vol. 10 núm. 17 (2014)


Recent Items

Now showing 1 - 20 of 21
  • Technical Evaluation of Road Infrastructure Bridges in the Department of Antioquia
    The economic and social development of a region is directly related to the condition of its road infrastructure. The lack of a bridge generates total interruption in the traffic of goods over its surface, generating incalculable material and social losses until vehicular flow is restored. The Department of Antioquia has one of Colombia’s most extensive road networks. The departmental government is responsible for proper functioning of the secondary road network in Antioquia. This includes preventive maintenance of all of its bridges, but unfortunately a significant percentage has not been properly maintained since construction, facilitating the appearance of structural faults and even possible collapse. This research, carried out between 2008 and 2012, identified the physical and structural conditions of each bridge in the secondary road network of the Department of Antioquia, 11% of which  require immediate intervention because of the level of damage found while 48% are functioning properly. 
  • Identification and Quantification of Sucrose Losses in the Final Effluent of the Sugar-making Process at the Riopaila Castilla Sugar Mill (Castilla plant)
    This article stems from the graduate project “Identification and Quantification of Sucrose Losses in the Final Effluent of the Sugar-making Process at a Sugar Mill” (“Identificación y cuantificación de pérdidas de sacarosa en el efluente final del proceso de elaboración de azúcar en un ingenio azucarero”) carried out at the Universidad Santiago de Cali. The objective was to identify and quantify sucrose losses in the manufacturing effluent at the Castilla plant of the Riopaila Castilla sugar mill. The research problem stemmed from interest in making use of the large quantity of sucrose lost during the sugar making process, amounting to approximately 1.5 billion COP per year. The results were a decrease in sucrose losses that earned the mill first place, with the lowest sucrose losses in the entire Colombian sugar sector; the creation of six new jobs (losses inspectors); a decrease in environmental impact through reduction of polluting sucrose in the final effluent; and better handling to control sucrose in the final effluent. 
  • Obtaining for Waiting Times at Centers of Light on a Reinforced Concrete Bridge simply supported by a 30m-long Single Board and Slab Beam, Using Traffic Centers through Simulation

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Vanegas, Sergio; Chio, Gustavo; Vanegas, Sergio; Chio, Gustavo

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-12-01

    This article gives the results of calculating waiting times in the center of an internal beam of a 30 m long bridge, simply supported in reinforced concrete and a beam and ceramic board, over which randomly organized trucks pass, using a Weekly Average Daily Traffic (tpds from its Spanish acronym) count. To make this calculation, the lines of influence methodology for a simply-supported beam is used. The trucks cross the bridge at intervals of 0.1 m, which is the precision used. At each instant, the forces produced by the weight of the truck wheels are calculated, plus the weight of the elements (beams and slabs), randomly applying certain properties of the materials with normal distribution (,  and density of the concrete). This procedure is simply a Monte Carlo simulation. The dimensions of the bridge on which the calculations were made were obtained using a design methodology from the Colombian Seismic Bridge Design Code (Código Colombiano de Diseño Sísmico de Puentes, ccdsp-95). The study was carried out in 2013 by the Universidad Industrial de Santander (uis).
  • Biodiesel Production Using Waste Cooking Oil and Ethanol for Alkaline Catalysis
    This work presents a study of the results of the project “Design of a Biodiesel Production Process Based on Cooking Oils at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia” (“Diseño de un proceso de producción de biodiesel a partir de aceites de fritura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia”) carried out in 2013. Refined vegetable oils are the most commonly used to produce biodiesel fuels; however, used fried oils (auf from the Spanish acronym) make for a product with quality, yield and environmental benefits. In this work, a biodiesel production process using waste cooking oil (auf) and ethanol was designed. The optimum conditions found in the process were established by determining the yield of catalyzed ethylic esters using the gas chromatography technique, with tricaprin as the internal pattern. During the production process, an esterification reaction with homogenous acid catalysis was performed, followed by a second transesterification reaction with basic homogenous catalysis. Optimum ethylic ester production was obtained at a reaction temperature of 60 °C, an oil/ethanol molar proportion of 1:7 (42.5% v/v alcohol in relation to oil) and water at 40 °C as a cleaning agent. The result was a biofuel with physical and chemical characteristics according to astm standard D6751 parameters, with a yield of 96% wt of faee, and 3.6% wt of mg.
  • Production Plant Redistribution and Scheduling: an Integrated Approach
    The main concern of companies when carrying out a plant redistribution project is the interruption of manufacturing operations while departments are transferred. This article presents an optimization model for scheduling the transference of departments and production, in order to guarantee fulfillment of demand during a plant redistribution project execution. For this purpose, a mixed complete linear programming model (pem from its Spanish acronym) was applied that minimizes the cost of transferring departments, ensures demand fulfillment and limits the duration of the project to an established maximum. The results show that, when average plant machinery use is greater than 60%, the redistribution project and production scheduling are interdependent, thus the need for an integrated approach such as the one proposed in this article. This is derived from the research project “Optimization of Plant Redistribution Processes in Flexible Manufacturing” (“Optimización de procesos de redistribución de planta en manufactura flexible”) carried out at the Universidad Icesi in 2013-2014.
  • Desarrollo alternativo de sistemas de contención con llantas de desecho

