vol. 14 núm. 25 (2018)


Recent Items

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  • Special Issue on Emerging Approaches to Information Technology and Management: Ingeniería Soldaria, Journal of Engineering and Education, Vol 14, No. 25

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Kumar Solanki, Vijender; Kumar Solanki, Vijender

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-05-01

    The twenty-first century is witnessing huge transformation with the help of management and technology innovation. The journal Ingenería Solidaria, subtitled as Journal of Engineering and Education provided us with the opportunity to summon quality research manuscripts on the domain of engineering and management and to compile a special issue.  We published the call for papers at icitkm-2017, the First International Conference on Information Technology And Knowledge Management, organized by Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi, India, held on December 22-23rd 2017. We received more than 35 manuscripts through the open call for papers as well as extended versions of manuscripts presented at icitkm-2017. After reviewing and screening, eight interesting articles were selected for this special, volume no 14, number 25 of the Journal. We are sure the issue will provide up-to-date discussions and support for readers and researchers in their domains. 
  • Fusion of Medical Images in Wavelet Domain: A Discrete Mathematical Model

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Prakash Yadav, Satya; Yadav, Sachin; Prakash Yadav, Satya; Yadav, Sachin

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-05-01

    Introduction: Image compression is a great instance for operations in the medical domain that leads to better understanding and implementations of treatment, especially in radiology. Discrete wavelet transform (dwt) is used for better and faster implementation of this kind of image fusion. Methodology: To access the great feature of mathematical implementations in the medical domain we use wavelet transform with dwt for image fusion and extraction of features through images. Results: The predicted or expected outcome must help better understanding of any kind of image resolutions and try to compress or fuse the images to decrease the size but not the pixel quality of the image. Conclusions: Implementation of the dwt mathematical approach will help researchers or practitioners in the medical domain to attain better implementation of the image fusion and data transmission, which leads to better treatment procedures and also decreases the data transfer rate as the size will be decreased and data loss will also be manageable. Originality: The idea of using images may decrease the size of the image, which may be useful for reducing bandwidth while transmitting the images. But the thing here is to maintain the same quality while transmitting data and also while compressing the images. Limitations: As this is a new implementation, if we have committed any mistakes in image compression of medical-related information, this may lead to treatment faults for the patient. Image quality must not be reduced with this implementation.
  • Competitive Analysis of Retail Websites through Search Engine Marketing
    Introduction: The present research was carried out at Kalindi College, University of Delhi in 2017. Internet technology has transformed the world into a global village. Due to improved internet/ mobile connectivity and substantial increase in data use, any new or existing products can reach the customer easily through digital marketing. Currently, retail marketing websites attract more than half of internet users. It is not only important to create a content rich product catalogue for the retail website, but also to ensure that the website is at the top of the Search Engine Result Pages (serps) of the Google Search Engine. Methods: The various technical aspects of Search Engine Marketing (sem) of the retail website can be improved substantially by carrying out a comprehensive competitive analysis of existing retail websites. Results: The authors compared and analyzed the apparel category in three competitive retail websites using free Search Engine Optimization (seo) tools. Conclusions: The seo tool can be utilized for increasing website visibility and subsequently, sales revenue. This paper focuses on the link between sem strategy and seo technique for organic and paid search. It also discusses impacts of positive and negative ranking of websites and how such ranking can be improved adopting seo-friendly practices.  
  • Is Virtualization at Present a Cloud Science?
    Introduction: The present research was conducted in 2017 at Raiganj University, India. Cloud Computing and virtualization are significant concepts in today’s computing and information technology world. Cloud Computing is helpful for creating eco-friendly atmospheres, in other words, complete and healthy sustainability. Academic programs in the field of virtualization and Cloud Computing are still rare. This study seeks to learn more about such affairs. Methods: Cloud Computing is actually a kind of virtualization which ultimately helps create virtual platforms, thus it is useful to learn about various educational programs in the field, the methods of general search engine have been used with proper keywords and titles. Result: Cloud Computing and its wider uses resulted in academic programs, centers and departments in many countries around the world. Cloud Computing forms a tool and mechanism of virtualization for complete scientific domain nowadays. Virtualization has become a field and an available study program in international universities and also in Indian academics. Conclusions: This paper highlights several aspects of Cloud Computing from the beginning to growing nature as a field of study with academic and techno-managerial points of view. Originality: In major indexing agencies, studies on Cloud Computing are rarely available in Indian context. Limitation: The study concerned a specific area in India and used search methods conducted from July to September 2017. After that period, work has not been included and analyzed in the study.
  • Static Worst-Case Execution Time Optimization using DPSO for ASIP Architecture

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Venkanna, Mood; Rao, Rameshwar

