vol. 10 núm. 1 (2022): movilización y protesta social


Recent Items

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  • Historical and biographical resonances: the construction of political subjectivity in social movements

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Tamayo, Sergio; Olivier, Guadalupe

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    The purpose of this article is to develop the notions of historical and biographical resonances for the study of political subjectivation and the dynamics of social protest. In a first approach, we uncover the definition of this category in the discussion of other similar concerns within the social movement theory. Then, we analytically explain a methodological approach to the study of historical resonances through the results of a longitudinal study on electoral processes. Finally, we clarify the definition of biographical resonances based on the life stories of women activists and their impact on protest cycles.
  • Methodological innovations in the study of new social phenomena: massification of feminisms and academic transformations

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Singer, Mariela

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    The objective of this paper is to reflect on methodological and academic innovations produced in recent years in Argentina within the framework of the massification of feminist struggles. The article begins by reconstructing epistemological shifts produced in the international field in recent decades with the expansion of feminisms and the admittance of queer theory in the academia. Second, it outlines methodological possibilities that have emerged from positions in line with these shifts. Finally, it exposes the transformations that have occurred in Argentina with the implosion of feminisms since 2015, which has permeated the production of knowledge and generated openings in the rules for writing research papers and in their methodological designs. At this point, the paper focuses on the changes introduced in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, which has renowned trajectory in working with feminist issues within the Argentine university system. The article is framed in a qualitative methodology and concludes that the feminisms of the last decades, strengthened in recent years, have made visible conservative aspects of our fields of knowledge production and have shaped changes that need to be deepened.
  • How to study the emotional dimension in social movements

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Poma, Alice; Gravante, Tommaso

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    This article shows how to insert emotions as analysis variables in the study of social movements. After clarifying who our object of study is, namely social movements and grassroots activism, we will present the sociocultural approach to emotions that characterizes this line of study. In the main part of the paper, some of James M. Jasper’s key concepts will be presented, from the most recent work of 2018, demonstrating the robustness of these concepts, as well as their usefulness when applying them. Finally, in the conclusions, some recommendations aimed at stimulating the dissemination of this line of research will be shared.
  • #LeyOlimpia: rebuilding security in digital environments. The case of Mexico and its gender-sensitive legislation

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: García-Feregrino, Juan R.; Dávila Fisman, Nancy Paola

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    To speak of the Olimpia Law in Mexico necessarily refers us to social mobilizations: to be more specific, to women’s social movements, which encompass not only the Mexican case, but, in general, the Latin American context. In this part of the world there are great differences that are reflected in the phenomenon of violence against women’s rights from a political-democratic point of view, as well as the differences in their condition as citizens and as victims of violence in its different forms. This research is carried out with an analytical, causal and constructive methodology of how the feminist movement has taken this social struggle from the streets to the legislative work in Mexico, and how this has affected federal and local laws to strengthen the State’s immanent guarantee of a life free of violence.
  • The right to water: the united resistance movement against the Constellation Brands brewery

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Márquez Duarte, Fernando David

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    On March 21 and 22, 2020 a public consultation took place in Mexicali, where the continuation of the transnational brewery Constellation Brands in the region was considered. In this consultation it was possible to vote for one of the following options: Yes to the brewery or No to the brewery, where No won with an astonishing 76% of the votes (29 793). The case of the resistance raises some questions that will be addressed in the research: What has been the process and paths taken by the resistance in defense of water? What determined the success of the resistance (expressed in the rejection of the brewery in the public consultation)? The research analyzes the case of the united resistance in defense of water against the transnational brewery Constellation Brands. The research is qualitative research with a significant ethnographic component, where process tracing is used to analyze the resistance since the beginning of 2017 and until April 2020. The main argument of this research is that the case analyzed is a case of decolonial critical theory of resistance. Furthermore, the paper explains that three factors were crucial for the triumph of the resistance with the rejection of the brewery in the public consultation: the joint legal and protests paths, the union of groups in one resistance movement and the triumph of the left wing in the federal government: These factors can be seen as INUS (insufficient but necessary causes, that jointly lead to the outcome).
  • The protest in extraordinary times: an analysis of its segmented dynamics during quarantine (Argentina, 2020)

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Natalucci, Ana; Stefanetti, Camila

