vol. 2 núm. 2: historia, memorias y antimemorias
Recent Items
- Editorial
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Arias Marín, Juan Guillermo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
Volumen 2 No. 2 - Bibliographic review: Emergencies of the territory and local communication. Experiences of communication and development about the environment in Colombia
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Reyes Albarracín, Fredy Leonardo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
- An approach to the Afro-Colombian Studies from the reflections of the leaders of Eleggua network in Bogota, Colombia
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Sotelo Manrique, Ana Cristina
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
A reflection is made from an ethnometodological analysis about identities, created by professors and researchers of the Afrocolombian studies class, which belongs to the Elegguá network in Bogotá. This network makes a criticism to the process that, under the figure of multiculturalism, harbors a systematic racism that is naturalized and transversal to the Colombian social order; likewise, it is argued that one of the factors that has legitimized such process is linked to the National Educational System, which has in charge its reproduction. That is, the debate is located in the demand to question the traditional education of the country, which anchored to the official history and to the concept of mestizaje, elements that are part of the monocultural interests of the project of the Colombian Nation State and that have prevented the real implementation of the ethnic recognitions of the current constitution. In this way, the historicity in this research afforded to have a critical approach the place in which the subaltern groups stay. In this order, the theorical approach presents a discussion about the objective cultural borders of the essentialism and constructivism as position that is not far from the hegemonic constructions of the Nation State - In search of otherness
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Muñoz Marín, César Augusto
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
Based on ethnographic work involved accompanying relatives of missing persons, the article analyzes how, historically, the rationalization of death, a typically Western phenomenon, has developed in a process of exclusion and double negation of the other:both his own life and his death. The essay ends with some deliberately unfinished thoughts about media representations of death and forced disappearance - Heritage and memory: agreements and disagreements by the finding of the muisca cemetery in Hacienda El Carmen, in Bogota, D. C.
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Cardozo Rodríguez, Angie Tatiana
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
About the archaeological finding of a muisca Indian cemetery in the Hacienda El Carmen, at the locality of Usme in Bogotá, this paper discusses how memory and heritage are appropriated by different social actors in order to advance on their political and social struggles. Therefore, it emphasizes on alliances and oppositions that emerge towards the appropriation of the place. It also traces the history of the territory of the hacienda El Carmen, on the basis of its most controversial milestones - Disputes over memory, territory and cultural heritage in the Hacienda El Carmen, south of Bogotá
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Castro Bernal, Andrea
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
In 2007, on the occasion of the discovery of one of the oldest indigenous cemeteries in Latin America, on grounds destined to urban expansion in south of Bogotá, the research condensed here made a historical-hermeneutic approach to narratives and imaginaries that about territory, conceive five kinds of social actors involved: environmental organizations, farmers, Muiscas indigenous, academic community and District Government authorities - Table of contents
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Arias Marín, Juan Guillermo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
Volumen 2 No. 2 - Memory lessons. The memory of 1971 in the student protests of 2011 in Colombia
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Cruz Rodríguez, Edwin
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-07-01
This paper shows how the actualization of memory about the 1971 student protest helped, forty years later, to strengthen the unity and overcome the sectarianism of mobilizations for the right to education in Colombia. In the first place, the general features of both episodes are reconstructed, and then, the author examines the ways in which memory about what happened in 1971 worked to define a route for movement of 2011