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Rodríguez González, Óscar Egidio

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-12-01

    Este trabajo describe una técnica para la estabilización de taludes por medio de llantas de desecho, contribuyendo así con el medio ambiente. La técnica es una buena solución para disminuir los grandes depósitos de llantas que hay en Colombia y en el mundo, pues estos acumulamientos de llantas constituyen una problemática de salud pública, son caldo de cultivo para los mosquitos y otros vectores que propagan enfermedades. También se presenta una serie de ejemplos aplicativos que se han desarrollado en diferentes zonas del departamento de Antioquia y los procesos de estos a través del tiempo; se hace énfasis en que esta solución es muy práctica y económica debido a que los taludes son fáciles de construir y el 90% del personal que interviene es no calificado. A su vez, esta alternativa comparada con otros sistemas constructivos de contención es menos costosa y cumple con los estándares de seguridad que tienen los muros en concreto reforzado, de tierra armada con geotextil, de geomallas y de gaviones.
  • Theoretical Review of Evaluation of the Potential for Collapse of las dunitas (the Dunites) of Medellín
    This article refers to the first stage of research framed by a bibliographic and theoretical review of all criteria, methods and tests that have been used to determine the degree of collapsibility of soils. A second stage will consist of the application of a series of laboratory tests to obtain the relevant conclusions in order to identify the degree of soil collapse. This research is being carried out in the city of Medellín, mainly in the eastern zone where la dunita (the dunite) is located. The idea arose from a series of events in this sector over the years that have affected some of the main roads, such as the Medellín-Bogotá highway, which connects Medellín to the capital of Colombia, and the Las Palmas highway connecting Medellín to José María Córdoba international airport.
  • Influential Variables in the Choice between Roads and Railways for General Foreign Trade Cargo
    Although cargo transport by road involves many difficulties in Colombia, there is no existing study showing the variables that influence the choice of a cargo transport modality, to determine whether or not a railway would truly be useful in a particular region. In this study, a qualitative investigation is performed using focus group techniques among important companies of a region, illustrating the methodology with the case of Antioquia; in this manner, the variables that influence the choice of transport modality by companies that export and import merchandise are determined. These variables will be important for future works when estimating demand.
  • Consistency in Design: Prediction of the Operative Speed on Roads
    Consistency is a concept that is used, among others, to assess road safety, in both the design and operational phases; for example, identifying changes in the operative speed with respect to speed of design along the length of a road. This article presents the concept of consistency in road design and its different approaches, showing the model principles that have been applied and are currently applied according to the speed profile. This is based on the operative speed observed when people drive their vehicles under free-flowing conditions along a road. In order to simplify operative speed prediction models, but without losing sight of the quality of the results, the authors propose to unify various existing models with similar characteristics, obtaining as a result high correlation coefficients that support their validity. They also recommend developing future models applied to Colombian conditions with one lane or bidirectional roadways as well as four-lane ones. 
  • Estimate of the Cost of the First Thinning Methodology for Algarrobo Blanco (Prosopis Alba): Applied in the Case of a Plantation in Herrera, Santiago Del Estero, Argentina
    The first forest thinning operation at a five-year-old algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba) commercial plantation in Herrera (Department of Avellaneda) in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina was analyzed using a time and movement study to determine operational productivity and costs associated with the shoring process using a chainsaw. Effective and operative times were measured and the volume was calculated with respect to bark, efficiency, productivity and the direct cost of thinning. The sample of 226 trees had a cut volume of 1.19 m3. The average operative time was 77 s/tree and the median effective time was 49 s/tree. A strong correlation was found between the effective working time with the tool and the variables for greater diameter and volume of the trees. The operational efficiency was 63.3%. Productivity per hour when felling trees was 0.25 m3/h (47 trees/h). The daily cost of the operation was 781 $/day, and the unit thinning cost was 527 $/m3 (1 US$ = 8.12 $ in May of 2014).
  • Short Historical Summary of Roads in Colombia

