vol. 1 núm. 1 (2022): filosofia y humanismo
Recent Items
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Silva Monsalve, Alexandra María
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) competencies are oriented towards the formation of science and technology skills for future professionals, contributing to problem solving, scientific advancement and technological progress. In this sense, educational institutions have a commitment in the training of professionals to respond to the acurrent and future needs of society. This article is oriented in a text of reflexive character, in its first part it conceptualizes STEAM competences, and the contribution towards science and technology, then some experiences of the implementation to the curricula are described; and finally, reflections are presented in front of the challenges of the educational institutions in the incorporation of STEAM competences. Methodologically, a bibliometric study was undertaken to support the reflections for this paper. - BULLA CONSEQUAT MASSA QUIS ENIM
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Rodríguez Ruíz, O.P., Fray Jorge Ferdinando
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
e fourth industrial revolution has generated transformations inthe productive and economic sectors, as well as in the way humancommunities interact. In turn, education has been in uenced bythese processes, which is why educational institutions must beprepared to face the challenges in the formation of competenciesarticulated with the requirements of Industry 4.0. us, this articleis oriented in a re ection to inquire about the skills that are requiredin the training of students to be competent to face the challenges ofthe fourth Industrial Revolution. Initially, the technologies that haveconsolidated Industry 4.0 are presented; then, an inquiry is madeabout the competencies that are required in the training of studentsto meet the challenges of Industry 4.0; in turn, the article seeks tosituate the competencies 4.0 in a particular place, the dialoguebetween technologies and humanism; nally, the recommendationsof the competencies and skills required in Industry 4.0 are presented. - WORK AND ATTENTION: TWO MEANINGFUL CONCEPTS IN SIMONE WEIL’S PHILOSOPHY
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Quimbayo Camelo, Juan Sebastián
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
Simone Weil’s philosophy focuses on two concepts: attentionand work. e rst one refers to stop doing what it is done;the second one, to a constant acting in the world. It seemsthat both terms are not suitable; but there is a mutual linkbetween the attention and the work so important that it has totransform the life of any human being. How do both conceptsarticulate so that there be such transformation? is thecentral question around which the next structure of the textis developed: a) to understand the attention in terms of theperception, b) to understand the work in terms of oppressionand c) the vindication of a new worthy life by virtue of thatlink attention-work. - THE CURRICULUM OF THE E.R.E IN FRONT OF CREDO´S DIVERSITY IN CONFESSIONAL SCHOOLS
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Garzón Ramírez, Elsa Esperanza
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
e article presents a study of the ERE curriculum, in orderto analyze the elements that comprise it and give supportto its nature. e basic text “My commitment to Jesus” isintended to a directly Catholic population, with a propensityto Catholic dogma. is educational reality generates a state ofnonconformity on the part of some students who belong to aChristian creed that is not Catholic and who, because they arelinked to the School, must, according to the internal policiesof the establishments, participate in all the religious activitiesstipulated by the educational institutions. - THE PHILOSOPHICAL BACKGROUND OF FRECH TERROR
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Rincón Hurtado, Juan Felipe; Arias Prieto, Diego Alexander
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
e following article presents, in rst place, themost important events for the development of thehistorical process known as the Reign of Terror,reviewing its development throughout 1793until its end in 1794, taking into account: dates,important actors and gures. At the same time, itis studied, from the perspective of Albert Camus,the philosophical background behind the events ofthis period of the French Revolution. - Elements for a long lasting Colombian peace construction. Lessons from Saint omas Aquinos
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Rojas González, Gregorio
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
e purpose of this reection article is to suggest some keysthat, from the thought of omas Aquinas, allow us to rethinkColombian democracy beyond the deliberative democracy (ofHabermas) that some consider adequate for the developmentof a Stable and Lasting Peace. (PED), aer the NationalGovernment-FARC-EP Final Agreement. It is argued, from ahermeneutical qualitative approach, that the issue regardingthe post-conict in Colombia has not allowed to read peacefrom a non-liberal canon. us, it is questioned whether theproblem of peace could have a certain denitive reconciliationof the Legitimacy-Validity-Ecacy (LVE) relationship throughHabermas’s communicative proceduralism. Noting that theapproach to the theme of peace in Aquinas puts the commongood and not the individual at the center of the discussion. estudy begins with a historical contextualization of the peaceprocesses in Colombia. He continues with a contrast betweenHabermas’s liberal individualist notions of consensus and theomistic notion of political peace; and concludes with someideas to re-think Colombian democracy in a post-conictscenario. Showing that liberal individualism, by holding thatthe only source of legitimacy of the political-legal order is theindividual, ends up reducing political activity to a transaction;thereby forgetting that “the good of a single man is not theultimate goal, but is ordered to the common good” because:i) peace is an essential condition of the perfect community,ii) achieved through the diligence of political leaders for iii) the improvement of citizens in pursuit of the common good-truth-perfection unity- from the metaphysical substratum of being a person. - TERAPIA, ECOLOGÍA Y FAMILIA
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Rodríguez Pérez, O.P, Fray Hender Alveiro
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
The joint work of school and family is fundamental inchildren ‘s development. ese two systems must go hand inhand and can’t be successful if they do not agree and are notallies in their aims and dynamic processes of formation forintegrality. e form of integration and networking providecorrelation and listening of new experiences which bring newperspective towards what could be identi ed by one of theparts as a di culty that for others could be an opportunity toovercome a crisis. Worth recognizing then, the necessity of afamiliar and institutional structure furthermore considers allthe vital personal cycles, the organization of the family andwhich are nowadays the values privileged by current societyand it is manifested in the interpersonal relations as a productof these big institutions - HOLISTIC COMMUNICATION AS A METHOD OF LIFE
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Llamas Álvarez, Jorge Tulio
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2023-04-25
We must reorganize the type of human being we want, thusrethinking the savage capitalism that overwhelms us and thatcontinues its course and nobody says; Stop, we want to get o!It is also imperative to reintroduce the concept of holisticcommunication in our daily life and see that in it there is an interestingproposal to rethink the one-dimensional communication, whichonly focuses on interest, on the paradigm of competition and noton the competent, in the calculations of knowing how much is twoplus two, but not interested in knowing, about the good and the bad.To look with suspicion and caution at all absolutism and relativism,where we are motivated to idolize one or the other. Where anythinggoes, nothing makes sense.e urgent call to unveil the new folds of the State is imperative andnecessary; let us not forget that everyone ran to take refuge in it.is forces us to look inward and ask ourselves the question: Aremodern states capable of resisting another crisis like the pandemicthat engulfed us? Can they respond to the new transformations ofother mutations, not only of viruses, but also of fashions, lifestylesand social demands?Can society withstand another isolation, distancing and handwashing, the latter recurrent in this society, how many Pilatesaccompanied us in this pandemic?