vol. 30 núm. 101 (2009)
Recent Items
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Rodríguez, Héctor
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2009-07-01
This text is an approach to the aesthetic stage in life in relationship with the differences established between the aesthetical seducer and the unhappy lover from Søren Kierkegaard on. In the introduction, we will present Kierkegaard in the intelectual context of the Denmark of the thinker and with the use of some biographical data and the referenceto the stages of life. Later, we will raise three issues: the description of the aesthetic stage of life in relationship with the election, the aesthetic seduction as a fantasy as seen from the seducer and love as melancholy as seen from the unhappy lover. - Autopoietic systems and their role in the foundations of evolutionary epistemology
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Lukomski, Andrzèj
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2009-07-01
In the history of modern society, based on economic discrimination and competitive ideas of power, the Darwinian theory of evolution came as a excuse for their biological socioeconomic structure, through natural selection of species. Apparently the individual role was help to preserve the species, just let the natural phenomena run their course. Science,especially biology, appeared to justify the premise that “anything for the good of mankind”.Key words: Autopoiesis, science, systems development, organzation, theory - ETHICS AND DETRACENDENTALIZATION ON jÜRGEN HABERMAS
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Tovar González, Leonardo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2009-07-01
The text has got its centre into the process of detracendentalization of moral philosophy of Habermas that from the discursive ethics understood as a communicative translation of the a-priori basis of morality present on Kant has evolved to specie of pragmatic cognitivism that joins the moral principles and the historical praxis. Under this framework, the criteria of moral correction does not reside already primarily on the minded acceptability of the actions and rules trough out the arrangements reached by argumentative media, but into the capacity of the actual consensus to amplify itself, with propose of including people and social groups unfairly excluded.Key words: Cognitivism, discursive ethics, pragmatism, communicative reason. - MARIA ZAMBRANO: AN INCURSION IN THE “CLEARINGS” OF HER THOUGHT
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Pachón Soto, Damián
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2009-07-01
This advance of an investigation searches the intellectual origins, the influences and the historical context in the thought of Maria Zambrano. The conditions that made it possible and the intellectual climate of the moment in which she sketched the first lines of her singular thought. We also make an approach to her criticism of modernity and reason, showing that the “poetical reason” joins the critiques to rationalism of the XX century and also shows a perspective that allows to overcome the rational one-sidedness of Modern Age. At last, we show what aspects of the thought of Maria Zambrano are current in today´s world.Key words: Poetical reason, Philosophy, poetry, modernity. - AMBIGUITY IN SEIN UND ZEIT: IMPOSSIBILITY OF THE OWN EXISTENCE
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Fernández Beites, Pilar
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2009-07-01
In order to understand “Sein und Zeit” we have to ask from begining to end how Heidegger articulates the two dimensions of the existence that he calls “Eigentlichkeit” and “Unei-gentlichkeit”. Against the usual interpretation, in this article we defend that the speech of Heidegger rests in a well controlled ambiguity, behind which a strong thesis hides: that the “Uneigentlichkeit” is the only possible way of existence. The “Entschlossenheit” does not constitute an alternative existence to the “Uneigentlichkeit”. On the contrary, it is the recognition that the only possible existence is the “Uneigentlichkeit” (this is to appropriate properly the “Uneigentlichkeit”). That is why the “Sorge”, that is, the “uneigentlich” existence, is the only definition of the Dasein that Heidegger proposes. In fact, the colossal attempt of Sein und Zeit is to show that nihilism or skepticism (that is, the equivalence between the truth and the not-truth) is the only acceptable option of thought.Key words: Being, existence, Eigentlichkeit, Uneigentlichkeit, nihilism - THE TRAVELLER EXPLORER AND THE FORESTS WITHOUT ROADS OF THE NEW WORLD AN APPROACH TO THE PHENOMENOLOGICAL METHOD OF HUSSERL
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Barbosa Martínez, Omar Esteban
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2009-07-01
This essay approaches the problem of phenomenology as philosophy and as method, and the methodological elements that stand out in Husserl’s works. The methodological process may be found in Husserl’s analogy for doing phenomenology: as geographer. First we will sketch the foundations of the phenomenology of Husserl, and then we will study the elements that make up the phenomenological method.Key words: Phenomenology, phenomenological method, consciousness, progressive reduction.