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Osorio Baquero, Ismael; Osorio Baquero, Ismael

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-12-01

    Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples developed a variable degree of capacity to undertake and execute road works. Their most important abilities involved building diverse types of bridges and boats. Paths that run in a straight line, no matter the incline, stem from the need to arrive at a certain place as soon as possible; because they were physicallyfit walkers, inclines were no obstacle. In the past, there were paths. The pre-Columbians traveled over them to trade and “barter” more than in an attempt to impose a shared language. Because they had developed their civilizations in the mountain ranges, their artistry in building trails and bridges, reaching distant markets by climbing mountains and crossing rivers led them to create bridges using vines, to build stone pathways and stairs as perfect as those of the Taironas, and to cross provinces with diverse languages such as the royal pathways used by the Inca chasquis (messengers) when traveling between farms at the speed of mules, which also happened among the Aztecs.
  • Methodology for a local road safety plan : – non-motorized modes (plsv-mnm): case of Medellín
    According to accident figures recorded between 2006 and 2012 in the city of Medellín, more than half of those killed in traffic accidents are bicyclists and pedestrians. That is why local authorities have the duty to develop and implement a road safety plan, coherent with the National Road Safety plan (Plan Nacional de Seguridad Vial, pnsv 2001-2016), established by the Government of Colombia through its Ministry of Transport, with the aim of reducing deaths from traffic incidents by 50%. A methodology is therefore proposed to diagnose, plan and evaluate necessary interventions to reduce the mortality of the most vulnerable actors on the roads.
  • Discrete Choice Models Applied to Air Transport

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Muñoz Hoyos, Claudia Helena; Muñoz Hoyos, Claudia Helena

