vol. 1 núm. 2 (2021)
Recent Items
- A look to the Aesthetic dimension and its contributions to Saint Thomas Aquinas School
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Berdugo Castro, Nelson Emir; Berdugo Castro, Nelson Emir
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-09-20
Regarding to the role of arts in education, they help to the development oflistening, speaking, writing and reading, enhancing these skills by their integral components in different artistic productions- expressions. This, faces us as teachers, to the need of designing didactic strategies in which artistic activities are evidenced, while encouraging the learning of a foreign language like English. In this way, the aim is to bring art into educacional contexts to make the learning process more enjoyable. - Corporal dimension: and integral being
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Manrique García, Jhon Alberto; Manrique García, Jhon Alberto
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-09-20
The purpose of this article is to show the importance of the bodily dimension in the formation of an integral being, responding to the institutional educational project (P.E.I) of the Santo Tomás de Aquino School in Bogotá, based on experiences that enable the development of skills in general and physical-motor capacities of students through their participation in physical sports, recreational, cultural activities and body management, expressing their feelings and strengthening the development of self-concept and self-care. - Towards an integral formation from the communicative dimension
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Vargas Pacheco, Jaidy Liliana; Vargas Pacheco, Jaidy Liliana
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-09-20
Communication is a fundamental aspect in che life of man. le allows him to become pare of a communicy and to build sociecy. This dimension has a fundamental role in che school due to che importance of developing communica tive skills in chese socialization spaces, which allow indi viduals to interact and perform cheir diverse roles in che contexts chey develop. This is essential for all societies to move forward. For chis reason, che communicative dimen sion's labour of Saint Thomas Aquinas School is required for aware and critica! citizens formation who concribuce to che historical progression of che country. - Thomas Aquinas and the rational-intellective dimension
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Jiménez Escamilla, Hugo; Jiménez Escamilla, Hugo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-09-20
In Saint Thomas Aquinas's thinking, we find a series of im-portant considerations about nature and the “rational-in-tellective” dimension. It is not found by itself. It is part of a wider and more complex sensorineural system, the body and the culture itself. The cognitive dimension is related to the integral vision, the one that opens itself to the world’s entirety and takes to all “subject’s dimensions” in the order of being, doing, and working and it’s directed to all man’s development. This dimension is constituted by the sensory perception same as the intellect, where reason is one of the gravity centers of human life. Besides, knowledge knows the essence present in all material things as they are concei-ved, which takes us to universal knowledge. In this sense, the cognitive dimension for Saint Thomas is not only per-ceived but known, and, at the same time, it is formed by the reflexive dimension since the understanding reflects about itself: its acquaintance, its work, and deeds. - How the socio-affective dimension development contributes to the Saint Thomas Aquinas PEI?
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Rivera Díaz, Henry Steven; Rivera Díaz, Henry Steven
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2021-09-20
Taking as a starting point the PEI of Saint Thomas Aquinas School has had in recent years, it was decided to carry out a theoretical review of the human dimensions and specifically of the Socio-affective dimension in order to establish the importance of the development of this dimension in the PEI, this considering that experience and research have shown with scientific evidence that learning and the relationship, teacher - student passes and is permeated by the affective relationship that is established between the subjects that intervenes in the teaching - learning process. - How is human being connected to mathematics,science and technology?
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Aquinas 'Scriptum Scientiam'
Autores: Muñoz León, Angie Paola
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2022-02-09
This article explains how in the Santo Tomas de Aquino school, through the union of areas of knowledge, in the so-called TECHNO-MATH dimension, a connection is built between being, mathematics, science and technology, intertwining own competences of each of these mentioned knowledge areas. All this, aimed at the acquisition of skills and attitudes, that will allow the student them to interact and understand the world in which they live, positively transforming their reality, improving their environment and raising the quality of individual and social life inside the community.