vol. 31 núm. 102 (2010)
Recent Items
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
The author of this work pose the question: what are the possibility conditions for to live together in Colombia? So, it shows the philosophic condition of that problem: it is a point of intersection between two areas of investigation of the philosophy: ethics and politic; but, besides, this question is applied to a concrete case ―Colombia―, with the purposeof the philosophy contribute to study the social problems of our country.For to solve this question, the author begins with the hypothesis of conflicts between the human beings depend, of symbolic networks that circulate between the subjects; so, the work explains some symbolic networks that found the Colombian warlike conflict and the role of the memory in the construction of those networks. Then, is shows the importance of the construction of a symbolic network that will make possible the safe life together between the members of a society (a public sphere) and the hazardous circumstances that have interfered that that sphere make up as symbolic network.Key words: Ethics, politic, warlike conflict, memories of the politic violence. - LITERATURE AND NATIONAL SUBjECTIVITY: EL OSCURO OF DANIEL MOYANO AND MÁS LIVIANO QUE EL AIRE OF FEDERICO JEANMAIRE
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Grenoville, Carolina
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
In Una excursión a los indios ranqueles (1870), there is a passage in which Lucio Mansilla creates a mythical story in order to justify before the ranquel chief the right of the whites over the land. The interpretative mold Mansilla uses to define cultural identities will be revisited in the literary discourse. In this paper we will analyze two contemporary Argentine novels –El oscuro (1968) of Daniel Moyano and Más liviano que el aire (2009) of Federico Jeanmaire- which recreate the clashes of their respective contexts ofproduction in the light of the antinomies plotted during the 19th century and dismantle the mechanisms through which the elites built an image of the Argentine society as a white and European community.Key words: Narrative, Identity, Tradition, Colonialism, Violence. - LEADERSHIP AND TERRITORY DIVISION AFTER THE REVOLUTIONS OF 1810: “THE DESERT EXPEDITION” FROM jUAN MANUEL ROSAS (1933-1834) IN THE LIGTH OF THE CULTURE HISTORICO-GENETICAL THEORY
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Benninghoff Prados, Federico
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
Within the abundant literature on Caudillo rule in Latin America, the problem of the spatial logic of political and military mobilization during the first half of the 19th century has remained in the background. In the light of the historic-genetic theory of culture, this article examines the means of geographical orientation that were available to Juan Manuel de Rosas during his “expedición al desierto”. The analysis of the representation and cognition of space could provide new insights to account for the territorial fragmentation that followed the wars of independence.Keywords: audillo, cognition of space, historic-genetic theory, military expeditions to “the desert”. - THE GAUCHO AS SOCIAL SUBJECT. PAINTING Y LITERATURE CONTRIBUTIONS
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Senlle Seif, Sebastián
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
This study aims to revise some studies about the gaucho, where value judgments about pertinence or impertinence of using literary or pictorial fountains to help us to comprehend argentine history are emitted. Moreover, to investigate if they could be useful to study the subaltern pasts that have been displaced from the national tale. Besides de theoreticaldiscussion, two examples are presented through which we aim to justify the utility of using that fountains to enrich historical studies. Finally, a historiographic debate is initiated about the possibility or not of finding enunciating spaces or traces of the subaltern sector’s silenced voices.Key words: Gaucho, subaltern subjects, subaltern pasts, painting, literature. - THE REVOLUTION IN THE BICENTENARY´S LITERATURE: FROM THE HISTORY ABOUT “THE ORIGIN” TO “THE BLACK” IN CURRENT ARGENTINA
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Amati, Mirta
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
The “reference to the origin is a cultural invariant” (Candau, 2001). Nevertheless each country has particular ways to process its own history. This paper analyzes one modality to tell the origen of the Argentina, in the context of the Latin American Bicentenaries. That original moment - the May Revolution in 1810 - appears represented in literary productions that have been best sellers of history. Those not-fiction books and others offiction allow to think about the problem of the genre (revisionism, enssay, parodia historical) and their relation with “the nation” like a cultural mold. A way to imagine “us” and to allow some inclusions and exclusions in the level of the identity in the time of the origin and in the present of the Bicentenary.Key Words: National imagination, memory/history. - IDENTITIES AND SOCIAL ORDER TRANSFORMATION: PRESENT USES OF ALFRED SCHUTZ´S THOUGHT
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: López, Daniela Griselda
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
The paper aims to recover the analytical potential of the phenomenological perspective of Alfred Schutz to analyze issues related to “the political”, identities and the transformation of social order. To do so, first, we will develop some lines proposed by Ernesto Laclau (1985, 1990) and Jacques Rancière (1996) around these notions. We are particularly interestedin thinking about the moment in which the field of “the political” arises in relation to social order and the role that identities have in this appearance. Secondly, we will try to establish a dialogue between these perspectives and Schutzian phenomenology in order to shed light on those notions which are implicit in the author’s work.Key Words: Alfred Schutz - Social Order - Identity - FALS BORDAS’S RAIZAL SOCIALISM
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Jaramillo Salgado, Diego
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
The essay explores the basic principles and the theoretical assumptions of the rooted socialism proposed by the Colombian sociologist Orlando Fals Borda. This socialism is shown as a deep-rooted proposal on the Participative Action Research (PAR), setting emphasize in its origin on the revolutionary historical experiences of the native and diverse popular areas of Latin-America. Likewise, its popular, humanist, democratic and epistemiccontents are highlighted. The essay also explores its encounters and its differences to the thoughts of Karl Marx.Key words: Socialism, rooted, culture, popular, epistemology, revolutions. - “LA CHAKANA LIKE POSIBILTY ELEMENT OF THE INTEGRATION ON LATINAMERICA”
Institución: Universidad Santo Tomás
Revista: Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana
Autores: Morón Tone, Edward Freddy
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2010-01-01
In this paper it is assumed the identity of Latin America from an Andean category, namely Chakana (cosmic bridge) as catalyst of the subconscious integration. The study is made inside of the intercultural philosophy background, specifically taken from the philosopher Josef Estermann, who has shown a deep interest about the issue of the intercultural dialoguebetween the Andean region and the west (Estermann 2008). Questions like: Does the concept and reality of Chakana answer to the demands of the Latin-American integration project? What must be conceived? Can the identity of Chakana favor to the Latin-American integration project? These are the main worries of the actual labor. The author finishes pointing some elements of action-reflection around the integrationist-identitary demands.Keywords: Chakana (bridge), identity, integration.