núm. 5 (2013)


Recent Items

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  • Labor and Social Study of Villavicense Cultural Tourism
    This paper shows sorne findings from social and economic conditions of the main characters that are part of the cultural offer. They are the people who are dedicated to the development of activities of culture from the Plains of Colombia, such as, food and Joropo, defined as the triad of music, song and dance. The overall
  • Gender and Generation in Autobiographies of University Faculty in Colombia

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Domínguez Blanco, Maria Elvia

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-20

    The aim of this paper is to show the contributions of feminist and biographical-narrative research to teaching education. A gender perspective applied to 50 teachers' autobiographies from eight Colombian cities showed:the relationship between historical context,choice and inclusion in the academic,generational changes in professional socialization and gender roles (compatibility or incompatibility between work and family responsibilities). This approach showed contradictory evidence images of the profession in terms of idealization and precariousness, mothering and parenting in professional socialization and work. Sorne teachers who completed a university teaching specialization wrote reports on this matter and they are from different cities like Barrancabermeja, Bogota, El Espinal, Medellin, Quibdó,Villavicencio, Santa Marta and Santiago de Cali.
  • Regarding Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Umbarila Castiblanco, Ximena

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-20

    While it is true that research is as a way to solve problems, man has used it as a tool for a long time, their entry into the field of education, as a teaching strategy to enhance learning is relatively recent.Teaching and learning research is the development viewed from two aspects; one as the most used by researchers in science education in Spanish and Latin American contexts and another is the Anglo Saxon. This paper presents sorne ideas of inquiry as a context within research stands as one of the forms of active learning and describes two aspects mentioned about teaching and learning through research.
  • Common Elements and Points of Reflection from Montessori and Dewey

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Cárdenas Salgado, Fidel Antonio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-20

    Based on the interpretive reading of two separate texts extracted from the book Teaching Legacy of the Twentieth Centu ry to the Twenty-First Century will School (2001 ). In the remainder of this paper highlights sorne biographical and contextual aspects of the environment surrounding Maria Montessori and John Dewey for the times in which they lived and made their contributions to education and pedagogy. Done this, below, the text highlights sorne of the main ideas of the works of these teachers within sorne context questions to reflect as a teacher. Finally, a research will enhance the scientific meaning of the thinking of the two authors. Maria Montessori provides orderly and progre­ssive activity, independence and spontaneity, observation of nature and systematic in children. Their method is predominantly empirical and experimental since based reality. Considering the teacher as a coach for spiritual food , land or school as culture medium and the child as the subject of the experiment.(González,M ,et al,2007 ,p.70) The main concept related to Dewey 's theory of knowledge , and perhaps the most important of ali his philosophical system , is to experience . Classical epistemology holds an orthodox view of the experience, and he opposes Dewey his dynamic vision and experience. In fact, it is of Dewey's con­cern to refer exchange of a living being with his or her physical and social environment, not merely a matter of knowledge. lt also involves an integration of actions and conditions, and therefore does not relate to anything just subjective. Furthermore, experience is an effort to change the principies and in this sense has a projective dimension,overcoming the immediate present. This research is based on connections and continuities, and involves perma­nently reflection and inference processes. For Dewey experience and thought are not contra­dictory terms, as both are mutually complementary. 
  • Diagnosis of Comprehensive Education at Santo Tomás University (USTA), Villavicencio Campus

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: López Vergara, Fernando Aquiles

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-20

    This article was the result of a qualitative interpretative hermeneutic research,conducted at the University of Santo Tomas Villavicencio.To obtain the data, the instrument used focus groups, the systematization of information organized into categories that allowed encode the description of subjects on perceptions of students, alumni, faculty and staff on the comprehensive training. The reference frame was constructed from the USTA institutional documents that are inspired by the Christian thought of St.Thomas, which seeks to promete the integral development of the person in the field of higher education, through actions and processes of teaching and learning, research and outreach , also took into account other theoretical references from critica! social approach. The analysis of the results was performed initially from each group, and then the information obtained from the different groups were triangulated. Finally, the analysis shows the diagnose on perceptions that the university community has on the comprehensive training.
  • Construction of the Concept of Technological Thinking in Technology Education through the Validation of the Proposed Attributes

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Cardenas Salgado, Enrique Diógenes

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-20

    This research aimed the construction of a conceptualization of the Thought Technology, known as the (PT initials in Spanish), taking as a starting point the logic of it and the types of knowledge that incorporates. The oriented research was from a qualitative approach, with a cross-sectional descriptive study.The information gathered was from high school students in the area of technology and computing.After the implementation of the proposed Thought Technology construct, a performed validation applied the expert judgment fer this purpose of Regnier's method. This investigation built an lnventory Attributes and lndicators of Thought Technology, as well as IAelPT and subjected to validation by experts' opinion. In terms of a researchable question seeking work to answer the question was: What are the attributes that viewed as a whole, describe a conceptualization ofThought Technology and how these attributes are present in a sample of students in the area of technology and computer?. 
  • Aproximación al perfil criminal del violador en serie en Colombia

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Balaguera Rojas, Monica del Pilar

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-04-20

    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo elaborar una aproximación al perfil criminal del violador en serie en Colombia, basada en rasgos de personalidad de cinco sujetos que estuvieran condenados por el delito de acceso carnal violento contemplado en el código penal colombiano. Para ello se planteó una investigación cualitativa que se desarrolló a partir de los principios del método inductivo- analítico, con un diseño no experimental transversal descriptivo. La información se obtuvo a través de estrategias de investigación como estudio de los expedientes de  casos, casetes de interceptación de llamadas, registros radiales, registros de prensa, entrevistas con los investigadores y entrevistas con los fiscales aportados por  la División de Delitos contra la Vida de la Dirección de Policía Judicial de la Policía Nacional y las fiscalías seccionales que investigaron cada caso. Esta información se sistematizó a través del contenido de análisis de  matrices, categorías y subcategorías. Como producto de esta investigación se obtuvo una aproximación al perfil criminal del violador en serie en Colombia, siguiendo el protocolo creado por el FBI: Características físicas del delincuente,  antecedentes,  datos del crimen, datos de la víctima  y datos de la escena del crimen o lugar de los hechos.