núm. 3 (2012)


Recent Items

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Hume and the Problem of Induction

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Villar Herrera, Ferney Leandro

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-01-01

    This article intents to show David Hume ́s induction-problem raisings.Likewise,it shows how these assumptions lead to skepticism and the impossibility of science.It is to say;the necessary and universally valid knowledge. To do this,take as a benchmark Enquiry concerning human understanding,particularly sections 1 to 7.
  • Case Method: A Didactic Strategy Applied to Accounting Education

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Ardila Melo, Katerin

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-01-01

    It is pertinent to consider within the teaching of accounting education,the models that have marked pattern as invaluable means in the development of professional training,where you can find the case study method.In this sense,the main aim of this paper is to raise awareness about this method,under the context of its incursion into the accounting training.Being the case study method,one of the most widely used in the best and most prestigious business schools in the world,combining the theoretical knowledge and practical in solving real problems applied to a science in particular,becomes a possibility quite attractive and spur for the development of knowledge about accounting and financial issues.
  • South-South Cooperation in Latin America: Possibilities and Challenges Towards a More Reciprocal Integration Space

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Ramírez Castellanos, Edwar

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-01-01

    The definition of South-South cooperation remains ambiguous when considering that its nature and principles are influenced by the social, economic, and cultural changes occurring in the global order, where less developed countries are taking center stage. The past decade has shown how countries in the Global South have moved away from historical dictates of the Global North and have started to redefine their destinies with a more horizontal, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial approach among similar nations. However, this new order requires careful definition in both theory and practice to avoid misinterpretation and a departure from its essence, which is to foster development in the Global South by the Global South. Triangulation also poses a risk to the interests of poor and less developed countries. The current challenges of South-South cooperation in Latin America lie in determining the extent to which relationships with China are not a mere replacement for old patterns, but rather whether they can lead to genuine reciprocity and equity in trade and economic relations.
  • The Contribution of Neoconstitutionalism to Humanizing Law in Colombia

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Romero Correa, Juan Pablo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-01-01

    Neoconstitutionalism is a stream of contemporary law that responds to the new question of legal science on the evolution of positive law with respect to the implementation of the principles and constitutional values.The dignity of the human person,the new law, exceeds the limitation formalism of the law and is enshrined as dynamic axis of the formula of the rule of law in this sense,silence or lack of legal recognition,compared with a conflict situation of social reality,does not prevent rendering nugatory a right,the dynamism of neoconstitutionalism has been preaching the "omnipresence of the Constitution" giving rise to raise a "judicial activism" as a result of indifference and neglect of the executive meet the legislative and provide for the most pressing needs of partners.
  • Colombia as a Determining Factor for the Security of the American Continent

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Ortiz Mantilla, Danielle

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-01-01

    This article is the result of a research on security topics in the American continent where Colombia having historical conditions and domestic situations such as the handle of its internal armed conflict and the strengthening of the bilateral relations with United States,is a determinant factor for the rest of the countries when building their domestic agendas of security.Therefore,this article is intended to show on prospective what it will come for the continent about security,being more specific in the case of Colombia since the president Barack Obama bringing with his government a different intensity when talking about security.
  • The Tourism System: Beyond the Supply and Demand Relationship
    ourism activity should be understood under a systemic relationship that goes beyond the basic concepts of destination (supply) and tourist (demand).It includes the close relationships that it has with other components that unify the system,such as enterprises,cluster and development.Tourism has existed since ancient times and it has grown to improve the conditions of satisfaction that a person should receive in places outside their usual environment,among a definable set of relationships, services and facilities which interact to carry out the functions that promote,enhance and keep the temporary and stay over flow of visitors.For this reason a system analysis is important.In part,the development of a region corresponds to the motivation given to keysectors(tourism), whichproductsarerequested primarily by outer regions.
  • The Social Character of Education in Citizenship Contexts

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Cortés Gallego, Mauricio Antonio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-01-01

    The decision to call this Inaugural Lesson “ The social character of Education in Contexts of Citizenship” responds to personal and community convictions about the abdicated value of the community in any learning process,focus on the Dominican- Thomist- Christian pedagogic tradition,that defines the community and the social subject as very important matter in the binomial teaching learning process;it is a conviction that gets enrich from the humble and historical exercise that I can do,with all the Enlightenment and Modernity process,from paradigmatic educationalists like Rousseau,Durkheim and Pestalozzi ( The way Gertrudis teaches her sons 1801) to the first decades of the XX century with Vigotsky and his consideration about the value of the pedagogic environment,without forgetting the reference of Frankfurt school and its Critical Theory that shows the need of the emancipatory process in each social dynamic.All this pedagogical and philosophical social tradition has an impact in our Latin-American context,giving rise to an understanding about a more planned and committed educational process,of which nowadays we are heirs in spite of the unilateral positioning of the functionalist and pragmatic visions about what education of human beings really means. We will try to clarify these Colombian and Latin American references about what an important education really means,and all of these base on three paradigmatic educators:Paulo Freire,Enrique Dussel and Orlando Fals Borda.At the same time,we will try to clarify some present perspectives through two human being experiences decisive for a social change:language and everyday life.The back drop,main point of this discussion during the last decades will be the citizenship subject,in tune with a plural and varied comprehension of the society.This will be the perfect excuse and the starting point to reach these pretentious.
  • Editorial note

    Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás

    Revista: Episteme. Revista de Estudios Socioterritoriales

    Autores: Cortés Gallego, Mauricio Antonio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2012-01-01

    Introductión text.