vol. 12 núm. 22 (2016)
Recent Items
- Epidemiological Profile of static Occlusion and Oral Habits in a Group of schoolchildren in Medellin, Colombia
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: Meneses Gómez, Edwin J.; Vivares Builes, Annie M.; Rodríguez, Myriam Janeth; Meneses Gómez, Edwin J.; Vivares Builes, Annie M.; Rodríguez, Myriam Janeth; Meneses Gómez, Edwin J.; Vivares Builes, Annie M.; Rodríguez, Myriam Janeth
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: certain occlusal characteristics may be associated to disorders at temporomandibular joint level, esthetical alterations and functions of the stomatognathic system. They may appear at any stage of dental development and are related to several factors that include heredity, environmental issues and habits. Objective: describe the epi-demiological profile of static dental occlusion and oral habits in a group of schoolchildren in Medellin. Materials and method: descriptive transversal study in a convenience sample of 420 school students; the evaluated at a vertical plane were the vertical overbite, the edge to edge bite and the anterior open bite; at transversal plane were posterior cross-bite and scissor bite; and at sagittal level: anterior cross-bite, horizontal overbite and permanent molar and canine habits according to the Angle classification. Habits like nail biting, thumb sucking and cheilophagia were also evaluated. Results: the average was 8,7 years (± 1,8); 50,2% (211) were women; 26,4% (111) and 24,5% (103) presented canine class I relation right and left, respectively; and 63,6% (267) relation molar class I right and 61,2% (257) left. No significant statistical differences were found in the segmented analysis by gender for variables. The posterior cross-bite may be related in a significant way to the habit of thumb sucking (p = 0,010). Conclusion: dynamic occlusion studies are difficult to analyze comparatively given the variability in methodology, the control of confusing variables and the age of the patients. - Malocclusion Frequency in Odontopediatric Clinics of the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia, and the Universidad Autónoma de san Luis Potosí, Mexico
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: Espinal Botero, Gabriel; Muñoz B., Ana; Flores M., Lizet; Ponce P., Margarita; Nava C., Jaime; González Q., Jaime; Espinal Botero, Gabriel; Muñoz B., Ana; Flores M., Lizet; Ponce P., Margarita; Nava C., Jaime; González Q., Jaime; Espinal Botero, Gabriel; Muñoz B., Ana; Flores M., Lizet; Ponce P., Margarita; Nava C., Jaime; González Q., Jaime
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: malocclusions are a series of disorders in which the anatomic phy-siologic controls of the stomatognathic system are in disharmony with the dental segments. Epidemiological studies show that malocclusion have high prevalence rates of over 60% in the studied populations. The malocclusion research in populations of 4 to 5 years old report prevalence of 70 to 80%, which evolve to 96,4% in teenagers. Dacosta and Onyeaso report that the prevalence of dental malocclusions worldwide ranges from 65 to 89%. Objective: compare the type of malocclusion that is most frequently presented in odontopediatric clinics of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi and the University of Antioquia. Methodology: an observational study was conducted of transversal and comparative type with a convenience sample; a higher frequency of class i type 1 was seen in group 1, with a percen-tage of 52,7%, while in group 2, the predominant malocclusions where class ii div. 1, with a percentage of 23,6% and class iii with 22,5%. Conclusion: the results in each population were different. The diagnosis of occlusal alterations is recommended to be performed in a timely manner to allow the implementation of assistance programs that include therapy and functional orthopedics of the jawbone for an early rehabilitation of the stomatognathic system. - Morphometric Craniocervical Relations of the Occlusal Plane and Validation of Occlusometry
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: Frugone Zambra, Raúl; Villalobos Ortega, Rodrigo; Jara, María Rocío; Frugone Zambra, Raúl; Villalobos Ortega, Rodrigo; Jara, María Rocío; Frugone Zambra, Raúl; Villalobos Ortega, Rodrigo; Jara, María Rocío
