vol. 15 núm. 18 (2013)
Recent Items
- Hermeneutics: the German Contribution to Legal Interpretation
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Fayad Sandoval, Freddy Fernando; Fayad Sandoval, Freddy Fernando; Fayad Sandoval, Freddy Fernando
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
Ths essay seeks to recognize the contributions made by the German philosophers Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm Dilthey and Hans Georg Gadamer, in the fild of hermeneutics, which ceased to be exclusively a subject of theology, extending its practical uses, precisely because of these contributions, to the legal world, mainly in legal interpretation as the work of judges. - Feminicide: Reality or Myth in Colombian Public Policy
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Correa Corredor, Marien Yolanda; Mendoza Pérez, Noris; Rincón Guauque, Clara Milena; Arenas Rueda, Yenny Marcela; Aguilar Noriega, Erick Johann; Villamizar Mendoza, José Eliecer; Correa Corredor, Marien Yolanda; Mendoza Pérez, Noris; Rincón Guauque, Clara Milena; Arenas Rueda, Yenny Marcela; Aguilar Noriega, Erick Johann; Villamizar Mendoza, José Eliecer; Correa Corredor, Marien Yolanda; Mendoza Pérez, Noris; Rincón Guauque, Clara Milena; Arenas Rueda, Yenny Marcela; Aguilar Noriega, Erick Johann; Villamizar Mendoza, José Eliecer
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
This academic exercise is based on the state of the art on feminicide in six Latin American countries, including Colombia, over the past two decades to show the need to propose a defiition of feminicide, not as an aggravating aspect of homicide but as a separate offnse under Colombian law. It was written based on the theory of feminicide of Diana Marcela Russell and Lagard, in line with public policy to protect women victims and was the result of two completed research papers. Th conclusion is that a large part of public policy supports a decrease in violence against women and also serves to modify collective concepts. - Regarding a Trialist Theory of Conciliation
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Rincón, Ariel; Rincón, Ariel; Rincón, Ariel
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
The study of law is a complete picture of facts, norms and values. Conciliation is composed of sociological, rule-based and axiological elements. Th creation of norms for conciliation must fi into this dynamic, otherwise it frequently leads to distance between norms and social reality. Ths article is the result of research completed as part of the Masters Program in Thory and Practice of Legal Rulemaking, entitled “A Trialist Thory of Conciliation,” which was directed by Professor Miguel Angel Ciuro Caldani. - Blind Spots in Law
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Ceruti, Raúl Alberto; Ceruti, Raúl Alberto; Ceruti, Raúl Alberto
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
Semiotic study of the law makes it possible to incorporate the notion of Peircean interpretation into legal logic, thereby adding a temporary category. Looking at the legal areas (which are large enough to hold their own general principles, and therefore do not have gaps stemming from lack of foresight about new technologies or situations that could involve the presence of gaps while considering an isolated standard; and suffiently defied so as not to generalize or become a closed system by defiition, which could signify the absence of gaps considered as a total legal system), it is possible to consider the law not as an integrity but as an integration , carried out through the successive incorporation of the diffrent branches of law throughout history, with diffrent notions about the subjects and objects worthy of their attention.Successive incorporation, although not organic, can cause fisures in its assembly, thus generating blind spots. Ths analysis thus leads to the need to investigate the binding process or reason for the diverse areas of the law. - Technique of Creating Norms for Citizen Coexistence
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Rueda Suárez, Robinson; Rueda Suárez, Robinson; Rueda Suárez, Robinson
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
One of the main problems of coexistence standards is that they are outdated. Rules governing relations among citizens have lost their validity and the solutions sought are strictly on the level of policing that do not end up solving the problems. One reason is the improper use of legislative technique methods. Ths paper makes it possible to describe the trialist method for coexistence rules and stems from completed research called “Th Trialist Methodology for Developing Unconventional Standards for Coexistence Among the Citizenry”, which was approved in the framework of the Masters Program in the Thory and Practice of Creating Legal Norms at the University of Buenos Aires, directed by Dr. Miguel Angel Ciuro Caldani - Lowering the Age for Criminal Responsibility in Brazil: Media Influence in Building a Symbolic Concept of Criminal Responsibility