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-12-01

    This article presents the results of a survey of expressed preferences in a discrete choice experiment, designed to obtain a utility function for airport terminals serving the metropolitan area of the Valle de Aburrá in air passenger transport. The study examined behavior in choosing between the José María Córdoba (jmc) and Enrique Olaya Herrera (eoh) airports for the same destinations. Each was represented in terms of ticket cost, cost of arrival to the airport terminal and travel time to the airport and multinomial logit models were obtained for each Medellín-Bogotá and Medellín-Cali destination evaluated.
  • Estimate and Prediction with Cubic Regression Model Applied to a Health Problem
    The article corresponds to a research project carried out at the School of Administration of the Universidad del Rosario, aimed at strengthening the use of inferential linear, nonlinear and multiple regression methods in decision-making processes by creating didactic materials aimed at students, teachers and researchers. This article shows the advantages of the third order polynomic regression model and its application in administration and science, through the development of a real case applied to health, in which the percentage of women who consume more than 20 cigarettes per day is estimated according to age. As part of the research project begun during the second half of 2012, diverse didactic guides have been published, including research documents such as: “An Approach using the Aleatorical Variable in Decision-Making Processes that Imply Conditions of Risk and Uncertainty” (“Una aproximación de la variable aleatoria a procesos de toma de decisión que implican condiciones de riesgo e incertidumbre”), “Application of Poisson Tails in ‘Decision-making Processes’ for Managing Medical Services” (“Aplicación de cola de Poisson en la gestión de servicios médicos”) and statistical inference guides for linear and nonlinear regression methods.
  • Instructional Strategy to Train Professors from the Civil Engineering Program in the Use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTS) at the Villavicencio Campus of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
    The article summarizes the results of research carried out in 2012, entitled “Instructional Strategy to Train Professors from the Civil Engineering Program in the Use of Information and Communications Technologies (ict) as part of the Civil Engineering Program at the Villavicencio Campus of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia” (“Estrategia instruccional para la formación de docentes en el uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (tic) adscritos al programa de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Villavicencio”). The instructional strategy is a form of planning, organization and execution of situations, moments and contents aimed at strengthening and supporting the teaching–learning process. The research began with an initial diagnosis that showed that a large percentage (90%) of professors from the Civil Engineering Program at the Villavicencio campus of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia do not regularly use icts in their teaching methods; they also demonstrate minimal mastery of platforms, environments and virtual learning objects and synchronous and asynchronous communication tools. To solve this problem, the authors designed a strategy with virtual tools that are useful in the teaching-learning process for Civil Engineering. The article explains how the instructional strategy was designed for training Civil Engineering professors.
  • Use of Clarifying and Disinfecting Agents of Natural Origin for Comprehensive Water Treatment Characterized by Thermal Floors
    The article presents a methodology that will be used for the research project approved by the Research Development Committee (Comité para el Desarrollo de la Investigación, Conadi) in 2014, entitled “Potential Use of Clarifying And Disinfecting Agents of Natural Origin for Comprehensive Water Treatment Characterized by Thermal Floors” (“Uso potencial de agentes clarificantes y desinfectantes de origen natural para el tratamiento integral del agua caracterizado por pisos térmicos”), which is being carried out through the Civil Engineering program at the Ibagué campus of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. The experimental and comparative research will evaluate and characterize natural agents derived from seeds, leaves, bark or sap, roots and fruits according to their thermal floor (hot, temperate, cold), in terms of their usefulness for comprehensive water treatment. The aim is to provide a method to enable the population to manage, become familiar with and determine potential agents that can fulfill water clarification and disinfection conditions. Until now, 16 seeds have been characterized by thermal floors and according to their respective function as coagulants or disinfectants. The aim is to obtain a databank with the different types of natural agents studied that would show their efficacy and efficiency in water treatment, to subsequently create a natural compound that would combine two agents, a coagulant and a disinfectant, and which would provide a comprehensive solution for communities.  
  • Evaluation of Rainwater Quality for its Utilization and Domestic Use in the City of Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia
    The article presents the results of the research project “Evaluation of Rainwater Quality for its Utilization and Domestic Use in the City of Ibague” (“Evaluación de la calidad del agua lluvia para su aprovechamiento y uso doméstico en la ciudad de Ibagué”) carried out at the Ibague campus of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia in 2012. The research problem arose from interest in studying the potential for utilization of rainwater as an alternative source for domestic use based on determining its physical-chemical and microbiological conditions. The research involved eight sampling stations from which water was taken without any surface contact. The description included measuring turbidity, apparent color, ph, conductivity, temperature, nitrates, total alkalinity, chlorides, aluminum, total strength, total iron, and total sulfates and coliforms. The analysis showed that its physical-chemical composition is susceptible to purification given the lack of harmful levels of contamination. On the contrary, most of the parameters analyzed are within the required ranges for possible water purification, with the exception of ph and turbidity at certain sampling points. It would thus be possible to determine the potential utilization of rainwater after a conventional treatment process to remove certain contaminants that were detected, such as total coliforms, reduction of turbidity, and neutralization of the ph because its low values indicate slightly acidic water. 
  • Free Software at Companies in Montería
    According to the Chamber of Commerce registry, 98.2% of the 170 companies registered in Montería are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The authors selected a representative sample of 50 companies that account for 30% of those legally registered in Montería. These cases are MSMEs that sell informatics systems and software applications. 2 evaluative type surveys were designed for the study. The results show that 95.6% of the MSMEs use proprietary software without actually having the proper licenses; 90.4% do not use free software and 75% confuse free software with software that is free of charge. The authors explain how they examined the use and knowledge of free software at the MSMEs of Montería.
  • Water Quality Indexes: Evolution and Trends at the Global Level
    The research project “Variables of Greatest Impact on Water Quality Indexes” (“Variables de mayor impacto sobre los indicadores de calidad del agua”) has been underway is at the Bogotá campus of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia since January of 2014. Its preliminary result was a review of precedents to identify relevant aspects in the design and construction of a knowledge-based software prototype that would help to improve water resource management. The study of water quality indexes during the period of analysis (1980-2014) is of fundamental importance to evaluate the influence of biotic and abiotic variables on a phenomenon/environment/area as relevant as water quality. The authors analyzed experimental reports supplied by specialized publications and national and international governmental organizations. Analysis of the information showed that one of the most important methodologies to determine water quality is the use of ica indexes, a mathematical tool that facilitates the transformation of large amounts of data into a single measurement scale.
  • Institutional Hygiene, Health, Safety and the Environmental Conditions among a Student Population at Technical Educational Institutions in Pasto

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Bolaños Alomia, Fabio Andrés; Bolaños Alomia, Fabio Andrés

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-12-01

    This research presents the results from a diagnosis of institutional hygiene, health, safety and environmental conditions at the Luis Delfín Insuasty Rodríguez (inem) and Instituto Técnico Superior Industrial Municipal (itsim) educational institutions in 2012; risk factors associated with the above-mentioned conditions were identified, along with activities for prevention and promotion that must be undertaken to minimize possible impacts from the identified risks among the population at the educational institutions, taking into account currently-in-effect occupational health regulations in the country. The results were obtained after carrying out a survey, semi-structured interviews and risk factor assessments at each institution, pursuant to currently-in-effect Colombian standard gtc 45 for such risk factor assessments.