vol. 32 núm. 105 (2011)
Recent Items
- Historia de la gubernamentalidad razón de estado liberalismo y neoliberalismo en Michel Foucault" de Santiago Castro-Gómez
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Pachón Soto, Damián
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-07-01
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Nolasco Quiroz, Nora E.
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-07-01
This paper recovers two positions on the concept of destiny: that of Diego de Saavedra Fajardo and that of Plutarch. Both authors, unlike some Stoics, say that regardless of circumstances beyond human will (chance, contingency and possibility), man has the ability to be free and make decisions about his actions, but this does not mean to abandon the ideal of the wise. For them, dealing with fate means knowing the passions that are embedded in human nature, so they do not take them in a negative sense. For this reason, both philosophers insist on redirecting the passions through education, morality or religion and, therefore, on leaving the idea that man is determined either by his own nature or by the circumstances presented to him. Thus, these authors provide essential recognition to the exerciseof human freedom.Keywords: Freedom, determinism, fate, passion, possibility. - “Textualidad” y hermenéutica de la acción: aportes a la polémica epistemológica en ciencias sociales desde Paul Ricoeur
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Rodríguez Manrique, Luis Felipe
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-09-09
El documento expone los antecedentes sugeridos por Paul Ricoeur sobre lo que podría denominarse “la polémica epistemológica en ciencias sociales”, referidos a la formulación de un método legítimo para la investigación en dichas ciencias que responda a las particularidades propias de su objeto de estudio. En este sentido, se rastrea la cuestión en la tradición hermenéutica romántica, concretamente en el pensamiento de Wilhelm Dilthey, pasando por la teoría estructural de estudio del texto escrito y la formulación de una teoría de la acción anglosajona, para finalmente terminar en la ricoeurtiana consideración hermenéutica de la acción significativa, que asume al texto como paradigma y propuesta de superación de los escollos en torno a la referida polémica. - MOTION, IPSEITY AND SENSITIVITY IN MICHAEL HENRY’S PHENOMENOLOGY
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Ballén Rodríguez, Juan Sebastián
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-07-01
This article makes a description of the movement, ipscity and sensitivity proposed by the philosophy of Michel Henry. From this reading we delve into the epistemic role exercised by corporeity as meaning for a phenomenology of material life.Keywords: Phenomenology, movement, ipseity, sensitivity, subjectivity. - A PHILOSOPHICAL FRIENDSHIP CIORAN AND HIS ITALIAN FRIEND MARIO ANDREA RIGONI
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Pinzón León, Alberto
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-07-01
This paper shows the relations of friendship that turn into philosophical reflections between Cioran and the Italian writer Mario Andrea Rigoni, from his work: Cioran dans mes souvenirs. Our interest is to show the reflections Rigoni makes on the work and the human character of CioranKeywords: Philosophical friendship, freedom, anti-Semitism, power and death. - TRACES OF AN UNBUSY ROAD. WITH REGARD TO AN ETHICS “IN” HEIDEGGER
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Monroy Gutiérrez, Einar Iván
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-07-01
The present essay does not pretend to do a research on the reasons why Heidegger did not write an ethical agreement, less an apology brings about his silence, intentionally or not, with regard to the above mentioned matter. This article does not pretend either to try to write an ethics “of” Heidegger, but rather, to find the signs that “let see” the ethical dimension of his thought and from there, take our thought through the way that leads usto the possibility of re-inhabiting the Earth.Keywords: Metaphysics, humanism, disclosedness, inhabit, guard, home, Earth. - HUMAN BEING, ΝΟΥΣ AND NATURAL LAW
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Buganza, Jacob
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2011-07-01
The writer of this work intends to support both νοῦς and λόγος‘s genuinity, as a foundation of Natural moral Law. This genuinity may be found in infinity as a hermeneutical horizon that provides man a concept of being in universal. Some current trends of the scientific view point deny man hold this infinite element, and therefore, that kind of faculty. For that reason, the writer discusses one of them with sociobiology, which he contrasts withthe Natural Law view point of moral law.Keywords: Philosophical anthropology, ethics, νοῦς and natural law.