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Queiroz Pessoa, Carlos Eduardo; Queiroz Pessoa, Yldry Souza Ramos; Silva Ferraz, Adilson; Queiroz Pessoa, Carlos Eduardo; Queiroz Pessoa, Yldry Souza Ramos; Silva Ferraz, Adilson; Queiroz Pessoa, Carlos Eduardo; Queiroz Pessoa, Yldry Souza Ramos; Silva Ferraz, Adilson
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
This article aims to analyze changes in criminal policy aimed at decreasing juvenile crime. When violent crimes are committed by young people under the age of eighteen, the inflence of the media creates indignation, leading to a belief in punishment as the only alternative for curbing juvenile violence. A call thus arises to lower the age for criminal responsibility, currently set at eighteen, and subject young people to the penalties under common legislation. However, diffrential treatment for minors is a fundamental guarantee that embodies the principle of human dignity, expressed as the entrenchment clause, pursuant to Article 60, §4º, section iv. It is therefore subject to a Constitutional Amendment restricted to protection affrded to individuals during their psychological development process. - Reservation of Law as a Fundamental Principle of Tax Law
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Romero Flor, Luis María; Romero Flor, Luis María; Romero Flor, Luis María
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
This article is a reflction derived from the principle of reservation of law. Th aim is to verify that reserve law is a fundamental principle of tax law. Ths work is organized as follows: I. the Principle of Reserve Law as a Manifestation of the Principle of Legality in Constitutional Law. II. Th Various Functions of the Principle of Reserve Law in Tax Matters. III. Material Scope of Application: A. Benefis Covered by the Reserve Act: Patrimonial Benefis of a Public Character. B. Essential Tax Elements Included in the Law C Book. Th Book of Law Contained in the Tax Code. IV. Th Scope of the Book of Law: A. Its Value as a Reserve Relative. B. Formal Scope: Admissibility of Decree Law C. Territorial Scope of Application. V. Bibliography. - Promoting Gender Equality in Employment Through Resources Generated by Public and Private Entities in Spain
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Olmo Gascón, Ana Marta; Olmo Gascón, Ana Marta; Olmo Gascón, Ana Marta
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
The process of developing and managing equality plans in companies and government is extremely complex, and in recent years various public entities, the most representative trade unions and women’s attorneys’ organizations have written valuable documents, indicating the procedure and the most appropriate contents for guaranteeing the principle of equal treatment on the grounds of gender in employment. Ths work, which has gone somewhat unnoticed, is reviewed in the following pages, in which studies by trade unions are alsoanalyzed to review the measures contained in collective bargaining and equality plans in our country, highlighting those that can be considered as good practice in the workplace to equate women and men. - Carta de la decana
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Correa Corredor, Marien Yolanda; Correa Corredor, Marien Yolanda; Correa Corredor, Marien Yolanda
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
Dado que la tarea de investigar y de escribir es más compleja en los países latinoamericanos, el recaudo de los artículos de carácter científico que hizo la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bucaramanga, en la edición 18 de nuestra revista, da cuenta del esfuerzo y el empeño de los autores para permitirnos llevarles a los lectores una importante edición de esta publicación, que se ha distinguido en la comunidad académica por su calidad e impacto. - Tax Collection Effects in Electronic Commerce Taxation: A Quantitative Analysis for Spain
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: DIXI
Autores: Álamo Carrillo, Raquel; Lagos Rodríguez, Mª Gabriela; Álamo Carrillo, Raquel; Lagos Rodríguez, Mª Gabriela; Álamo Carrillo, Raquel; Lagos Rodríguez, Mª Gabriela
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2014-06-09
There is growing interest in electronic commerce taxation, because of its potential contribution to the public coffrs, as well as the need to encourage this kind of trade in a context of economic crisis. Our proposal is to use pls to estimate the relationship between the increase in commercial activity on the Internet and the revenue generated by taxes levied in Spain, during the period from 2005 to 2009. Th conclusions drawn from this analysis allow us to question the validity of traditional tax structures for electronic commerce.