vol. 2 núm. 1: historia, memorias y antimemorias
Recent Items
- Bibliographic review: Illustrated poster in Colombia: decade 1930-1940
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Gallardo Vega, Jesús Alfonso
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
The book Illustrated Poster in Colombia: Decade 1930-1940, has a very specific ambitious purpose, to provide the academic and professional community of graphic design and related areas from which it was nourished, chips of a puzzle that, slowly but surely, it is been build on the History of Graphic Design in Colombia; chips that are framed in the context of the illustrated posters. As the authors well mention us, the illustrated poster will have to be thought of from different spheres: historical (national and international), theoretical (to understand conceptual construction), aesthetic (from linguistic to representational), referential graphic pieces cataloged within the corpus that allowed the description, analysis and conclusions of this study area), social (political, economic, religious); to be able to consolidate and leave aside any possibility of ambiguity in this regard, being clear that in the end, every graphic element comes from a context that enables its construction. - Sacredness, torment and rescue: the social life of the muisca chicha
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Gómez-Montañez, Pablo Felipe
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
From the theoretical formulations of Appadurai and based on secondary historical sources and ethnographic data collected between muiscas communities for over seven years, this article examines the chicha (or fapqua, a muisca ritual drink) as a social object with a life on its own, whose culture and moral meanings are related to the historical contexts in which this drink is framed. Therefore, the chicha went from its original sacred meaning to be demonized, and then to regain back its sacredness - Memories of secularization: recording the transformations in the Brazilian religious space through statistics about people identified as without religion
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: dos Santos Rodrigues, Denise
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
Commenting on the increase of Islamic people in Europe and the people without religion in countries like the United States and Brazil –according to verified in subsequent censuses about it–, the article exposes some of the most important theories of secularization, relevant for understanding new manifestations of spirituality in the contemporary world where religion seems increasingly withdraw into the private sphere. - History, memory and oblivion: the narrated story about the uprising, on 1935, at the Brazilian Communist Party (1943-1958)
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Fernandes Ribeiro, Jayme
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
The article characterizes the way along the path of the Communist Party of Brazil –PCB– (for its acronym in Portuguese), memory about one of its founding milestones (1935 insurrection mining) changes according to the guidelines established by the successive political lines of this political collectivity. Based on records of the press, it is shown the transition from idealization of the episode, to their redefinition as a mistake of the past that must not be repeated - Archive, memory and dictatorship: religious agents and confrontation with the dictatorship in Brazil
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Figuereido Assis, João Marcus
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
About the research into the role played by catholic Church against the Brazilian civilmilitary dictatorship between the sixties and eighties, the article analyzes, first, the theoretical and methodological possibilities from the dialogue between documents and orality for the reconstruction of the past; second, the scientific status of archival, the latter related to third, the preponderance in the legal order has reached the right of public access to the files in a country governed today by a former pursued by that dictatorship. - Oral history: a popular history?
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Rodríguez Rojas, Pedro; García Yépez, Janette
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
The article begins by recognizing the importance of claiming a popular history that enhances the role of the actors traditionally excluded, as opposed to conventional history of the elites. In this way, its main purpose is to reveal the political interests that under populist speeches, exaggerate oral testimonies to pass them as equivalent to history, to the detriment of the philosophies and theories that even with its shortcomings, have built the scientific nature of historiography. - Editorial
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Arias Marín, Juan Guillermo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
Presentación volumen 2 No. 1 - Preliminary
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Campos en Ciencias Sociales
Autores: Arias Marín, Juan Guillermo
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-01-01
Volumen 2 No. 1