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-05-01

    Introduction: The application of specific instructions significantly improves energy, performance, and code size of configurable processors. The design of these instructions is performed by the conversion of patterns related to application-specific operations into effective complex instructions. This research was presented at the icitkm Conference, University of Delhi, India in 2017. Methods: Static analysis was a prominent research method during late the 1980’s. However, end-to-end measurements consist of a standard approach in industrial settings. Both static analysis tools perform at a high-level in order to determine the program structure, which works on source code, or is executable in a disassembled binary. It is possible to work at a low-level if the real hardware timing information for the executable task has the desired features. Results: We experimented, tested and evaluated using a H.264 encoder application that uses nine cis, covering most of the computation intensive kernels. Multimedia applications are frequently subject to hard real time constraints in the field of computer vision. The H.264 encoder consists of complicated control flow with more number of decisions and nested loops. The parameters evaluated were different numbers of A partitions (300 slices on a Xilinx Virtex 7each), reconfiguration bandwidths, as well as relations of cpu frequency and fabric frequency fCPU/ffabric. ffabric remains constant at 100MHz, and we selected a multiplicity of its values for fCPU that resemble realistic units. Note that while we anticipate the wcet in seconds (wcetcycles/ f CPU) to be lower (better) with higher fCPU, the wcet cycles increase (at a constant ffabric) because hardware cis perform less computations on the reconfigurable fabric within one cpu cycle.    
  • 2-Dimensional Multi-Release Software Reliability Modelling considering Fault Reduction Factor under imperfect debugging
    Introduction: The present research was conducted at the University of Delhi, India in 2017. Methods: We develop a software reliability growth model to assess the reliability of software products released in multiple versions under limited availability of resources and time. The Fault Reduction Factor (frf) is considered to be constant in imperfect debugging environments while the rate of fault removal is given by Delayed S-Shaped model. Results: The proposed model has been validated on a real life four-release dataset by carrying out goodness of fit analysis. Laplace trend analysis was also conducted to judge the trend exhibited by data with respect to change in the system’s reliability. Conclusions: A number of comparison criteria have been calculated to evaluate the performance of the proposed model relative to only time-based multi-release Software Reliability Growth Model (srgm). Originality: In general, the number of faults removed is not the same as the number of failures experienced in given time intervals, so the inclusion of frf in the model makes it better and more realistic. A paradigm shift has been observed in software development from single release to multi release platform. Limitations: The proposed model can be used by software developers to take decisions regarding the release time for different versions, by either minimizing the development cost or maximizing the reliability and determining the warranty policies.
  • Determining Weighted, Utility-Based Time Variant Association Rules Using Frequent Pattern Tree

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Gupta , Pankaj; Bhushan Sagar, Bharat; Gupta , Pankaj; Bhushan Sagar, Bharat

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-05-01

    Introduction: The present research was conducted at Birla Institute of Technology, off Campus in Noida, India, in 2017. Methods: To assess the efficiency of the proposed approach for information mining a method and an algorithm were proposed for mining time-variant weighted, utility-based association rules using fp-tree. Results: A method is suggested to find association rules on time-oriented frequency-weighted, utility-based data, employing a hierarchy for pulling-out item-sets and establish their association. Conclusions: The dimensions adopted while developing the approach compressed a large time-variant dataset to a smaller data structure at the same time fp-tree was kept away from the repetitive dataset, which finally gave us a noteworthy advantage in articulations of time and memory use. Originality: In the current period, high utility recurrent-pattern pulling-out is one of the mainly noteworthy study areas in time-variant information mining due to its capability to account for the frequency rate of item-sets and assorted utility rates of every item-set. This research contributes to maintain it at a corresponding level, which ensures to avoid generating a big amount of candidate-sets, which ensures further development of less execution time and search spaces. Limitations: The research results demonstrated that the projected approach was efficient on tested datasets with pre-defined weight and utility calculations.
  • An Intelligent Approach Based Embedded System Design For Telemedicine Application

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Narayan Mohanty, Mihir; Narayan Mohanty, Mihir

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-05-01

    Introduction: The present research was conducted at Sikha ‘O’ Anusandan (deemed to be University) in 2017. Telemedicine application in the field of medicine creates a new age. Accordingly, it requires technology to be compatible. Easy access and fast processing are the major focuses in different applications. In this paper, an approach has been considered to diagnose heart diseases. Methods: The model is designed using fuzzy logic in which the rule-based principle is applied to satisfy the objective. The model is developed keeping a view over the multi-agent system. The diagnosis of the patient is performed using Fuzzy Inference System (fis). Results: The pathological test results will help to form the rules of the model and can work for the diagnosis in a convenient way. Furthermore, the results of detection are communicated through Internet and sms for monitoring and post care purpose of supporting IoT application. Conclusion: The simulated result shows its performance can be helpful to physicians as well as patients from remote places. Originality: The model is proposed for disease detection and monitoring patients on remote locations. Also, distributed agents are proposed to act on a common platform using Internet for the benefit of society. This will save time for physicians and travelling costs for the patient. Limitations: The research results can be practically implemented in new medical equipment for hospitals with earlier equipment.
  • A Multi-attribute Online Advertising Budget Allocation Under Uncertain Preferences

    Institución: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

    Revista: Ingeniería Solidaria

    Autores: Gupta Aggarwal, Anu; Aakash; Gupta Aggarwal, Anu; Aakash

    Fecha de publicación en la Revista: 2018-05-01

    Introduction: The present research was conducted at the University of Delhi in 2017. Method: Websites were ranked on the basis of feedback from unbiased experts. Later, we proposed an integrated approach by combining ordered weighted averaging (owa) operator with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fahp) for budget allocation. Results: A numerical example related to a company, which deals with consumer goods and wants to advertise on few e-commerce websites is discussed at the end of the paper. Budget distribution is decided by solving multi-objective maximum-dispersion-minimum-variance (mdmv) owa and fahp method. Conclusions: The proposed methodology aids managerial decisions made by handling multiple attributes simultaneously through industry experts’ opinion, and using a simple proportional rule for allocating budget. Originality:  The conventional methods based on reach maximization, exposure or profit cannot meet the budget allocation needs of the modern advertising planning. Firstly, they do not take into consideration multiple attributes of media. Secondly, they do not incorporate the expert opinion and their preferences. To address these problems, we propose a multi-attribute method based on the advertising budget allocation method to divide the budget into individual websites. The attributes under consideration are: system quality, content quality, usage, trust, customer support, online customer feedback, and personalization. Limitations: In this study, we used a mdmv-owa operator in fuzzy environment but in future occasions, it may be extended to intuitionistic fuzzy domain.