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: the dorsal projection of the occlusal plane and its inclination in relation to the skull base are essential to generate a simple cephalometric analysis for physical therapists. Methods: descriptive study on teleradiography of complete skull profile of 124 patients. The place of projection of the theoretical occlusal plane over the cervical co-lumn was determined, and the angulation was measured in regard to the line c1 of the Delaire’s Architectural and Structural Analysis (dasa). The results were analyzed according to gender and skeletal types defined in the same analysis. A simple analysis was proposed to determine the position of the occlusal plane regarding the cervical column and the base of the skull and facial height (occlusometry). The occlusometry was validated by contrasting it with the complete dasa. Results: from a total of 164 patients, 68 projected the occlusal plane over the inferior portion of the atlas and 36 over the atlas-axis articulation. In relation to the angle of occlusal plane with c1, the values obtained between 7 and 14 grades were an average of 9,8º and a trend of 10º. No difference was observed between skeletal types or gender. An analysis was proposed that was termed occlusometry. Conclusion: the occlusal plan tends to maintain a stable position in space, which allows a study of teleradiography, validated and useful to determine the position of the occlusal plane within the limits of the vertical occlusal dimension. - Morphological Characterization of the secondary Temporary Molar and Primary Permanent Molars of Three Ethnic Groups in the Choco Region (Colombia)
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: Zúñiga, Sugey; Moreno, Sandra; Moreno, Freddy; Zúñiga, Sugey; Moreno, Sandra; Moreno, Freddy; Zúñiga, Sugey; Moreno, Sandra; Moreno, Freddy
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: this article determines the frequency, variability, sexual dimorphism, corres-pondence and bilateral symmetry of nine coronal dental morphological traits (cdmt) in the secon-dary temporary molars and primary permanent molars of three ethnic groups in the Choco region. Materials and method: transversal quantitative descriptive study that characterizes the dental mor-phology of the primary temporary molars (55, 65, 75, 85) and primary permanent molars (16, 26, 36, 46) in 83 study models: 24 indigenous Emberá people (13 women and 11 men), 27 afro descendants (16 women and 11 men) and 32 Caucasoid mestizos (18 women and 14 men). A p < 0,05 was con-sidered statistically significant. Results: the superior molars presented moderate rates of the cusp of Carabelli represented in pits and fissure expressions, low frequency of metaconule and absence of reduction of the hypocone; and in the inferior molars, almost absolute expression of the p point of the protosthilide, mild frequency of deflective wrinkle, configuration of cusp patterns y5 and y6 and relative frequencies of cusp 6 and 7. The cmdt do not present sexual dimorphism (except the cusp 6 of Afro-descendants and Caucasian mestizo); they have low correspondence and count with bilateral symmetry. Conclusion: the three ethnic groups are clustered in the same conglomerate near popula-tions belonging to the Caucasoid Dental Complex (which gathers the Occidental Dental Complex, the Sub-Saharan Dental Complex and the African Saharan Dental Complex) associated with the ethno-historical influence of African slaves, be by progeny or by miscegenation - Oral Hygiene in san Francisco’s Population (Colombia) and Related Factors
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: Ospina, Dorian; Herrera, Yessid; Betancur, Juan; Agudelo, Héctor Bayron; Posada López, Adriana; Ospina, Dorian; Herrera, Yessid; Betancur, Juan; Agudelo, Héctor Bayron; Posada López, Adriana; Ospina, Dorian; Herrera, Yessid; Betancur, Juan; Agudelo, Héctor Bayron; Posada López, Adriana
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: this article describes oral hygiene of the population in the municipal capital of San Francisco, Antioquia (Colombia), according to their sociodemographic conditions. Methods: a transversal study was conducted of non-probabilistic samples in the municipality’s urban area with patients around the investigative ages recommended by the World Health Organization (5, 12, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 years). A collecting tool was designed to inquire the sociodemographic conditions, the health habits and the va-riables that allow an estimation of the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (sohi). An analytical and observational study was performed. Results and discussion: the higher proportion of survey respondents were women (65%), with a higher presence of population at the age of childhood. Most of them are in the subsidized system and live in lower stratums. Only a fifth of the respondents have a secondary or higher level of education. The use of too-thbrushes and toothpaste was generalized, as opposed to the rare use of dental floss and mouthwash. At most ages, it became evident a higher incidence of inadequate oral hygiene and a significant statistical association to the level of schooling. Conclusion: oral hygiene in urban areas is mainly related to the level of schooling, so initiatives to implement educa-tional strategies that promote oral healthcare at the municipality should be directed to give priority to people in the most vulnerable situations. - Relation between Periodontal Characteristics and Gummy smile in Children: A Case-Control study
