vol. 3 núm. 1: el desarrollo y su complejidad desde las perspectivas multidisciplinar y transdisciplinar
Recent Items
- Social dynamic of the development guidelines in Latin America
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Houtart, François
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-01-01
This paper seeks to understand the transformations that have occurred in the model of capitalist accumulation in Latin America in recent decades, particularly through the transition from a model of neoliberal kind to another, that even if it has not broken with the essential characteristics of accumulation from the previous model seeks to articulate processes of economic development with marked structural transformations based on redistributive social policies. Faced with the internal contradictions of the model, this reflection also offers itineraries to search for a post-capitalist option, focusing on the common good - Editorial
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Arroyo Andrade, Gisela
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-01-01
- Development and hyper-consumption: The production of the ephemeral
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Tinel, François -Xavier
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-01-01
This article examines the place of hyper-consumption in modern society as the dominant representation of development. It understands hyper-consumption as a sort of “ideal type” or development icon; in turn, it analyzes the role of “malls” as central nodes of this hyperconsumerist era and the role of advertising imagery in the process of re-enchantment of everyday life. Finally, it offers some reflections on the great transformations occurred due to the development of hyper-consumption and calls for the creation of a new value system - Communication for the political and intercultural dialogue. The right to communication and communicational citizenship
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Uranga, Washington
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-01-01
The text reflects on the different notions of culture and how from it different constructions of identity are generated, resulting in an intercultural dialogue. This dialogue, as well as communication, are key tools to target to a political construction and exchange of knowledge by social subjects, which recognizes their rights from cultural differences - Narrative as a didactic and communication tool for the teaching of the contemporary and recent social history
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Mengo, Renée Isabel; Tenaglia, Pablo Rubén
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-01-01
This article aims to describe aspects developed in the extension course named: Significant Educational Experiences of Narrative Documentation, dictated in 2014 at the School of Information Sciences at the National University of Cordoba-Argentina, as well as to describe the new edition of the course in 2015, which will address specifically the thematic lines of narrative in the teaching of contemporary and recent social history, and the narratives of experiences in the use of new technologies, contributing this way to the democratization of knowledge construction by the use of teaching resources and communication - Traditional production systems and the RESA program at Ticoya guard in Puerto Nariño (Colombia)
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Vieco, Juan José
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2015-01-01
This article is the result of a research conducted in the Ticoya shelter, in the municipality of Puerto Nariño, located in the Colombian Amazon, where through assistance development programs promoted by the Colombian state, the food situation is improving for indigenous peoples and peasants in the country.The RESA Food Security Network program is based on the principle that communities object of this welfare program, are in a state of malnutrition because of the poverty of their production systems and the lack of income generation tosupplement their diet. At last, these communities are seen as a product of underdevelopment, of their conditions of backwardness and of the lack of modern science and technology