rodríguez Páez, Elsa Ruth

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    This article is the result of a historical review of psychology and the interplay between the concepts developed in the social construction of psychology as a scientific discipline which relies on modern discourse, can be taken as a starting point from which defines the socio-economic policies. It is organized in three stages: the first accounts of the history of psychology as a science, a second stage deals with the concept of development from psychology and a third time in dialogue brings to psychology, and social science, the concept of development in the socioeconomic sphere.
  • Classroom Project in the Course 'Methodology of Legal and Socio-Legal Research'

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Urrea Bautista, Jhonny

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    In this document, we will systematically present the didactic experiences implemented in the course 'Methodology of Legal and Socio-Legal Research' during the years 2009 and 2010, starting from lectures, interactive work, and workshops, and leading up to the current implementation of the classroom project.
  • Didactic Strategies: Their Relationship with Assessment

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Cárdenas Salgado, Enrique; Perilla Ruiz, Lucila

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    Inside This article presents a synthesis, some strategies that teachers can use for teaching purposes in educational action and quickly sketched a conception of teaching and pedagogy are also presented as a conclusion regarding the levels of man provides the knowledge, a superficial and a deep and meaningful relationships, and it is an approximation of the assessment process related to these levels of knowledge and ability to use some of these strategies for this purpose. Teachers are invited to lead to action these ideas and implement them in the classroom.In particular it is expected that each of the educational actors from them reflect on their daily work to the extent of their interests and needs and apply what avails itself to his mind would be relevant.
  • Of Economic Crises and the Current Financial Crisis

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Romero Correal, Nelly Balbina

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    The global economic crisis expresses the tensions of the accumulation regime, impossible to solve by the ordinary functioning of the system. The crisis of 1929, known as the Great Depression, had been considered, until the beginning of this century, the strongest, followed by the crisis of the seventies, which marked a new stage of crisis by rising prices oil. Since then, the global economy has faced a succession crisis, with shorter recovery periods, until the outbreak of 2007. This article defines the concept of economic crisis itself, characterizing the prevailing economic system in the world, responsible for structural failures which are linked to all the common elements of an economic crisis. Finally we review three factors of the crisis 2007-2009, even affect the global economy.
  • Taylorism: A Global Perspective

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Otero Gómez, María Cristina

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    The Scientific Management proposed by Taylor is based on the application of scientific methods to the work performed by workers in order to increase labor efficiency, making proper use of machinery and equipment through the division of labor. This paper describes the Taylorist model not only from the production process but also by studying the era and events surrounding the author and his principles, which remain relevant with some modifications in the 21st century.
  • Basel III: Scope, Suitability, and Opportunities. Between the Financial Crisis and Banking Regulation

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Ramírez Castellanos, Edward

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    The aim of this article is to examine the scopes and the convenience of the last agreement proposed by the committee of central banks (Committee of Basle). In which there were established different mechanisms that try to improve the procedure and rules proposed by his predecessor (Basle the IInd), and that tries to reinforce in outline the reservations of cash and another type of the capital in the banks to act opposite to eventual emergencies. Then it was centring on the attention on the relevancy of the new procedure and the need of the recent version of the Basilea departing from the responsibility of the financial system in the current crisis. Since though consensus exists almost world what on the irresponsible behavior of the systematicly important banks, recognizes equally that partly the financial crisis, it is consequence of the bad regulation and supervision of the financial authorities. Finally there is done a sketch of the repercussions of these procedure in emergent countries of Latin America.
  • The Training of Economists in Colombia: History and Purpose

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Prieto Osorio, Miguel Antonio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01

    Economics as a science was not always an independent discipline, emerged gradually from the Law, Moral Philosophy, Theology and Sociology. For the economy became an autonomous science, to justify the development of field programs and faculties should arise in the history special conditions. This article aims to show thoseconditions that led to the emergence of economics programs inColombia, as training centers for professional economists always obeying the demands of society, or at least their economic elites, politicians and intellectuals in every age.
  • Editorial note Episteme 2

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Castellanos, Javier Antonio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-01-01