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: Bernal, Lucía V.; Zapata, Óscar; Barbosa Liz, Diana María; Estrada, Flavio; Ángel, Laura; Bernal, Lucía V.; Zapata N., Óscar; Barbosa Liz, Diana María; Estrada, Flavio; Ángel, Laura; Bernal, Lucía V.; Zapata, Óscar; Barbosa Liz, Diana María; Estrada, Flavio; Ángel, Laura
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: the gummy smile (gs) is one of the most negatively valued aspects; its presence in the adult life is reason of constant consultation, but during childhood it usually is considered normal. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the perio-dontium traits in a group of children with different malocclusions with or without gum-my smile, and evaluate the influence of gingival characteristics along with gummy smile. Methods: in this analytical study of case and control, the sample size was probabilistic. 163 children with mixed silent dentition that meted the criteria of inclusion and exclusion were involved: 37 cases with gummy smile (gs) and 126 controls without gummy smile (ngs). The occlusal variables of smile and periodontal disease were assessed through a cli-nical exam and photograms. The evaluators were previously calibrated (kappa 0,87 and icc0,96). Results: the average age of patients in both groups was of 8,8 years with a standard deviation of 0,9 in cases and 0,8 in controls. The prevailing malocclusion was class I (63,8% of the samples). The periodontal characteristics were similar in both groups. The thick periodontal biotype had a tendency to behave as risk factor to gs (or 1,6) but the relation wasn’t statistically significant (ic = 95% 0,6 – 4,1). Conclusion: the periodontal factors do not have an effect on gummy smile in children, though their behavior at later stages must be closely observed - Correlation between Levels of salivary Alkaline Phosphatase and Depth of Periodontal Pocket
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: J. Acuña, Miguel; Celia, Armando; R Cuzziol , Fernando; Juárez, Rolando P; J. Acuña, Miguel; Celia, Armando; R Cuzziol , Fernando; Juárez, Rolando P; J. Acuña, Miguel; Celia, Armando; R Cuzziol , Fernando; Juárez, Rolando P
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: the host’s salivary enzymes have been proposed as diagnosis bio-markers at a periodontal stage. The concentration of salivary alkaline phosphate (sap) has been associated with gum disease (gd). Objective: the purpose of this article is to determine the possible relation between sap levels in saliva and probing depth. Material and methods: 90 patients, all systematically healthy and with periodontitis, were divided in two groups: g1, 45 patients with periodontal pockets of 4-5 mm in depth, and g2, 45 patients with 6 mm o more in depth. The levels of sap (ui/i) in the saliva were evaluated through a spec-trophotometer at 520 nm. Results: the average concentration of sap in saliva was higher in g1 when compared to g2 (p > 0,05). Person correlation test showed a significant relation between concentrations of sap in the saliva and depth of the catheterization (p > 0,05). Conclusion: the assessment of sap in saliva may become practical and reliable to the detec-tion of activity and severity of gd. - Supernumerary Jawbone Tooth: Clinical Case
Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Revista: Revista Nacional de Odontología
Autores: Rivas Gutiérrez, Jesús; Carlos Sánchez, María Dolores; Rivas Gutiérrez, Jesús; Carlos Sánchez, María Dolores; Rivas Gutiérrez, Jesús; Carlos Sánchez, María Dolores
Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2016-01-15
Introduction: supernumerary teeth are dental development anomalies, also known as hyperdontia or extra teeth. Their prevalence ranges between 0.3% and 3.8%. Their morphology may be normal or dismorphic and are associated to the etiology of occlusal alterations. It is important to make an early diagnostic through a radiographical study. Case presentation:this article presents a clinical case of a supernumerary tooth that caused rotation and crowding of the anterior bottom teeth, which was addressed properly by extracting the supernumerary tooth surgically and providing orthodontic treatment. Discussion: to avoid complications and sequels in patients with supernumerary teeth, it is important to perform an early diagnostic with a proper radiographical evaluation.