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    From the quarantine imposed by the National Government in response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, many economic and social activities were affected. Social protest was no exception, as various actors encountered new and old demands, which, in this context, became even more urgent. Faced with this situation, we ask ourselves: What characteristics did the protest take on during the quarantine? Who demonstrated? What were their demands and repertoires of action? Based on the method of analysis of counting protest events, this article reconstructs the dynamics of social protest during quarantine by identifying its main organizations, demands, formats, and places where it took place. The period analyzed was from March 16 to June 7, 2020. The analysis was conducted from the survey of information in four printed and digital journalistic sources. The hypothesis that organizes the article argues that during this period the use of segmented protests with a tendency to denationalized localization and specific demands prevailed. Thus, this type of protest was constituted as one of the strategies of the organizations, which were complemented by institutional negotiations.
  • Latin American approaches to the study of social movements

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Gamba Trimiño, Alexander

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    The study of social movements in Latin America has gained great relevance since the 1980s. This interest in collective action coincides with the emergence of Latin American approaches to its study, which have emphasized the relationship between a central conflict in society and how it impacts collective action. This paper discusses four of these approaches: popular movements, democratization, anti-neoliberal and indigenous mobilization. Likewise, it presents how these approaches are the basis for a Latin American theory of social movements that are being developed.
  • Activist Assemblages: feminisms and social revolt in Chile

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: de Fina González, Débora

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-03-23

    This article presents a theoretical proposal for new times of activism in Chile. It purpose is to build a current analysis on the development of feminist movements in the last decade, considering their strengthening and expansion processes as a relevant transformative and purposeful critical social force, which has stood out as a participant, actor and co-constructor of the recent processes of popular revolt in the context of the so-called social outburst that began in October 2019, in the constituent process and in the face of the difficulties posed by the pandemic. Based on the concepts of discursive fields of action and assemblages, it proposes to understand the new relationships, spaces and events of protests comprised by the feminist field in its interactions with other actors and contemporary social movements in Chile, as activist assemblages that, in their actions and from their interactions, create emergent, new, different properties that only occur under these assemblages. This represents a “true becoming” with great political potential —creative and conflictive— from which to think about current Chilean society.
  • El estudio de los movimientos sociales en tiempos de crisis en América Latina. ¿Dónde estamos? ¿Hacia dónde vamos?

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Paredes P., Juan Pablo; Urra Canales, Miguel; Uribe Mendoza, Cristhian

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-01-01

    Han pasado cuatro décadas desde que, en 1983, el sociólogo boliviano Fernando Calderón publicó su estudio inaugural sobre la “política en las calles” para referirse a una forma de política por fuera de lo institucional y que implicaba la acción colectiva de actores sociales considerados tradicionalmente “no políticos” (Calderón, 1983) —como el campesinado y el mundo indígena— en la ciudad de Cochabamba durante dos décadas (1950-1970). Cuatro años después, el mismo Calderón publicó, al alero de Clacso, su hoy clásico libro compilado Movimientos sociales ante la crisis (Calderón, 1986), en el que se constata la relevancia de los movimientos sociales en periodos de inestabilidad social y autoritarismo político. Algunos años antes, en Europa, Alain Touraine, junto a un equipo de investigadores asociados al Centro de Análisis y de Intervención Sociológicos (CADIS) en Francia, estudiaron la presencia de los movimientos sociales como actores que producen y disputan la configuración de la sociedad. Allí, Touraine desarrolló una teoría de la acción social que tenía en su centro a lo que después se denominó “nuevos movimientos sociales”, con lo cual se abre a estudiar no solo las clases sociales, sino también las luchas urbanas, estudiantiles, y de mujeres, entre otras.
  • Appropriation of socio-digital networks by social movements: The case of #MatrimonioIgualitario in Mexico

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales

    Autores: Olmedo Neri, Raul Anthony; Martínez-Carmona, Carlos Arturo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-03-23

    This article proposes and implements an approach to understand the appropriation of socio-digital networks by social movements. Social network analysis (SNA) is used to highlight the effects that this method has on the matter, observing that the concern is primarily methodological. Through the case study #MatrimonioIgualitario [#Same-sexmarriage] in Mexico, SNA is applied to identify some of the consequences around appropriation. It is recognized that despite its novelty, there is a progressive and vertiginous advance in the matter, however, the fascination of the instrumentation and the results of the application of the method have obfuscated the realization of more variegated findings. Through its instrumentation and in the methodological dialogue and discussion, it is emphasized that the social networks analysis allows us to account for at least three key processes: structure, significance and symbolic reappropriation. In this way, it contributes to rethinking the approaches to the implications of appropriation and, in general terms, to contribute to the understanding of articulation between movements and socio-digital platforms.